Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1946 Death Code

The stone room was dazzling with light. The surrounding walls, ceiling, and floor were all inlaid with silver pieces, and a small mountain of gemstones and jade pieces were stacked in the center.

I took a cursory glance and found that almost all the items were top-notch genuine products. If I took out just a few items, they would be enough to exchange for a luxury sports car!

But as far as the moment is concerned, it is of no use at all.

If you can't find the formation in the tomb and are trapped here, no matter how much treasure you have, it will be useless!

I glanced at the pile of jade, then turned around, ready to check the skeleton and mummy. After all, someone died here, and I had to find out what happened first, so as not to follow in their footsteps.

But at this time, the sword box held tightly in my hand stopped drying! He tried his best to drag me into the jade pile.

I pulled hard several times but couldn't get it back!

I am not greedy for money, but it is!

Buzz buzz...

The sword box was singing excitedly, and if I hadn't held it tightly, it would have flown out long ago.

I don’t know what the last mechanism I broke through just now was, but even the sword box was suppressed.

Once the mechanism is broken, the sword box can't wait for it.

"Jiulin! Listen to the sword box, it's only right to find the artifact first." Xiao Bailong stood far outside the door and shouted anxiously.

It’s really no matter who brings the treasure!

Xiao Bailong ran all the way here regardless of safety for a sacred weapon, and the same is true for this sword box.

I had no choice but to obey the wishes of the sword box and Xiao Bailong and continue walking towards the jade pile.

The sword box was not interested in these rare jade stones and just kept digging in.

I relaxed a little and let it explore the way ahead, and kept digging behind it - if Li Mazi were here, he would have taken off his clothes and pants with dazzling eyes, and put on a big outfit. Specially decorated.

"Jilin, did you find anything?" Xiao Bailong saw me digging deeper and deeper into the jade. The sound of the jade colliding with each other made him even more anxious, and he stretched his neck and asked.

"Not yet, but the purpose of the sword box is very clear, and it seems to have determined its final location!"

The sword box was like a police dog approaching its prey, desperately reaching down. I followed closely behind and kept moving the jade stones on both sides.

The sound of jade colliding with each other was endless, and many thin jade pieces were broken into pieces.

In the blink of an eye, I dug a big deep hole in the jade pile, but the sword box kept drilling downwards.

Uh-huh! Suddenly, the entire jade pile exploded.

The jade stones were scattered and splashed all over the sky!

A cold light rushed out!

I was about to dodge, but the sword box in my hand suddenly became extremely powerful, and with a whoosh, I rushed towards the light!

I was dragged involuntarily and ran towards the light.


The sword box and the light collided together, making an exciting explosion.

Immediately afterwards, the sword box rushed out of the jade pile and ran around randomly as if it was possessed.

I was carried by it, sometimes hitting the wall, sometimes rushing into the sky.

I couldn't control it, and I didn't dare to let go, so I stretched out my feet and stepped on it everywhere to relieve the pressure.

This guy was as fast as lightning and ran as fast as a galloping horse for a while, and then his speed gradually slowed down.

Only then did I see clearly that the sword box was originally invisible to the naked eye and was only about half a foot long, but now it had turned into a sparkling golden color and expanded to about three feet.

What’s even more surprising is that there is an extra sword hilt at the end of the sword box!

The hilt of the sword is also dark black, densely covered with simple and complicated patterns.

Is this the ancient tomb artifact?

Xiao Bailong's invisible sword box can not only trace the traces of the artifact, but can even capture it. It will automatically change according to the width and length of the instrument. No matter what artifact is installed, it will fit perfectly and look like the original.

I don't know if it was because the sword box was too excited to capture the artifact, or because the sword was struggling hard for a while, and then it calmed down.

"Okay, finally caught it!" Xiao Bailong clenched his fists and shouted.

It seemed that he was equally nervous and excited just now, secretly working on the sword box.

I held the hilt of the sword and twitched it twice, but it didn't twitch.

"What does this mean? Is it like the Lingyun Sword that my family's blood cannot be extracted?"

"You can't pull it out." Xiao Bailong explained: "This guy is the most greedy of artifacts. Once he bites it, he won't let go! To control the invisible sword box, you need the unique skills and secrets of Tianjian Sect to load the artifact. It will be even more so after that. If you don’t understand this secret, even the supreme god level will never be able to let it spit out the artifact from its mouth."

Why didn't you tell me earlier?

If Little White Dragon is not a famous mover in Bafang, I really have to suspect that this guy wants to use my power to steal the artifact!

"Come out!" Xiao Bailong shouted hurriedly: "Since there is no movement in the sword box, it means that there is only one thing here. It can see what it likes, and the other things are irrelevant."

This time I didn't listen to him and turned around and walked towards the withered bones.

The withered bones were sitting in the corner with their knees crossed and their hands slightly tied in dharma seals. They should have been extremely peaceful before death.

But why was he sealed in the treasure room?

Could it be that he is the treasure keeper appointed by Emperor Jimmu himself?

The deceased's jaw was covered with white beards, but not even a single wrinkle could be seen on his face.

There were no other objects in front of or behind him, and there were no characters or symbols engraved around the wall. There was just a three-foot-square open space with a stone wall exposed on the wall behind him, and there was no silver inlaid on it.

Other than that, nothing special.

I was about to turn around and leave, but suddenly I noticed that the handprints he formed seemed strange.

The left hand stretches out the thumb and index finger to make an eight, and the thumb of the right hand presses the index finger to make a three.


I smiled secretly, maybe I was overthinking it, and turned around and walked towards the door.

Xiao Bailong stared at the sword box in my hand with gleaming eyes and rubbed his hands together impatiently.

This guy's weapons are two crystal balls, and he doesn't use any swords at all, but why is he so concerned about artifacts?

As I was walking, I suddenly remembered something, took a quick look, and then turned back.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Xiao Bailong shouted in confusion when he saw me walking to the door.

"There is another mechanism here!" I simply replied to him, and walked quickly back to the corpse in the corner.

where is this place?

The Amaterasu Goddess was transformed into a tomb by Emperor Jimmu. This place where the treasure is hidden is the most important place!

Layers of restrictions and mechanisms were set up so carefully, but this old man was able to die alone! That was no accident.

Judging from his peaceful posture, he was not a sacrificial person, but someone who stayed in it voluntarily.

In front of the stone walls of these two forks, there were also some high-ranking warriors kneeling and committing seppuku. But the fact that this old man was the only one in the tomb showed how high his status was!

In this case, the two seals he made before dying must have deep meaning.

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