Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1958: If you love him, make him a doll

Lichuan Xiuzi twisted her hands, and the flower umbrella in her hand suddenly unfolded, spinning like a top.

The two ghost-killing knives stabbed the umbrella surface, making a big hole. Several spiritual talismans followed closely and broke through!

boom! Several spells burst into the hole and exploded simultaneously.

I took another step forward without hesitation, and threw out the Thunder Talisman.

A bolt of lightning suddenly exploded! In an instant, a bright light illuminated the cave as bright as day.

Lichuan Xiuzi was blown to pieces alive, and the broken limbs were stained with firelight and burned loudly.

"Little brother, I'm here..." Suddenly, her laughter sounded again from the darkness beside her.

I turned my hand quickly and was about to throw the double swords to kill ghosts and gods again, but I heard Lichuan Xiuzi's voice coming from another direction.

"You are really fighting to the death. Do you know that the poison has already penetrated your internal organs and you won't be able to survive for long?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Hideko Toikawa, who had changed into a pink suit, walked slowly out of the darkness with a slightly smaller flower umbrella and took small steps.

"Go to hell!" I wanted to raise my hand and throw the knife angrily, but suddenly I found that I couldn't move at all.

When I turned around, I saw that my hands, feet, and limbs were all frozen!

There is a thick layer of large ice shell condensed around the hands and feet, like cast iron, and streams of smoke shaped like human figures are constantly swirling around the ice.

Amidst the clicking sound, the ice layer continued to spread upward.

The blood flowing to the limbs was frozen instantly.

An icy coldness penetrated the skin and flesh, directly freezing the consciousness and soul!

The deep chill was simply unstoppable, let alone unbearable.

"Ah!" I shouted in pain.

"Hahaha, how do you feel? Isn't it uncomfortable?" Lichuan Xiuzi walked over with a smile.

He didn't stop until he was more than two meters in front of me, looked me up and down again, and said with admiration: "No wonder that old monster Ito didn't hesitate to betray the Shinkai and harm his colleagues, and he must get you. It really is." Excellent material that is hard to find! But now it belongs to me! Hahahaha..."

Lichuan Xiuzi smiled, and her voice became hoarse, as if she had changed from a young girl to a gray-haired old lady in the blink of an eye!

The soul-chilling poison was gradually infiltrating my body and soul. It was so painful that I even wanted her to give me a quick slash on my neck.

This taste is so painful.

No, it’s simply worse than death!

The pitch-black layer of ice gradually spread from my arms and calves, covering my shoulders and climbing up my thighs, gradually freezing me into an iceman.

Standing in front of me, Lichuan Xiuzi finally smiled enough. She glanced at me greedily, stretched out her bright red tongue and licked her lower lip and said, "I seem to smell the scent of soul. It's so endearing, hahaha." "

"Don't worry, after devouring your soul, I won't destroy this body. I will definitely make you into the most perfect poisonous puppet, yes! The most perfect! Hahaha..."

The ice layer continued to expand, covering his chest and creeping up to his chin.

My body seems to no longer belong to me. Every part of my skin and every nerve has been numbed. My spiritual energy has been sealed. Apart from still thinking, I am no different from an ice sculpture at this time!

Lichuan Xiuzi took two more steps forward and gently stroked my arm, with a look of greed and joy in her eyes.

Suddenly, she seemed to remember something, and half murmured to herself.

"Do you know how many years I have been waiting to find such a perfect body?"

"Fifty-four years!"

"Fifty-four years!"

"The last time I saw such a perfect thing was more than fifty years ago. It was a guy named Yokohama Kaneshima. He is my junior brother. Not only is he superb in ninjutsu, he is also good at amazing hypnosis. I You know, he has secretly fallen in love with me a long time ago."

"He is very handsome and smart. If his body wasn't so perfect that any poison puppet master would have trouble controlling himself, maybe I would really marry him and live a happy and sweet life as an ordinary person from then on..."

"We spent a sweet spring. I almost couldn't bear to do it, but in the end I still couldn't resist the temptation of dreams!"

"The Ghost King Poison Puppet is every poison puppet master's dream work!"

"Hey, it's just that his body is so rare. I even dreamed of killing him and refining him into a poisonous puppet."

"So, I tricked him into Mount Fuji on a full-moon night, intending to kill him with one blow. But I didn't want to be found by my enemies. We were both seriously injured and fell off a cliff. "

"The simple thing is that I didn't fall to death. After I woke up, I looked for his body everywhere, but there was no trace... I have never seen a body so suitable for refining the Ghost King Poison Doll since then! Now, finally, I met you! In the words of you Chinese, how do you say this? Yes, it takes no effort to get there by looking for nowhere! Hahahaha..."

Maybe it was because she was so happy. She was smiling, and the skin on her face burst. The originally beautiful oval face was like layers of pine bark that had been cracked for many years, and even her teeth fell out. Got several.

Seeing that her trick was about to come true, she didn't bother to pretend anymore, and directly pulled off the mask, revealing an old face with wrinkles and spots.

But it was this ugly old face that made me suddenly startled.

"Did you two take a photo in the cherry blossom forest?" I asked suddenly, holding back the pain.

"Huh?" Lichuan Xiuzi was suddenly startled.

"Does he have a blood-red round mark on his throat?"

"How did you know?" Lichuan Xiuzi became even more shocked.

"I have seen him! Not only is he not dead, he has been thinking about you, secretly hiding in the mountains, and setting up an altar for you."

"He wants to resurrect you and keep you young forever!"

"It's just that he never thought that you are just a cruel and poisonous woman! Because of the so-called poisonous puppet master's perverted dream, you actually want to kill him! He may not believe it until his death. The woman I love is so kind-hearted.”

Lichuan Xiuzi trembled suddenly and couldn't help but take two steps back.

I looked at her coldly and said: "I have indeed lost at your hands today, at the hands of an old witch like you who will do whatever it takes to achieve her goals and has no regard for human kindness. But I am calm about life and death. I will never I owe it to no one! As you said, sleep and death are in darkness, but my heart is always bright! And you will never be able to step out of the darkness until your death."


Bang bang bang...

Under the ice, the billions of hearts hidden in my chest started beating at the same time.

The cold and stiff body seemed to have a trace of heat and was gradually melting.

The ice layer is getting colder and colder, slowly covering my whole body, but the heat in my heart is getting stronger and stronger, as if it is a ball of fire, a raging fire that is about to burn and break through all the darkness in the world!

I can feel the restlessness of the fire ball!

They seemed to have been waiting for a long time, and they were impatient and wanted to burst out.

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