Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1949 Ghost Boat

The old man held "eight" in one hand and "three" in the other. He still sat there, motionless, staring at me with his dark eyes, as if he had something to say.

Of course, he had been dead for thousands of years, and his body and soul were completely dispersed, making it impossible for him to move at all.

But I very much hope that he still has a trace of faith left and can open that door for me!

Seeing me being locked up in the stone room, I didn't know how anxious Xiao Bailong and Miss Caiyun were.

Little white dragon! Girl Caiyun! "I shouted against the crack of the door.

But the stone gate seemed to be a gate of life and death, isolating us from a distance, and no sound could be heard.

I walked to the door and checked it carefully several times, but I couldn't find any clues.

He took out the magic talisman and threw it at the stone door one after another, but all he saw was light flashing and golden light dancing wildly. Other than that, there was no change at all!

In desperation, I called out the names of Xiao Bailong and Miss Caiyun, while waving the magic sword in my hand and hitting them dozens of times. But when it landed on the stone door, it didn't even make a small hole.

No matter how hard I tried or yelled, there was no sound at all outside the door, and I expected the same thing from them.

what should I do?

A group of us entered the tomb and underground palace, but now our troops are divided into several places. I really don’t know how the first grade of junior high school is doing now!

Xiao Bailong and Miss Caiyun were thinking of ways to save me.

Quack, quack quack...

When I was helpless, there was a sound of a spring rotating above my head. When I looked up, I saw a square hole more than one meter wide in the middle of the ceiling.

Looking through the light of the jade, we can see that there is a sloping upward step inside the hole.

The steps are very long, but because of the angle, the pearl light cannot illuminate very far, and it is impossible to see where they lead.

I don’t know if Jue still had some thoughts and opened the exit for me, or if I accidentally touched some mechanism. Far above the ceiling, such a small hole appeared inexplicably.

Isn't this a sealed treasure room? Why is there an extra path?

I was hesitating whether to get out from here and find another way to meet Xiao Bailong and the others, or wait here for us and the others to come in, or search for clues again, when I suddenly heard a rushing sound from above the hole. .

The sound got louder and faster, and then there was a bang, and a torrent rushed across.

I hurriedly stepped aside and saw a waterfall rushing out of the hole and falling to the ground.

The jade hill that had long been out of shape after being smashed by me suddenly collapsed!

In an instant, the water covered my ankles and was still rising.

"Little White Dragon! Little White Dragon..."

I screamed loudly and knocked on the stone door wildly.

Shimen remained motionless, and the shouts were drowned in the rushing water.

Just like this, the water under my feet has reached up to my knees. More than half of the jade stones are submerged under the water layer, but the sunlight is still shining through, emitting a little light!

"Little White Dragon, Little White Dragon, can you hear me?" I yelled crazily while tapping continuously.

"No! We can't wait any longer! Let's go out first." After knocking for a while, I saw the water level gradually rising, and it was about to reach my chest. I quickly stepped on the wall one after another, and jumped up with the help of the buoyancy of the water. He grabbed the edge of the hole with both hands and climbed in.

The hole was full of water, which had already flooded the steps. It rolled in like a bursting embankment. I didn't have time to think about it, so I took a long breath and jumped in.

The steps inside are long and thin, leading directly to the top. From a distance, there is a black light with no end.

Although my diving skills are far inferior to Jiang Dayu, I am still much better than ordinary people. I can swim more than two hundred meters with just one breath.

Judging from the pressure alone, it shouldn't be that far from the water, but I changed several Qi-Borrowing Talismans and still didn't reach the end.

At this moment, a black shadow appeared far ahead, vaguely like a person.

I swam as hard as I could in that direction, and when I got closer, I realized that it was indeed a person, but he was already dead.

His head was cut off in half, but not a drop of blood flowed out. He was wearing a jet black double-breasted samurai uniform, and half of his wooden clogs were on his feet, and he was sinking all the way down.

I didn't have time to take a closer look, so I passed by the dead body and continued upward.

After a while, seven or eight more bodies sank one after another.

All the corpses were wearing exactly the same clothes, and some were holding a sword with cold light in their hands. Everyone died in different ways, some had their heads cut off, and some had their hearts pierced. , the only thing the same is that there is no blood on the wounds.

Judging from the condition of their skin, these people had just died, and their bodies were still warm.

After swimming for a while, I used up all the Qi-Borrowing Talismans I brought with me. Just when I was worrying about how to swim out of the water, I finally saw a glimmer of light.

The light was very weak, and it looked like it might burst at any moment. I hurriedly moved my arms and moved closer.

Just when the last breath was about to run out, he finally emerged from the water with a bang.

I took a deep breath and looked at the scene around me.

This is still in the underground river, but it is very wide, with a radius of more than ten meters, and it is boundless up and down. I don’t know how long it is?

On both sides of the river are black stone cliffs as vertical as a knife. The water surface is about seven or eight meters high from the top of the wall. There is a cone-shaped stone stalactite standing upside down, and the rushing water rushes straight from the nipple. And from below, looking up from far below, it looks like a dense collection of water pipes.

The light I saw just now was a small paper boat as big as a palm.

There was a light the size of an egg yolk hanging in the center of the ship. It was neither a candle nor a small lamp, and kept shining faintly.

There were far more than one such small boat, floating over in groups from above, but the light on most of the boats had disappeared.

Drifting down the boat, there were corpses one after another, all exactly the same as the ones I saw just now——

Exactly the same clothes, exactly the same wounds that were fatal but without any trace of blood.

Without even thinking about it, these must all be members of the Amaterasu Society, but who is the killer?

I know Chu Yi's sword edge, and Xiao Bailong's wind blade is not like this. Han Laoliu should have not recovered yet. Besides, his ancient sword is very thick, and the wounds on the body will never be so small. Miss Caiyun? It doesn't seem like... isn't she very violent?

I swam forward and thought.

After a few dozen meters, there were fewer and fewer boats and bodies floating on the river, and a strange and unpleasant smell of Chinese medicine filled the air.


Quack, quack…

Far ahead, a shrill crow suddenly sounded!

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