Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1945 Dream Nine Life Tower (Big Chapter)

"Laoliu..." At the mention of the word Han Laoliu, Miss Caiyun lowered her head and her tone was very unnatural.

"Lao Liu said that Jiulin can try it. Only Jiulin can open this mechanism."

Upon hearing this, Xiao Bailong and I were both surprised.

Han Laoliu and I just broke into another branch and didn't come into contact with the ninth mechanism at all. Until now, I don't know what this mechanism is, but why is Han Laoliu so sure that only I can crack it?

Xiao Bailong was stunned for a moment and said: "This guy Lao Liu can see a lot of bad things in the blink of an eye, and he lies all day long. But as long as he is sure of something, it is basically correct, especially if it involves your life and death, there is no complete guarantee He will never say that if you are sure of it! In that case, then go ahead and give it a try."

Just as Xiao Bailong finished speaking, he suddenly found Miss Caiyun staring at him, as if she was dissatisfied with the two bad words she just said about Lao Liu!

"Uh..." Xiao Bailong paused and continued to say to me: "Although Lao Liu is a bit ugly, he can play with whips as long as he wants and as thick as he wants. It has always been very popular with women.”

"Shut up!" Miss Caiyun said angrily: "You little bastard! If you dare to say one more thing, see if I don't tear you apart."

The blush on her face had not gone away, and a bright red light appeared all over her body, her long hair floated up, and her hands turned blood red and hot.

"I don't dare anymore, I don't dare anymore..." Xiao Bailong pretended to be frightened and waved his hands repeatedly, winking at me secretly, as if to say: "Look, I was right, right? This mood changes so quickly!" This is the form of chili sauce.”

Miss Caiyun stamped her foot angrily, creating a big crater with a loud bang, and cracks running around in all directions.

Then he glared at Xiao Bailong fiercely, turned around and walked towards Han Laoliu.

"This state is very scary. It was only half effective just now." Xiao Bailong whispered: "Back then, I hid the chili sauce in her rice bowl and accidentally triggered it. Then... I was on the bed. I had to lie down for more than three months before I recovered. It was the worst beating I had ever received in my life! It was worse than the people at Longquan Villa."

Little White Dragon bared his teeth, as if he still had fresh memories of that fat beating.

However, this guy doesn’t seem to have much memory...

After a while, Xiao Bailong's body seemed to have recovered a lot. He dusted himself off and stood up. He pointed at the stone wall opposite and introduced me: "Did you see it? The last mechanism is the sun at the top."

"I tried it just now. It's very strange. You could say it's an illusion, but his attacks on you are all real. If it weren't for my special physique, I would have been smashed to pieces. But if you say A physical attack, it can pierce your nerves and soul, as if it takes you into another scene."

"I just felt like I had been thrown into a steel-making furnace. Not only was it extremely hot, but there were also a group of magma men coming at me with flaming swords."

"I think this mechanism may vary from person to person, and I don't know what kind of scenes you will encounter. But after all, I have been through it once, and I have some experience to tell you: Don't take this illusion as an illusion, and don't think it is fake. That’s not true! It’s a bit mysterious and convoluted, but it might be of some help to you.”

I nodded and remembered it firmly, and slowly walked towards the stone wall.

The entire stone gate was dark, with only the sun at the top emitting light.

The light wasn't very dazzling, but at a glance, it was unsettling.


Bang bang bang...

After taking a few more steps forward, a dense beating sound suddenly sounded in his heart.

Just like when I was regarded as a tribute to the Ten Thousand Life Sacrifice on the first day of the new year and buried under the army of centipedes, it seems that there are hundreds of millions of hearts hidden in my heart at the same time, constantly jumping and jubilating, and they will rush out of my chest anytime and anywhere. Come!

How is this going?

The heartbeat was getting louder and denser, sometimes becoming one with my own heart. Every time it beat, it seemed like the whole world was trembling. Sometimes it is divided into countless ones, and each heart is an independent individual. I can listen to the heartbeats of hundreds of millions of people at the same time!

In a daze, I couldn't tell. Am I just me, or... the master of this world?

I tried hard to control my random thoughts and move on.

The sun on the stone wall still emitted soft and bright white light, and the scene in front of me gradually blurred, as if the stone door had disappeared, the cave had disappeared, and all that appeared in front of me was a soft and bright white light.

"This is an illusion! An illusion!" I told myself as hard as I could and took another step forward.

Bang, bang bang bang...

The heartbeat suddenly became faster.

Just like the gongs and drums before the war, they are constantly stirring and jumping.

I felt light under my feet, and slowly I flew up, flying faster and faster, floating higher and higher. I rushed out of the waterway cave, out of the underground maze, and flew out of the ancient tomb on the barren mountain. I floated far up in the air and looked down. covering the whole of Japan and even the earth.

I continued to fly, and the deep space was completely black, with no top and no bottom, no distinction between east and west.

Suddenly, I felt like someone was calling something in the haze.

There was no sound in that call, but I heard it very clearly!

The sound was extremely messy, but it also had great attraction, forcing me, or rather luring me, to drift slowly in that direction.

Closer, closer, a faint light appeared in the vast darkness.

That's a tower!

The nine-story pagoda is colored black, white, red, orange, yellow, green, green, basket and purple.

It's exactly the same as...Jiusheng Tower.


If it’s not like it, it’s the Jiu Sheng Pagoda!

But at this time, the tower had expanded countless times. Wei Weiran stood in the empty space. As he gradually approached the tower, he suddenly discovered that the tower was built on a mountain.

Bone Mountain!

The entire mountain is about several kilometers long and is made up of pale white skeletons of different sizes.

A stream rushed down from the Jiu Sheng Pagoda. It was blood red, like blood.

Every head was surging, trying to get close to the blood and take a sip!

In the dark, billions of hearts gathered in my heart were beating wildly, and countless voices were shouting something in my ears.

They encouraged me and urged me to walk straight to the tower!

I couldn't help myself, but I seemed to be willing to do so. Even though I still had a glimmer of clear consciousness, I was particularly fascinated by the nine-story pagoda.

I want to climb that mountain and climb that tower! That seems to be my final destination.

I slowly floated towards the tower.

All the heads on the Bone Mountain opened their mouths and shouted loudly, jumping around in unison. The billions of hearts in the chest were also jumping and cheering with excitement.

I continue to move forward, closer, closer again!

The heads rushed to my feet one by one, automatically forming a long staircase, going up to the front of the tower.

I stepped on the long bone-white steps and walked up step by step.

Every time you step on it, the head comes to life——

Flesh and flesh grew, hair grew, and then skin transformed into a smile!

Then, the skeleton also gained a heartbeat and life, and was reincarnated from death in the blink of an eye.

The mountains of bones are thousands of miles long, and skulls and bones are stacked and spread out under my feet.

As I moved forward step by step, more and more skulls were reincarnated, and the entire mountain of bones gradually became smaller and shorter.

Step after step, after a long time, which seemed like billions of years, the Nine Life Pagoda was finally in sight.

Rays of light burst out in all directions, making them colorful.

Closer, closer!

The bottom layer of the Nine-Color Pagoda is black, and there are two slightly ajar doors in front of the tower.

The door is densely engraved with countless simple and complex patterns, which shine brightly under the illumination of thousands of rays of light.

I stepped forward and pushed open the door.

Wow! A dazzling white light rushed toward him.

The light was so bright that it was impossible to open one's eyes!

"Ah! It's open." This is the cry of Xiao Bailong.

I opened it and saw that there was no skeletal smiling face and no illusory pagoda.

I was still standing in front of the stone wall of the underground palace, and the stone wall was rising upwards with a rattling sound!

Looking back, I saw Xiao Bailong standing not far behind me, and Caiyun girl holding Han Laoliu in her arms, looking at me intently.

Surprise and disbelief were written on their faces!

The little white dragon's mouth was so big. He was stunned for a long time, and then he woke up and turned to me and asked: "You, how did you do that?"

"I don't know either." I said with some confusion: "I saw a mountain of bones and a tower, and I opened a door casually. Then a light flashed and that was it."

"Ah? You weren't attacked?" Xiao Bailong was still in disbelief and looked at me up and down several times.

" just feels like a long time has passed. It seems like billions of years."

"Billions of farts!" Xiao Bailong shouted loudly: "You didn't move a step, you didn't do anything, you didn't even touch the stone wall. You just stretched out your hand, and the stone wall opened automatically like a sensor door. ”

"I almost died on this mechanism! I swallowed a crystal ball and barely managed to save my life, but you opened it so easily? This... this is too evil!" Xiao Bailong I feel it is very unfair.

"After all, you are not Zhang Jiulin." Miss Caiyun continued: "This is exactly why we want to protect him!"

"Oh, that's right, that's right." Xiao Bailong slapped his forehead and said as if he suddenly realized: "How could I forget this, but you..." Halfway through, he swallowed it back and pointed to the door: " Look!”

The door of the stone wall has been raised halfway. Although the whole scene cannot be seen clearly, it can be seen that this stone room is extremely spacious, and a very dazzling light shines through the room.

The ground and walls are all white and shiny!

It's silver! The entire interior is inlaid with silver.

Japan does not produce gold, but it is rich in silver.

Moreover, in the middle of this silver stone chamber, there are piles of gems as high as a hill.

The rays of light dazzle the eyes!

According to legend, there are countless treasures hidden in the tomb of Amaterasu, but along the way we have seen nothing but solid stone walls and bones of corpses, not to mention treasures, not even anything remotely valuable.

No one would have imagined that they are all buried here.


A soft roar erupted from Xiao Bailong's body, and the clothes on his chest suddenly bulged into a long strip, leading him to run forward several steps.

"The artifact is here! The invisible sword box has been sensed." Xiao Bailong shouted, and gently comforted the sword box.

Although the sword box stopped being castrated, it still kept buzzing.

Bang! The stone walls all retracted into the cave roof, and the entire door was completely opened.

The room is full of rare treasures, dazzling with brilliance! The entire passage was illuminated like daylight.

"Let's go!" Xiao Bailong shouted excitedly and was about to fly in.

"Wait a minute!" Miss Caiyun suddenly shouted: "Just let Jiulin go in by himself, you can't go in."

"Why?" Xiao Bailong was a little unhappy.

"Because there are special restrictions on this door, I can't get close at all. The sixth child is also injured like this and can't move at all."

"Hey, let me tell you, are you being unreasonable?" Xiao Bailong said angrily: "If you two can't get in, then don't go in. Why don't you let me in?"

"Look what that is!" Miss Caiyun pointed towards the corner.

I followed the direction she pointed and saw that it was a mummy.

The body had dried, but the clothes and skin were still intact. Perhaps because the stone wall had just been opened and a lot of air had penetrated, the colorful patterns on his clothes quickly disappeared.

"Isn't it just a mummy? So what." Xiao Bailong disagreed very much.

Miss Caiyun explained: "The treasures are all stored in this secret room. There is no sign of being touched at all, but this mummy appears in it. What does it mean? He was locked up here and suffocated to death or starved to death." of."

"Although this stone door is open now, who knows if it will be closed again after you go in? I can't get close, and I can't move! What if you two are locked in?"

"Are you afraid that if something happens, you leave me outside to open the door?" Xiao Bailong asked.

"Yes! Since Jiulin can open the Shimen mechanism, the restrictions inside should not bring him any harm. You might be able to enter it."

"Then..." Xiao Bailong was stunned for a moment and said, "Then if the stone door falls again, I may not be able to open it, right?"

"The stone gate is so thick and hangs so high. Even if it falls quickly, it will take some time. Only you have the speed to run over and block it for a few seconds! This is enough for Jiulin to escape." Miss Caiyun is very serious. analyzed.

"Okay then." Xiao Bailong looked around and said speechlessly. Then he took out the invisible sword box from his arms, bit off his index finger and smeared it on it, then handed it to me and said, "Take it with you." Go in, this guy is very sensitive to artifacts, bring out all the good things, and never leave any for the little devil!"

I glanced at Xiao Bailong with some sympathy, took the sword box and walked in.

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