Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1941: Saving Han Laoliu

"Lao Liu!" I yelled and rushed over.

Han Laoliu fell into a pool of blood.

He used up his last bit of consciousness and tried his best to fall down face-on, fearing that he would hurt Miss Caiyun.

As he fell, the blood and trees on the ground disappeared at the same time. The entire ground was empty, leaving only clouds of rising black smoke.

"Lao Liu, Lao Liu!" I rushed over, pulled him up, and held Miss Caiyun in my arms.

Han Laoliu's eyes, mouth, and nostrils were full of blood, gurgling!

I checked his breathing, but there was no rise or fall. I felt the artery, but there was no beating.

"Lao Liu, aren't you immortal? Don't scare me. Get up quickly, open your eyes and look at me." I couldn't hold back the tears anymore, and they fell straight down, hitting their faces.

"Wine, yes! Wine!" I frantically touched the backpack around him. There was no wine, not even a bottle left.

After he carried me across the iron chain bridge, he drank all the wine. Before the power of the Five Sources could be restored, he just used the killer weapon Burial Tianlin.

"Lao Liu... nothing can happen to you! Wake up quickly, even if you open your eyes." I almost lost my mind, and even forgot about the danger I was in, I shook Han Lao Liu with a cry. .

All the famous people from all directions worked hard to take care of my safety.

I really don't want to see them die in front of me again!

The last time the situation happened was in the Devil's Valley. In order to help Chu Yi and I buy time to escape, Master Feng stopped the tide of corpses alone.

Then the first grade of junior high school also narrowly escaped death. He carried me through the mirror maze on his back. I held him like this in the blood pool and shook him like this. I really didn’t want to...

"By the way, blood, my blood."

Didn't Senior Gray Pigeon say that my Heavenly Spirit Holy Body and my blood can save lives?

My blood can save Chu Yi, and naturally it can also save Han Laoliu.

Thinking of this, I cut my arm without hesitation and dripped blood into Han Laoliu's mouth.

"Lao Liu, drink quickly! Drink more, my blood can save lives! Wake up, wake up quickly." I cried loudly and screamed at the same time.

Han Laoliu still didn't respond, his tightly closed lips remained motionless, and the blood in the corners of his mouth and eyes froze, as if it had dried up.

"Lao Liu!" I screamed as loudly as I could.

Suddenly, I felt as if a finger moved slightly.

"Ah? Lao Liu, you..." I thought it was Han Lao Liu who woke up, and I was suddenly pleasantly surprised. But Han Laoliu remained motionless, no different from just now.

Am I hallucinating?

wrong! The finger is still moving.

I wiped away my tears and took a closer look, only to find that the gently wagging finger did not belong to Han Laoliu, but to Miss Caiyun.

"Caiyun?" I shouted in disbelief.

Miss Caiyun's eyelids moved and she slowly opened her eyes.

The pair of pupils turned upward, and then it was as if the eyelids were covered with glue. They tried hard to open them, but had to close them. They went back and forth several times, struggling painfully.

This is……


I took out the cinnabar and tapped it on her forehead.

The cinnabar disappeared immediately, but she seemed to have gained a little more strength. She suddenly opened her eyes and looked at me steadily.

I tried to poke my nose, and there was some breathing, but it was very weak.

This is indeed soul-stealing!

Although Miss Caiyun has been in a coma, she still retains a trace of soul in her body and her consciousness is very clear.

Perhaps they were aware of Han Laoliu's situation and were filled with anxiety. These souls awakened with unusual tenacity!

But the other half was still controlled by Ito Shohei, so he couldn't wake up.

She is fighting hard now, trying hard to escape from the old guy's shackles. I know what to do!

I took out a Talisman Gathering Spell, stained with my blood, and placed it between her eyebrows, and placed the Three Talents Zhuangbo Formation on the left and right in front of me.

"Gather!" I held up two fingers and shouted loudly.

Miss Caiyun blinked at me, then closed it again.

The wings of his nose were flaring faster and faster, and his face gradually turned rosy.

She is using the power of the Soul Gathering Curse and the Soul Formation to continuously strengthen her spiritual consciousness!

Bang bang bang! Suddenly, all the charms on the ground shattered into fly ash.


Miss Caiyun took a deep breath and opened her eyes again. This time her eyes were different from before, shining and heroic.

Uh-huh! She jerked upright and stood up directly.

"Caiyun? You, you finally woke up?"

Miss Caiyun nodded at me and pulled the backpack from my shoulder.

The force was surprisingly strong, and the strap was broken instantly.

He poured out everything in one fell swoop, cut off the mouth of the military kettle with a slap of his hand, and then quickly crushed all the food and food we brought into pieces and threw them in. There was still half a bottle of water left. in the iron kettle.

Only then did I realize that the bottom of the pot had been burned red and bubbles were bubbling on the surface of the water.

She constantly adjusted the temperature very skillfully, and from time to time she grabbed candy cubes and threw them in.

Soon, a strange smell came out of the kettle.

This is……

Want to make wine?

Maybe it is!

Han Laoliu has been relying on wine to fight the magic vines to maintain his life. He has just shed red blood and his source has been exhausted.

Miss Caiyun naturally knew what Han Laoliu needed most at this time.

This is the first time I’ve heard that wine can be brewed in such a short period of time! And it's up to her alone to use these field rations...

No matter what, Han Laoliu is finally saved!

I watched her brewing wine so skillfully, and I couldn't help but feel happy.

Caiyun woke up and she was making wine for Han Laoliu.

No wonder Han Laoliu likes Miss Caiyun. There will be endless wine to drink from now on!

While I was stunned, Miss Caiyun had already taken out the contents of the kettle.

It was a black ball the size of an egg yolk. The ball exuded a very refreshing smell. I can guarantee that it was definitely not wine.

I thought Miss Caiyun was going to feed Han Lao Liu, but I was about to help her pry open Lao Liu's mouth.

But I saw Miss Caiyun pierce Han Laoliu's heart with a palm and put the black ball in. This move shocked me!

Isn't the way of saving people too unique?

Of course, if Han Laoliu were an ordinary person - he would never be able to save him like this.

The moment the black ball was forced into his heart, Han Laoliu's lips moved and his Adam's apple rolled subconsciously.

He felt the taste of the wine and subconsciously made swallowing movements. Han Laoliu came to life!

It was only then that a strong aroma of wine wafted out from Han Laoliu's open belly.

oh! It turns out that Caiyun is not making wine, but helping him prepare the materials. Han Laoliu can make wine by himself.


Just when I was secretly happy for Han Laoliu, Caiyun raised her hand and slapped me in the face.

This hit was very hard!

Her speed was extremely fast, not inferior to that of Xiao Bailong, and I didn't have any precautions at all. She slapped me far away in one go, and my face was burning with pain.

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