Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1944: Meat buns, marshmallows, chili sauce

"As soon as it entered the underground river, it was buzzing and trembling in my arms, ready to come out. I heard the head of the Tianjian Sect said that this invisible sword box is the most sensitive to magical objects like magic weapons, and it can't be separated from a good person. I can sense it from a distance, so I immediately decided that there must be something good hidden nearby!" Xiao Bailong said.

"Aren't the people of the Amaterasu Society trying so hard to open the tomb of the gods just to find the Amaterasu artifact? No matter what considerations I had, I could never let them keep it, so I chased them all the way."

"Not far from jumping off the waterfall, I found a water barrier. The design of the restriction was very strange. If I didn't have the source of water, I wouldn't have been able to detect it. I'm afraid you can't find it. After leaving the guidance code, you are still there. The word "artifact" is engraved on the forbidden formation. You also followed this after seeing this, right?"

He even had the nerve to say that he wrote "divine weapon" as "divine cry".

I'm afraid that the divine weapon has knowledge, and I will really cry with anger!

"After entering the water barrier, the sword box beat even more fiercely, and then I chased it all the way here. When I broke the first few traps, the sword box was still restless. But when I touched the last trap , the sword box suddenly became quiet."

With that said, Xiao Bailong pointed to the stone wall and said: "I am sure now that the ancient tomb artifact is hidden here, and it is also a sword or something like that!"

"It's a sword!" Miss Caiyun withdrew her hand from Han Laoliu's forehead and said with certainty: "I can sense that the artifact hidden inside is a sword, and it is also soaked in the blood of the Amaterasu clan. force."

Xiao Bailong turned back to look at her and suddenly realized: "Yes! Isn't this your ancestral tomb? Have you heard the elders mention..."

"I don't know." Miss Caiyun shook her head: "Although our family is Amaterasu orthodox, it was deeply persecuted. We fled Japan early and became Chinese. We don't know anything about the organization here. .”

"Grandpa never mentioned anything about this place to me."

"Furthermore, this mechanism is very strange. It is different from other ones. It seems to specifically prohibit the Amaterasu bloodline from approaching. As long as I stare at the stone door, a nameless feeling of fear will rise in my heart! My heart and soul are shaking. trembling."

"There's nothing I can do!" Miss Caiyun sighed.

Xiao Bailong rubbed his hair with some disappointment and looked up at the stone wall in front of him: "After all the hard work, we finally found it, but it was just blocked by a door? What's more, the nine locks on this door have been opened. After eight and a half steps, this..." Xiao Bailong was very unwilling.

"Then what kind of mechanism is this? How about I try it?" I asked curiously.

"No!" Miss Caiyun and Xiao Bailong said in unison.

Miss Caiyun raised her eyebrows and cursed hurriedly: "Little bastard, don't do this! The artifact is precious, but you are more important. They brought you here without any regard for importance. If you do it randomly, What really happened to you..."

"You don't have to worry about me so much." I stood up and said solemnly: "Even if I shoulder an extremely important mission, I still need to grow up step by step, right? Over the years, I have been under your care With your protection, I have avoided too many risks! While I am grateful, I feel extremely guilty and hate my own incompetence."

"Senior Shu, Master Feng... they died for me one after another, but all this time, I can only hide behind like a child, watching you sacrifice for me. This time I can finally make a little contribution, I’m really happy from the bottom of my heart!”

"I'm not afraid of any danger, let alone death. The only thing I'm afraid of is failing to live up to your expectations and failing to complete the mission! Let everyone's sacrifices be in vain," I said.

"But Jiulin you..." Miss Caiyun wanted to say something else.

I waved my hand to interrupt: "I know that you are all worried about my safety and are afraid that something unexpected will happen to me. But I just keep hiding, hiding, and needing your protection. Are you really happy? This Is this what you want?"

"The only way for me to complete my mission and avenge my predecessors is to continue to grow. You have been hiding in the dark, and you didn't even tell me about the events in Bafang. I still heard it from the mouths of my enemies. Don’t you just hope that I will gradually grow through training and eventually be able to complete that arduous mission?”

"I am extremely grateful for your protection, but at the same time I feel extremely distressed! Just like this difficult situation in front of me, Lao Liu tried his best to use his last strength. Little White Dragon was injured like this, but I was still not allowed to touch it. It won’t work even if I try. Do you know how I feel in my heart?”

"I don't know what you expect, and I don't know what kind of mission you want me to complete, but can the protection of Bafang Mingdong only mean sacrifice? I can only watch you die miserably one by one in front of me. Are you indifferent in front of me?"

"Jiulin..." Miss Caiyun paused: "I can understand your mood very well, and even feel the same! As the only descendant of the Amaterasu clan, I am also deeply protected by the elders of the clan, and I watched them leave one by one. Go, that taste..."

Miss Caiyun bit her lip: "But now is not the time for you to risk your life. Besides, it is just a magical weapon. No matter how rare it is, it is incomparable to the danger to your life. You still..."

"Let...let him go." At this moment, a hoarse and weak voice came from next to him.

The three of us turned around and saw that it was Han Laoliu!

He raised his hand slightly, pointed at the stone gate and said, "Let Jiulin go."

"Laoliu!" Miss Caiyun burst into tears and rushed towards Han Laoliu.

Han Laoliu actually woke up!

I was very happy and just about to go over, but I was stopped by Xiao Bailong: "What kind of fun are you joining in on?"

When I thought about it, I looked at it from a distance with mixed feelings of sadness and joy.

Miss Caiyun threw herself into Han Laoliu's arms and burst into tears. She was completely different from the savage woman just now.

"Yeah, it's turned into marshmallow again!" Xiao Bailong glanced at Miss Caiyun and whispered to me, "Caiyun is very emotional and has a variety of mood changes. In addition to the normal state, there are three forms, one is called Roubaozi, One is called marshmallow, and the other is called chili sauce.”

"Our childhood was spent together in Tianshan. She was two years older than me, but I always bullied her. I always stole the stuffing from her meat buns. When she was angry or uncomfortable, she would become like that just now. Now that you are in good shape, imitate the tone of Mr. Leng, and act like a little brat in every breath."

"The second one is when I'm eating marshmallows, I can't help but cry with joy. Did you see it? That's what it looks like now!"

"There is also a form of chili sauce. If you see it...ahem." Just as he was talking, he saw Miss Caiyun looking over here, so he quickly stopped, pretended to be fine and scratched the back of his head and asked: "Old How is Six?"

Miss Caiyun wiped away her tears and walked towards us and said: "Lao Liu is fine now, but he is too weak. Now there is no wine to supplement him. Before the power of the five sources returns to his body, he can't even move..." As he said, Her tears flowed again.

Immediately, perhaps because she felt that the excessive affection between children was a little inappropriate, two blushes appeared on her face, she lowered her head slightly, and subconsciously rubbed the corners of her clothes.

Little Bailong made a show of his face at me, and seemed to be saying secretly: "Look, this is Caiyun in the marshmallow state."

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