Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1957 Yin Yang Girl

The girl took two more steps forward, waved her umbrella lightly, bowed slightly to me and said: "Ligue 1, Hideko Toikawa, please give me your advice."

Her smile was sweet and beautiful, with a pair of cute dimples printed on her beautiful oval face.

But the means just now can be described as the most poisonous to a woman's heart!

"The first-year leader of Chu is really capable." Lichuan Xiuzi glanced at Chu Yi lying on the ground from a distance: "He actually saw through my psychedelic technique early, and then he made mistakes and killed four people in a row. He was a great protector of the inner sect, and even the great protector of Sanada died in his hands. If it weren’t for the little girl and me who are good at the secret escape technique, I’m afraid this beautiful head would have been lost, hahaha.”

As she said that, she turned to look at me and said: "However, your ability also surprises me. Although you don't know that I have been following you, there is an invisible power in you that always makes me I don’t dare to get close. I finally caught you with the sound escape technique, and you were able to escape from the puppet array. Wow, it’s really amazing! It seems that we really encountered a lot this time. A formidable opponent..."

As soon as I heard this, I couldn't help but feel a sense of surprise and fear.

Have you been following me?

Since when?

Why don't I feel anything at all?

The invisible power hidden within me? What is that?

Is it ebony core? Nine lives tower? Or is it my bloodline itself?

Without this layer of protection, I might have been plotted by her long ago, right?

The poisonous gas in my body is getting heavier and heavier, and my eyelids are getting a little heavy. It seems that it won't take long, even if she doesn't take action, I won't be able to hold on any longer.

Puff puff puff puff!

I exerted my strength secretly, and as the spiritual energy surged out, all the black needles stuck in my body flew out.

Lichuan Xiuzi turned the umbrella inadvertently and blocked the poisonous needles flying towards her. She looked at me sweetly and said unhurriedly: "You don't have to rush to fight with me. Enjoy it more." Isn't it a wonderful thing to have a while before death? Moreover, I will soon be able to make you into my puppet, and I think it won't be long before you can meet a few other people."

"What? What did you do to them?" When I heard this, I couldn't help but be shocked!

Could it be that she had already met Xiao Bailong and the others? And all of them were poisoned by her?

"You don't have to be impatient." Lichuan Xiuzi said with a slight smile: "They should still be spinning in circles in my poisonous flower formation. After a while, when they have had enough trouble, I will send them on their way. Although those puppets are also very It's precious, but it's still a little inferior to you. I was deeply afraid that old man Ito would get hold of you first, so I rushed here in a hurry."

As she spoke, she looked at me up and down as if admiring some artwork.

The look in his eyes was like that of a cook staring at a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

The life and death of the lamb had long been in her control, and all she was thinking about now was which piece of meat to use for cooking and which bone to make soup.

I gritted my teeth fiercely, grabbed the ghost-killing swords and took two more steps forward. In front of his eyes, Lichuan Xiuzi seemed to have become two persons, shaking non-stop.

The poison in the back of the heart is even more fierce, and it is cold, as if an ice pick has been inserted into it and is gradually melting!

Lichuan Xiuzi glanced at me contemptuously and said: "I advise you to stop struggling, sit down and think about the happy times in the past, this will be your last memory in this life. Do you think I am hiding in the junior high school?" Is the crossbow arrow on your body just an ordinary thing?"

"I heard that you are well-informed and are actually a great trader of evil things. Then you must have known about the Ninth Life Cold Soul Poison, right?"

"Have you ever heard of a case of someone surviving after being poisoned like this?"

"Ninth Generation Cold Soul Poison?" As soon as I heard these words, my mind immediately exploded.

There are tens of thousands of poisons in the world, but all poisons have antidotes. It just depends on whether you can find someone who knows the antidote formula!

But there is only one kind of poison, but it is impossible to break it!

It is more accurate to say that it is poison than it is a curse.

The production method alone is extremely appalling!

First, you need to find a woman born with a lunar month, lunar day, and yin hour, and then let her conceive a child of a man with a lunar hour and lunar day.

During her pregnancy, she was fed dead human flesh.

The date was calculated accurately, and on the 271st day of the child's pregnancy, that is, when the baby's first trimester was approaching, the baby's belly was removed.

Let that baby be born out of blood.

And the child must be a girl.

In this cycle, after nine generations, the last girl is the ninth generation Yin Tong.

Then seal this little girl into a thousand-year-old iceberg, freeze it for a hundred years, and use her blood to sacrifice the poison that comes out, which is the ninth generation cold soul poison!

Putting aside the viciousness of this method, the fact is that all nine reincarnations are girls, and the father of each girl must be in the Three Yin Hours, how difficult it must be to meet him!

And after nine lifetimes, even if everything goes well, there will be several generations of poison makers!

This extremely vicious and harsh method has always been spread only in legends, and even many great wizards are reluctant to try it.

But the Lichuan Xiuzi in front of him actually possesses such a poisonous thing!

What’s even more frightening is that my whole body is now infected by this huge poison!

Seeing my shock, Lichuan Xiuzi couldn't help but smiled proudly and said, "Don't think I'm lying to you. If you don't believe me, you can take a few steps forward and take a look."

Of course I don’t believe it!

While stepping forward, he raised his hand and waved it.

The ghost-killing sword came out, followed by several spiritual talismans, covering Lichuan Xiuzi.

At the same time, he took out a thunder talisman and waited for her to cover it with an umbrella or dodge to avoid it, and kill him with one strike!

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