Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1942: Lady of Fire

"Who asked you to save me? Your life doesn't just belong to you, you know it or not." Miss Caiyun shouted sternly.

"Me." I got up, covered my face with one hand, and said a little aggrievedly: "I heard that you were..."

"Even if I die here, I don't need you to save me. This is my mission! If you take your life for saving me, how should I go to see your grandfather and Master Feng? My life is my life. Are their lives just paper? Others can sacrifice themselves to protect you, but I want to harm you and put myself at risk."

"Wait until I see a few of them, especially Junior One." Caiyun scolded angrily: "Didn't I agree that Junior One, as your ultimate caregiver, will ensure your safety no matter what happens! No matter who is missing from the famous movement in all directions, or the whole army is wiped out, it doesn't matter, but nothing will happen to you Zhang Jiulin! Why can't you even distinguish the importance of this?"

As she spoke, she angrily punched the stone wall again.


Red light burst out and gravel flew.

Miss Caiyun's temper is really hot and scary!

Before I could wake up, she knelt down again, stretched out her palm and wiped Han Laoliu's broken chest.

The smell of barbecued meat immediately wafted out.

Is this a simple surgical sewing operation...

Miss Caiyun picked up Han Laoliu on her back, turned to me and said, "What are you doing standing still? Hurry up and leave!"

"Let's go? Where to go." I stared at the stone mural in front of me, feeling a little confused.

"This place is not the hiding place of Emperor Jimmu at all, nor is it the location of the Formation Eye. It is just one of the many secret rooms in the tomb of the god! Moreover, you are on the wrong path! The real artifact is on another side road." Miss Caiyun While striding forward with Han Laoliu on his back, he continued: "There are many secret rooms like this in tombs."

"As early as two months ago, people from the Amaterasu Society took me deeper. Just because there are many similar mechanisms and crossroads, they still haven't found what they really want."

"However, since no one has walked through this passage, the artifact must still be there. It's just that you are going in the wrong direction. I can sense the real artifact through the stone gate. It should be at Xiaobailong's place!" Miss Caiyun explained. road.

"I heard from the old guardians in the Amaterasu Association that this stone wall mechanism is called the Nine-Return Soul Wall. There are nine mechanisms in total. Every time you touch it, it will be activated."

"Ah?" When I heard this, I was shocked again.

Nine mechanisms?

Han Laoliu and I just had three encounters and almost lost our lives! If all nine paths are open...

I don’t know if Miss Caiyun guessed what I was thinking, and continued: "Each secret room has two forks of Yin and Yang. The layout is exactly the same, and all the restrictions are also connected in the same parallel. In other words, you have opened three doors here. There are only six traps left over there. Judging from the difficulty of cracking it just now, the first few traps should have been opened by Xiao Bailong."

"I don't know why, but this unlucky child actually learned well and stopped, leaving the next few difficult tasks to you. Hurry up... ah!" Suddenly, Miss Caiyun exclaimed and looked to the side. passed.

I quickly squeezed the invisible needle and pointed it in that direction.

But there was a black stone wall, nothing suspicious about it.

"I sensed that Xiao Bailong was seriously injured just now. Let's go!" After saying that, Miss Caiyun suddenly accelerated her steps and rushed forward as fast as flying.

I hurriedly chased after him and said, "Um...Caiyun, let me carry Lao Liu!"

"No need, little bastard! He carried me all the way, and it's my fault."

"Uh..." I was choked by her and was speechless.

It seems that except for the first year of junior high school, the temperaments of the other famous people in Bafang are a bit outrageous. For example, this girl Caiyun looks gentle and charming, but as soon as we met, she slapped me in the face. He gave me a lecture without thinking. Just in terms of his temper, he is by no means inferior to any of them!

Although from the appearance point of view, Caiyun is just a girl in her twenties, but I know that she is the senior who protects me like Chu Yi and Han Laoliu, but for various reasons, she doesn’t want me to call her that. . But this little brat kicked me back to my original state.

What Xiao Bailong said is right. If I were to count from my grandfather, I still have to call her grandma.

"And Xiao Bailong, that bastard! If he hadn't been so angry that he ran away from Jiang Yunyan, and I rushed to persuade him, I wouldn't have fallen into the Amaterasu Society's trap. No matter what happened, the blame would have to be blamed on him. , wait until I see this bastard." Miss Caiyun said angrily as she ran.

Only then did I understand that the word "bastard" was her catchphrase, and she was not bullying me because I was younger.

Miss Caiyun's soul was extracted and she was in a coma for so long, but she didn't seem to be affected at all. As soon as she woke up, she was so full of life, walking like flying with a big living person on her back! I swung my legs and tried my best to suck the milk, and then I could barely catch up.

When Han Laoliu and I just passed by, the surroundings were densely packed with dead vine intestinal worms, but now they are clean and not even a trace can be seen.

After running a hundred or ten meters back along the cave, everything returned to normal.

It seems that they were all wiped out by Han Laoliu's Burial Sky Forest!

When they came to the store to look for me, Han Laoliu mentioned the words "Zangtianlin".

From this, I already knew that this must be his trump card, but I didn't expect it to be so powerful!

Moreover, this was performed when the power of the five sources had not been restored and the body was extremely weak. I really don’t know how terrifying the Burial Sky Forest must be with its full power?

Soon, we ran back to the fork in the road and chased in the other direction.

After not running far, I saw a mess in the cave from a distance!

The entire cave looked like a landslide. The stone walls on both sides, the cave roof and the ground were blasted out with rough holes and deep pits the size of dining tables. The ground was filled with scattered rubble.

The intestinal worms in the plant state were chopped into finger-length pieces and scattered on the ground. The surface was covered with a layer of white frost, and all the large and small holes on the stone wall had traces of ice and snow.

This looks like Xiao Bailong’s handiwork!

One truth this guy has always believed in is: "As long as you can solve the problem with your hands, you will never talk nonsense!"

It seems that when he just passed by here, Xiao Bailong wiped them all out.

This lack of hands also has the advantage of being weak!

"Little Bailong, you little bastard, please hold on tight." Miss Caiyun muttered to herself, moving forward quickly.

The scenes on the two forked roads are almost identical, and even the stick figure murals on the stone walls on both sides are exactly the same, praising and spreading the legend of Amaterasu's rescue of the Japanese people.

Miss Caiyun and I ran all the way, and after a while, we saw the end of the passage from a distance.

A large deep pit with a radius of several meters was blasted out on the messy ground. When I ran to the edge of the pit, I saw a figure lying underneath.

He has white hair and his body is wrapped in a thick coat. Who is he if he is not Little White Dragon?

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