Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1950: The Underworld Boat Crosses Thousand Souls

I carefully carried the Kusanagi Sword behind my back, and drew out the twin ghost-slaying swords with my backhand. After entering the ancient tomb, most of the terrain was very narrow, and I was always in the middle of the team, so the invisible needles were far more powerful than the twin swords that killed ghosts and gods. Easier to use.

But the situation at this time is just the opposite. I and several of them separated one after another, and now I am alone.

Although this place is dark and lightless, the waterway is smooth, which is perfect for close combat. Furthermore, my spiritual power has not yet recovered, so I can only use my sword skills to resist for a while.

Following the messy crows, I gently paddled the water and slowly moved towards the shore.

After swimming not far, I found a dark cave entrance above the cliff.

The opening is about the size of a door leaf and slightly triangular.

I held the flashlight in my mouth, inserted the two knives up and down into the stone wall, and slowly climbed up!

After more than ten meters, we approached the edge of the cave entrance. A closer look showed that the incision was extremely smooth, the marks were brand new and shiny, and there was no trace of dust. Apparently, it had just been chopped out!

Slowly, I poked my head out and looked inside. Five or six meters across, there was a dark stone wall with several shurikens of different shapes stuck on it. On the left is a dark passage, and on the right is a slightly right-angled stone wall blocking the front.

It turned out that the triangular cave in front of me was just the stone wall of the passage, but it was at the corner and was penetrated by someone.

After listening to the sounds around me, I jumped in lightly.

As soon as I landed, I felt as if I had stepped on something, something soft and sticky.

When I looked down by the flashlight, I saw that it was half a corpse!

His whereabouts were unknown below the waist and abdomen, half of his body was lying on the edge of the cliff, holding a shuriken tightly in each hand, and staring blankly at the ceiling of the cave.

What is particularly surprising is that, like those underwater corpses, he did not have a drop of blood.

Gah, gah gah…

Deep in the cave, another crow screamed.

Perhaps because we were in the cave and closer, the crows became louder and denser, as if they were close to our ears.

I dimmed the flashlight slightly and followed the direction of the crow's crow.

Many more corpses appeared one after another.

They are all wearing black Japanese samurai uniforms and wearing wooden clogs.

Everyone's wounds are different. The only thing they have in common is that the wounds are extremely smooth and there is no trace of blood.

The stone walls outside were covered with sword marks and sword marks, and there were many shurikens of different sizes and shapes scattered everywhere.

Judging from these traces, they should have been left by the dead Japanese samurai, but the people who attacked them didn't even leave any traces.

It's clean, neat, and extremely cruel. Who did this?

A dozen meters away from the entrance of the cave I had just crawled into, a pool of blood appeared.

There were black and gray burn marks scattered around the blood stains, and half of the body lay horizontally in the distance.

He was cut in half from the chest, with his knees down and his feet kicking, still maintaining the posture of struggling to crawl forward.

A long blood-stained line went straight forward, and not long after chasing it, he saw the upper body.

But this half of the corpse is extremely weird, with two heads and four hands!

I used a flashlight to identify it carefully - it was not a fake, but this person really looked like this.

This is a deformed conjoined man!

A steel knife was inserted into the back of the heart, with no handle at all. The gurgling blood has not yet been drained out, and the remaining half of the body is soaked in a pool of blood, which is both bloody and weird!

Two hands of the corpse were holding a strange seal, and the other two hands were holding half a small paper boat. There was a piece of black paper and dust scattered next to the paper boat.

It seems that the little paper boats floating on the water were released by this guy.

Jue's last words on the stone wall were for the descendants of Jiuyou, so there should be no need to lie.

According to him, he was the one who spread the secret method of Jiuyou to Japan. Later, it was continuously summarized and summarized by the extremely talented Emperor Jimmu, forming another branch of Onmyoji, which is the origin of Japanese Onmyoji.

Although after thousands of years of evolution, the two sects are very different, they still share the same origin and have quite a lot in common.

Of course, even so, it is extremely difficult for others to see what the secret is. Fortunately, I have already read the "Yin Fu Jing" well, so it is not difficult to check the yin and yang ghost skills in reverse.

For example, if you are already proficient in oracle bone inscriptions, and you try to identify the Chinese characters that have been passed down to this day, you can generally guess a thing or two even though there are some mistakes.

Judging from the handprints and the half-made paper boat, this should be a spell similar to summoning spirits and exorcising corpses.

Summon souls and exorcise corpses?

Thinking of this, I turned around and re-examined the corpses of the Japanese samurai. After a closer look, I discovered that there was a small black spot between the eyebrows of each corpse.

After tearing off a piece of scalp, the true face of the little black dot was revealed - it was a small silver needle as thin as hair.

Sure enough!

This spell is extremely detailed in the "Yin Fu Jing" and is called: Mingzhou Crossing Thousand Souls.

Use the technique of summoning souls to control the corpse, the ship will not sink, and the corpse will not be destroyed.

And each corpse looks as if it has just died, lifelike!

From this point of view, the broken Japanese samurai on the ground are the puppets summoned by this guy. No wonder there is not a drop of blood on those dead bodies. It turns out that is the case!

This kind of spell seems simple, but it has extremely strict requirements on the strength of cultivation. Especially when controlling multiple corpses at the same time, it requires a lot of mental power and soul. If you are not careful, you will become obsessed and even become a person. into an unconscious corpse.

With my current ability, I might be a bit reluctant to control one, but this guy can control so many at the same time!

It seems that the status of this conjoined man in the Amaterasu Society is definitely not low!

But even so, he was still cut in two and killed on the spot.

Who did this?

Gah, gah gah…

The crows in the depths of the cave became louder and louder, as if they were not far away.

From the sound, it could be heard that these crows were very anxious and angry, as if they were violently attacking someone!

At this time, in this ancient tomb, except for a few of us, they are all elite masters of the Amaterasu Society.

The crow was obviously not released by us, so the target of the crow's attack must be Xiao Bailong or Chu Yi.

They're around here!

When I thought of this, I no longer hesitated and ran forward quickly with the knife in my back. The cave in front of me is dark and long, stretching far ahead.

After running a few steps, the scene ahead suddenly changed.

Under the illumination of the flashlight, a patch of bright red plasma was reflected on the surrounding stone walls.

The blood was dripping and flowing, forming a small stream.

Countless pieces of broken corpses covered the ground, with almost no place to step on. Every step was greasy and sticky. The smell of blood in the air is also extremely strong.

Judging from the dryness of the blood, this extremely brutal battle happened not long ago!

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