Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1951 The Giant Crocodile of the Abyss

What is particularly surprising is that there were no traces of the murderer left at the scene——

What came into view were either deep knife marks or densely packed darts and shurikens, but there were not even the footprints of the murderer.

These people seemed to be sucked in by a propeller full of blades, and instantly turned into pieces of human flesh.

So many people died almost at the same time! And there was almost no resistance at all.

The murderer comes and goes like the wind, who is it?

I held the twin swords for slaying ghosts and gods, and continued to run forward while trampling on the blood.

The neighing of crows in front became louder and louder, but the sound was not full of anger and irritability just now, but was faintly accompanied by a hint of fear!

Seven or eight minutes later, the cave turned a corner.

Pu Ling Leng, Pu Ling Leng...

From time to time, there were bursts of screams on the ground.

I held up the flashlight and took a look. It turned out to be a big black bird, or to be more precise, a big crow.

The head was chopped off, a long incision was made on the abdomen, and the intestines, stomach and liver were dragged all over the floor.

But the crow was not dead yet and was still flapping about.

There were carcasses of crows in front, back, left and right, with jet-black feathers spread as thick as a palm, and there were many small feathers fluttering in the wind, flying up and down.

Wisps of black smoke as thin as gossamer lingered in all directions, circling continuously.

Obviously, this is all Yin Qi.

These crows are also animals imbued with yin energy, commonly known as: dark crows.

I listened carefully for a while. Except for this dark crow, which was not yet dead, the entire cave was silent and no noise could be heard.

Is the man who controls the crow dead, too?

I stepped in with my two swords in hand, and the feathers all over the floor were soft and fluffy. The smell of blood, bird stink, and the damp smell in the cave were all mixed together in a mess. It was as unpleasant as you want!

After walking for more than ten meters, the remaining crows and feathers gradually became scarce, and half an arm appeared on the ground.

Black, thin and shiny, each nail is more than a foot long.

The incision was as smooth as a mirror, and was burned and stuck together, as if someone had just burned it with a soldering iron.

There was another trail of blood dripping down the front of his arm, heading straight into the distance.

The blood stains were splashing everywhere, and the distance between them was very large. It seemed that this guy was seriously injured, and he was so frightened that he just ran away for his life!


There was a sudden explosion in the darkness ahead, and then something seemed to roll down one after another.

I couldn't help but speed up my pace, and followed the blood trail for another ten minutes or so, when suddenly there was a splashing sound in my ears.

The sound became louder and louder, like running water.

As a result, while I was walking, I suddenly missed my footing and fell straight down!

I shuddered suddenly, hurriedly swung the knife and inserted it into the rock with a click, leaving my whole body hanging in the air.

Looking around with a flashlight, I realized that the stone walls on all sides were broken, and even the bottom of the cave had a big hole cut out by someone who didn't know who.

Below the cave is the pitch-black abyss, where the sound of rushing water comes from.

I just stepped on the loose soil at the edge and fell straight down. Fortunately, I was always alert and reacted quickly. Otherwise, once I fell into the abyss, it would be hard to tell whether I could climb out again!

I calmed down, turned over and climbed up from the cliff, and used the flashlight to take another look at the scene in front of me.

The abyss cliff in front of us is six to seven meters wide, and all the fracture sections are extremely smooth. They were cut into two pieces by force!

As the cold wind blew, there was something swaying on the opposite cliff.

If you look closely, you will see that the arm is still broken.

Thin and dark, with long and slender nails.

It's exactly the same as the half I saw just now.

It seemed that this guy had just run here in a panic when he was caught up by the man behind him. In one blow, the man and the cave were split in half!

Who is this and how can he be so powerful?

Judging from this alone, he must be at least half of the supreme god level.

Half the power of a supreme god...

yes! Isn't that the first day of junior high school?

At this time, on the first day of the new year, the spiritual power of me, Xiao Bailong, Han Laoliu, and Miss Caiyun was condensed.

When the five elements are united, they will have half the power of the supreme god for a short time!

Could it be that he was the one who was massacred along the way?

In this ancient tomb, apart from the Amaterasu Association, there are only a few of us left. Except for Chu Yi at this time, who has such power?

Those guys were all killed by the sword energy, and they were already dead before they even touched Chu Yi's Eight-sided Han Sword! Where can I find any traces?

When I thought about this, I couldn't help being surprised and happy.

First grade of junior high school is fine!

Not only was he fine, but he also chased and slaughtered the masters of the Amaterasu Society all the way.

Moreover, he is right in front of you, on the other side of the cliff!

If my guess is correct, those crows are controlled by the owner with the broken arm.

Not long ago, I heard the neighing of the crow. That explosion was the sound of Chu Yi splitting open the cave and killing the crow controller!

In other words, the first day of the new year just passed here not long ago!


The cliff was too deep and too long. I tried my best to figure it out, but there was really no way I could get over it.


At this moment, a loud noise suddenly came from under the abyss.

I squatted on the cliff and looked down with my flashlight.

It was discovered that the water level in the abyss was rising continuously, and the roaring waves kept hitting the black rocks, causing waves of roars.

The billowing black water kept rising. At the same time, there were some huge, dark things swimming in the water, and pairs of small red lights kept flashing.

boom! The guy suddenly jumped out of the water, jumped more than ten meters high, and swallowed half of the corpse hanging on the sharp stone in one mouthful.

With a crash, it hit the water again, causing a huge black wave.

At this time, I finally saw it clearly!

The thing was almost six or seven meters long, with a thick layer of black scales covering its back, a pair of eyes the size of egg yolks, and a big mouth full of fangs.

At a glance, it looks similar to a crocodile, only larger and more terrifying.

What on earth is this? How could he live in an underground river for such a long time?

After the water level rose for a while, it stopped, still more than 20 meters away from the top of the cliff.

Those giant strange crocodiles also discovered my existence, and they hovered down one by one, jumping up and down, wanting to swallow me in one gulp.

Bang bang! They jumped up and fell one by one, making splashes in the water.

But there was always a distance from the top of the cliff, and it was impossible to get to the shore.

At this time, on the other side of the cave, there were constant rumbling explosions!

It seems that the first day of junior high school encountered some master again, and a fierce battle was going on at this time.

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