Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1959: Kill with one fatal blow

The fake Zhang Jiulin was torn into pieces and was about to be burned to death; the fake steel puppet of Junior High School also quickly shriveled up and curled up.

Wisps of black energy are floating around, which is a sign that the puppet has failed.

I stared at Lichuan Xiuzi coldly and said: "If I guessed correctly, you must have killed a lot of people in order to refine these things, right? How many people have died in your hands? I'm afraid even you yourself have died." You’ve lost count, right?”

"But don't forget, you are a human being too!"

"Humans are subject to birth, old age, illness and death, and you will also become a ghost one day! I will see what kind of punishment you will receive when the time comes."

Lichuan Xiuzi took two steps back, the wrinkles on her face trembled unnaturally, and then she said with a look of hatred: "That will happen in the future, it is not your turn to worry about it! You should take care of yourself first."

After saying that, she fiercely threw out a ray of white light, and it hit my feet with a loud bang.

The white light exploded and turned into a ball of flame.

As soon as the bright white flame ignited, it was like a fuse was detonated. Suddenly, a column of black smoke suddenly rose up, burning all around me.

That's Yin Fire!

A surrounding formation composed of yin fire!

The power of this formation is extremely high. Once caught by the Yin Fire, both soul and body will be destroyed, and there will be no possibility of survival.

Senior Gray Pigeon was burned alive by this kind of sinister fire!

But Lichuan Xiuzi doesn't have the ability of Black Eagle. He can't release the Yin Fire casually. He must use the power of the magic circle to prepare for a long time, and he also needs to use the soul attracting talisman.

Thinking about it this way, there is only one possibility, and that is that she has already set up the Yin Formation where I am standing at this time, waiting for me to jump in myself.

Just now she took the initiative to show up and talked to me so much. Was she just delaying time and waiting for the Yin Fire Formation to take shape?

In other words, since I met the first grade of junior high school, I have walked into her trap step by step. Everything that happened after that was under her control and calculation——

The hidden arrows on Chu Yi's body, the Ninth Generation Ice Soul Poison, the flaws deliberately exposed by the puppet attack, and my footing after rushing out... were all within her plan.

This old witch is indeed very scheming!

While Chu Yi was fighting to the death with several other protectors of the Amaterasu Society, she kept watch on the side. However, due to Chu Yi's invincible strength, she did not dare to get close.

When the first day of junior high school and the epee master were both dead and the other injured, they happened to notice that I was nearby, so they made such an accurate calculation in this short period of time!

First, they used the first grade of junior high school as bait, and then they created fake first graders of junior high school and Zhang Jiulin one after another, forcing me to fall into the trap.

She knew that I would never be on guard against Chu Yi, so she hid the crossbow arrows on him and shot the ninth ice soul poison when I was least prepared.

Just when I thought the Ninth Generation Ice Soul Poison was my trump card, there was actually a Yin Fire Formation waiting for me!

She may have just seen what Chu Yi is capable of, and thought that all of us were like this. She was afraid that she couldn't control me with the Ninth Age Ice Soul Poison alone, so she added another double insurance!

Not only was this old witch vicious and vicious, she was also a bit cautious.

The Yin Fire was burning, constantly shrinking the area; the ice layer on my body also crackled, gradually covering my whole body.

At this time, my body is filled with a huge poison that has no cure, and the yin fire around me is getting closer and closer. If I touch my body, I will die!

This is a crisis I have never encountered before!

Whether it's the Ninth Life Ice Soul Poison or the Yin Fire Formation, I can't think of any way to break it even though I've racked my brains.

His life was about to hang by a thread.

what to do?

what to do!

Am I, Zhang Jiulin, going to die here?

Lichuan Xiuzi took two steps back slightly, put an umbrella on his shoulder with one hand, showed a ferocious yet proud smile, and said something.

She spoke in Japanese this time, and I couldn't understand her at all.

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a whooshing sound from the darkness, and a person jumped out and landed firmly next to Lichuan Xiuzi.

This man was very small, about 1.5 meters tall, with slightly gray hair tied into a high bun. He had a beard under his nose, and his two small eyes were sparkling, like a vicious and vicious animal. A very cunning jackal!

He held the scimitar hanging at his waist tightly with one hand, glanced at me coldly, and turned to ask Lichuan Xiuzi something.

Lichuan Xiuzi nodded noncommittally, with a very proud smile on his face!

Unexpectedly, there is a master hiding in the darkness!

Judging from the look and actions of this guy talking to Hideko Toikawa, his status in the Amaterasu Society is much higher than that of Hideko Toikawa.

It can be seen that his cultivation level is not lower than that of Lichuan Xiuzi!

Bang bang bang...

At this moment, the heartbeat in my chest became faster and faster.

It's like a trumpet and a trumpet before the war!

Wisps of black smoke continued to rise, and the inky black flames got closer and closer.

But my hands, feet, limbs, and torso were all cold. Seeing the dark ice shell spread over the chin, sealing the mouth, and then covering the eyes, it was pitch black.

Bang bang bang!

Although I couldn't see or hear anything, my heartbeat was beating faster and faster.

Click...a soft sound came from the chest, like the sound of an eggshell cracking.

Then the cracking sounds became more intensive, and the light suddenly returned to my eyes!

Jet-black beams of light spurted out from every pore on his skin, and the ice shell covering the outside was shattered, making loud explosions and shooting out in all directions like flying flowers.

The dark fire surrounding me suddenly dimmed, and the firelight went out.

The smile on Lichuan Xiuzi's face froze, and the little man's eyes were also full of surprise.

Before they could wake up from the joy of winning, they were stunned by the sight in front of them!

Even I don't know what happened.

But where is the time to explore now?

There's no time to wait, it's now!

I took advantage of the situation and jumped up, wielding the knife in both hands, and went straight towards Lichuan Xiuzi and the little man.

"Cut!" A shocking slash. It is a unique move.


Unexpectedly, as I swung my sword, a black shadow as fast as the wind flew out from my chest.

Lichuan Xiuzi was shocked and raised an umbrella to greet him.

The little man held the scimitar in his hand and made a blocking motion.

With a click, the flower umbrella in front of them shattered into countless pieces, a cloud of black smoke rose behind the umbrella, and even a large deep hole was made on the ground.


The black shadow's power did not diminish at all, and it flew away with infinite strength, forcefully smashing a large hole in the cave, leading directly to the outside of the wall.

Pieces of gravel fell one after another, falling into the stormy waves below, making the sound of waves.

It was only then that I discovered that the double swords for killing ghosts and gods were covered with a shiny black shell.

The color is so black and shiny, so black that it’s dazzling, and so black that it’s awe-inspiring! And that weird black light is flowing slowly, and there are streaks of light around the cave, which are constantly gathering like meteors.

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