Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1947 Senior Jiuyoumen

However, I searched my mind and couldn't figure out the origin of these two seals.

Yes, this is in a Japanese ancient tomb!

People may be pinching the judgments of Japanese onmyoji, which is quite different from Chinese onmyoji, which is normal.

But that’s not right either?

I looked carefully again: Although the color of the pattern on the old man's clothes has been oxidized, I can still distinguish the general texture. It is clearly the unique decoration of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period in ancient China. The style of the clothing and the length of the skirt are also consistent with that. The timing is exactly right.

If this old man were moved to any ancient Chinese tomb, he wouldn't feel out of place at all.

Could it be that he is a Chinese?

I circled around him twice, and finally my eyes stopped on his handprints.

At first, I was just slightly curious about this handprint.

Just now, just as I was about to step out of the door, I suddenly discovered a problem.

The direction pointed by the old man's "eight" handprint, the place where the sword was hidden in the jade pile, and the sun at the top of the gate happened to be on a diagonal line!

In other words, this stone wall formation is most likely controlled by him, or to be more precise, it is controlled by his bones that have been dead for many years.

If this is the case, there will be a big problem!

Regardless of the old man's level of cultivation during his lifetime, his purpose alone is extremely suspicious!

This is the tomb of Emperor Jimmu. Not counting the crossbow and arrow traps, all the restrictive arrays will not have any impact on Miss Caiyun. It is very likely that Emperor Jimmu left a last wish that all forbidden formations would never harm his descendants.

But what about this stone wall formation? On the contrary, no matter whether it is cracked or not, at least Xiao Bailong, Han Laoliu and I can still get close to the stone wall, but Miss Caiyun cannot.

What does this mean, specifically to prevent the Amaterasu bloodline from approaching?

What is he guarding against?

In addition to some jade wealth, there is only such a magic sword in this secret room.

Could it be that... his purpose in setting up this formation was to prevent people of Amaterasu bloodline from getting this sword?

Why is this? Isn't he the guardian of the treasure appointed by Emperor Jimmu?

If his "eight" refers to the core of the formation that controls the stone wall mechanism, then what does the "three" mean?

No, this old man must have something to say, and he wants to leave some clues to future generations, but I haven’t figured it out yet!

I followed the direction of my finger and looked up.

The ceiling is also silvery and there is nothing strange about it.

I thought about it and sat down next to him. I put the divine sword on my lap and followed his gestures, making an "eight" shape with one hand and a "three" shape with the other hand.

"Hey, what's wrong, Jiulin? Come out." Xiao Bailong saw me tossing and turning around the deceased for a long time, and then sat cross-legged to meditate, and immediately shouted impatiently.

I seemed to have a clue at this moment, so how could I think of replying?

Seeing that I didn't even look at him, Xiao Bailong shouted even more urgently: "Come out quickly, what's there to study about a dead old man? We have to find the first grade of junior high school quickly."

"Hey, did you hear that? Come out quickly."

"This is not your ancestor. What's the point of looking so carefully?"

Xiao Bailong rubbed his hands anxiously and shouted repeatedly.

But I turned a deaf ear and still maintained the same posture as the old man.

I had a hunch that I was getting closer and closer to the answer, but I was still just a little short of it and couldn't penetrate it!

"Miss Caiyun! Do you think Jiulin is possessed by evil spirits?" Xiao Bailong shouted, "Wait a moment, I'll pull him out!" As he said this, he turned into a white light and flew towards him.

Click! There was a sharp sound.

The stone door that had retracted into the top of the wall suddenly fell down, many times faster than Xiao Bailong.

Cut the sky stone!

It is exactly the same as the mechanism that separated me from Jiang Dayu back in the Wusuli River, but it is countless times more powerful.

The rocks fell with a bang, and the entire stone room was completely isolated from the outside world, and no sound could be heard.

There are many luminous orbs mixed in the pile of jade, and the light in the room is still as bright as day.

But because the stone door was closed, there were some deviations in the refraction route of the light. The shadows of me and the old man were illuminated in all directions, but were immediately diluted by the silver light on the wall. Only the stone wall at the corner had the clearest image.

Um? I see.

Suddenly, I finally figured out the reason!

The problem is the shadow!

Originally, there was a small mountain of jade stacked in the room. Under the light of the jade mountain, the old man's shadow reflected the three-foot-square stone wall.

But after I entered the room, I was dragged by the sword box. Before I could take a closer look at the bones, the jade mountain had already been pulled down.

As the mountain collapses and changes position, the angle of transmission shifts, and the image of the old man changes!

This old man just wanted to use his shadow to leave some clues.

But once everyone sees this room full of jade, they all become greedy. As long as one piece is moved, this clue will be lost!

Now it is impossible to stack the jade mountain exactly as it is. I can only rely on guesswork to deduce the general shape.

Fortunately, there is nothing strange about the old man's sitting posture. The only strange thing is the handprint.

I used the light to constantly adjust the position of my hands, and the images reflected on the wall were constantly changing.

Yes, that's it!

Suddenly, a very familiar symbol appeared in front of him, like a sickle lying horizontally, with three tadpoles standing on it.

This is the Nine Secret Curse!

Jiuyou is the starting school of all evil ways in the world. If it can be named after Jiuyou and add a secret word, its mystery is obvious!

The strange thing about this secret spell is not that it is so amazingly powerful, nor that it is difficult to learn, but that it is the secret code of the Jiuyou sect, or it can be said that it is an extremely unique type of writing written by borrowing spells.

There is only one way to learn this secret spell, and that is to read the "Yin Fu Jing" yourself. There is no other way! This in itself is also a poisonous curse. Once someone tries to express their feelings through words, they will be immediately punished.

However, the "Yin Fu Sutra" is one of the Three Treasures of the Nine Netherworlds, and ordinary disciples will never have the opportunity to read it.

Therefore, even when the Jiuyou Sect was at its peak, very few people knew about this secret curse!

But it actually appeared here!

Could it be said that this old man is also from Jiuyou Sect?

Calculating based on time, the period when Emperor Jimmu lived was around the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period in China.

According to Jiang Dayu, the Jiuyou sect was established at that time. After the death of the first generation Youzi, internal strife broke out among the disciples. After the second generation Youzi was killed, they were divided into three factions. It has gradually declined since then.

But this old man had seen the "Yin Fu Jing" at that time, which is enough to show that his status in the Jiuyou Sect is definitely not low!

But how could he escape to Japan and then appear in Emperor Jimmu's tomb?

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