Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1956: Steel Puppet

Those guys were floating lightly in the air one by one, looking at me condescendingly, their eyes full of contempt and pity.

It's like a group of gods scanning the world!

What’s even more annoying is that these people are obviously me!

They were almost clinging to the roof of the cave, four or five meters high from me, and they were constantly rotating around me.

At first, I could still count them, but as they turned faster and faster, they turned into a white line, and I started to feel dizzy.

Go to hell!

I threw a medium-sized talisman towards the center of the many Zhang Jiulin.


After the red light rang out, there was a shattering sound all over the sky, and pieces of black shadow fragments exploded all over the sky.

I quickly took two steps back, flying my swords to protect Chu Yi who was unconscious on the ground.

There were actually quite a few marble fireballs mixed in among those fragments!

The twin swords that slayed ghosts and gods immediately exploded as soon as they touched it, and then were blown aside by the wind of the swords, and started to burn.

Fortunately, I have already become extremely proficient in this set of Yin Yang Knife techniques, and even though I danced as hard as I could, I didn't get any injuries at all.

After a while, all the fragmented projectiles stopped. There were unburned fires everywhere on the ground, and there was a pungent smell of gunpowder everywhere!

Upon closer inspection, it turns out that these fake Zhang Jiulin are all puppets, with bamboo bones as bones and fake skin covering their faces. Each one of them is so lifelike that it looks like the real thing.

No wonder the illusion-breaking talisman doesn't work, this is not an illusion at all!

I calmed down a little and looked around carefully, but I felt like something was missing...

Hey, right!

I killed the fake Zhang Jiulin, but what about those fake first graders?

When Zhang Jiulin besieged me just now, Jiachuyi didn't move at all, and he was far away, and the firelight on the ground did not fall on those places. But where have they gone now?


Just when I was wondering, the gravel under my feet suddenly shook.

It's like there's something crawling underground...

The next moment the ground suddenly cracked and dust flew into the air.

Black shadows burst out from the ground!

"No!" I secretly screamed, raised my hand and threw out seven or eight spiritual talismans, bent down to hug Chu Yi, and waved my long sword horizontally.

Dang Dang Dang! The blade hit the black shadow one after another, causing it to scream.

Those dark shadows are the fake junior high school students! But each of them seemed to be made of cast iron. When the ghost-slaying swords fell on them, they only scratched the clothes and fake leather, but did not damage any bones at all.

No wonder the light and boneless fake Zhang Jiulin felt a little heavy when he stepped on the ground. There was no flaw at all. It turned out that the weight was all on the fake junior high school students on their backs!

Every first-year student had a pair of red eyes, with their torn skin scattered in all directions. They looked extremely terrifying. They were waving their hook-like hands and rushing towards me.


A large deep hole had been drilled into the ground under my feet. I was holding Chu Yi in my arms and was a little clumsy, so I accidentally stepped into it.

The sand and gravel in the deep pit suddenly turned outward!

Like a blooming chrysanthemum, a large group of dense arms suddenly sprouted.

The arms spread out their fingers and stretched forward, trying hard to pull something!

I twitched my feet and moved in a panic, but I still moved slower. My shoes were snatched away, and a handful of trouser legs were grabbed, and they were immediately broken into strips of cloth.

At this time, the fake first-year students who were surrounding were swarming in at the same time.

The blade struck them with a series of explosions!

There was no place for him to stay under his feet, and from all directions, including the top of his head, he was about to be surrounded by black men of fine steel.

At such a close distance, I naturally didn't dare to use the talisman again. I was afraid that Chu Yi and I would be dead before the Colossus could be blown to pieces!

This is how to do?

At the critical moment, I didn't have time to think too much, so I jumped up suddenly and stepped forward with my feet.

One by one, he kicked the chests of the two red-eyed steel men in front and behind, and then performed a flying kick in the air.

Then, taking advantage of the pause in their attacks, he turned upward and jumped out!

Bang bang! He stepped on the steel man's shoulders and head twice in succession, and narrowly escaped from the iron wall.

And just where I was standing, a circle of iron men collided with each other solidly, and the claws that poked out of the deep pit were also caught together.

If I had been slower for a moment, the first grade of junior high school and I would have been smashed into a pulp!

But even so, there were still more than a dozen scratches on my back and arms from the iron claws, and blood flowed everywhere.

Moreover, the iron claws were obviously poisonous, and they instantly turned black and smelled astounding!

I took a few steps back, farther away from these guys.

But behind him is the big stone gate that has yet to figure out how to crack it, and there is no way out!

Whoosh whoosh!

Just when I was hesitating, I heard another sound of swords.

When I turned around, I saw that the fake Zhang Jiulin and the sword brought by Chu Yi rose from the ground at the same time and flew towards me.

I quickly took two steps back, put Chu Yi behind me, and danced my swords wildly to block him.

Click, click, click...

These swords are naturally no match for the twin swords that kill ghosts and gods. They will be cut into two pieces at the slightest touch, but this is where the horror begins!

That sword is actually hollow!

As soon as it was cut open, countless flying needles poured out, like a pouring rain, with the hood down.

At this time, the poisonous wounds on my back and arms were already severe, and my vision was a little blurry. Although I tried my best to block them, many of them still fell on me. I had no choice but to deflect the blade and try my best to protect Chu Yi so that he could not be harmed in the slightest.

Amidst the chaos, the sword fell to the ground and the flying needles dispersed.

The poisonous gas also spread in my blood, the wound was black and swollen, and the blood turned thick black. It was blurry in front of my eyes and I couldn't see clearly.


At this moment, I felt a sudden chill in the back of my heart, as if something had penetrated my body!

When he turned around, he saw that there was a small hole in the clothes on Chu Yi's chest, revealing a crossbow barrel as thick as a finger.

Now I understand everything!

It turned out that the person who attacked me had planted a mechanical crossbow arrow on Chu Yi's body a long time ago, and he was waiting for the moment when I was seriously injured and lost my energy to suddenly attack from behind.

He deliberately left the first grade of junior high school without killing him just to lure me into taking the bait!

He clearly calculated that I would definitely be forced into such a situation step by step according to his plan. He even knew that I would definitely protect Chu Yi to the death, so he hid the crossbow arrow on him and waited for this moment to strike. .

How cunning and vicious must this guy be?

I swayed from side to side, gritted my teeth and clenched my swords tightly, and yelled wildly at the darkness in the distance: "Get out of here! Come on! Have a good fight with Grandpa! Keep hiding in the dark and start the attack. What a skill."


A burst of girlish laughter burst out from the darkness.

"Whether it's death or sleep, darkness is the final destination of the soul, but the weak never admit it. That's fine, I'll let you see the light before you die."

As soon as he finished speaking, a figure walked out of the darkness in the distance.

This man walked very slowly, wearing a cherry blossom kimono and holding a colorful small umbrella in his hand.

Judging from the body shape and gait, this should be a woman.

"You, you are the one..."

When she got closer, I realized that this woman looked familiar.

Isn't this the pretty girl holding an umbrella in the casino?

Wasn't she already beheaded by Chu Yiyi's sword?


Shohei Ito can fake death and regenerate, so this girl must be faking it too.

Judging from her ability, this girl must have a high status in the Amaterasu Society. She is probably the illusion genius Hideko Reikawa who is good at French Ninja, as the old guy Ito said!

However, I tested it just now and found that this is not an illusion at all!

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