Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1960: Yin Soldier Battle Formation

This is……

I seem to have seen this strange dark black color and those bright lights before——

As early as in the Devil's Valley, when the old man Gray Dove fought against the Black Hawk, and when he blocked the magic clock for us, the ebony staff had undergone such changes!

But that was only for a moment, but at this time, the light was far more brilliant, more awe-inspiring and more awe-inspiring than then.

I looked down and saw that there was a big hole in the clothes on my chest, and the ebony core was long gone.

Is the black light on these swords made of ebony core?

At this moment, there was a chaotic sound from the side.

I turned around and saw that it was the little man.

The clothes on his body were in tatters, and his high bun was cut in two. His half-length hair was spread in extremely messy ways on his forehead. There was a long scar on his left face, with bones clearly visible, and blood was pouring from it. Flowing and dripping all over the ground.

On the ground under his feet, lightning-shaped cracks expanded in all directions. Even his legs were shaking. It looked like he might be unable to withstand it at any time and fall on his back!

But this guy still stood extremely tenaciously, holding the handle of the scimitar tightly with both hands, staring at me with his small eyes shaped like hungry wolves, and kept muttering something in his mouth.

It seems that I just triggered the ebony core unintentionally.

The ebony core is one of the three treasures of the Nine Pylon Gate. Once its power is released, it is extremely powerful!

Although Lichuan Xiuzi was full of tricks, she was still a mortal body after all. As soon as she was hit by the shocking slash with the huge power of the ebony core, she was already broken into pieces and disappeared into ashes.

Although this little man was seriously injured, he survived!

Judging from his current situation, he wanted to escape but could no longer do so, so he had no choice but to fight to the death.

He is holding knives in both hands, and he is mumbling as if he is using some deadly weapon, but how can I allow him to use it completely?

"Cut again!" I turned around suddenly, raised my two swords, and rushed towards the little man.

call! Another black shadow rushed away.

This time I finally saw it more clearly. It was a ferocious beast!

The general shape is like a lion, but it is much larger than a lion. The whole body is covered with a layer of shiny scales, and there are two tree-shaped horns on the top of its head that burst out with golden light.

As fast as the wind, it rushed out of my heart.

At this moment, the little man seemed to have completed the last spell. He turned his wrist suddenly, and with a pop, the scimitar spun around and inserted directly into his heart.

This is?


I was shocked when a white light exploded from the place where the scimitar pierced.

It was as if he was originally a big skin bag filled with light. The moment it exploded, countless rays of light suddenly burst out and immediately filled the entire cave, making people afraid to look directly at it.

call! The black light beast rushed directly into the light and was immediately swallowed up.

Immediately afterwards, the scene in front of me quickly distorted and changed, and everything was filled with brilliant light.

The light was so dazzling that it was almost impossible to open your eyes!

Woo! A horn sounded in the distance.

It was blowing in the wind, both low and loud, filled with an invisible murderous aura, which made people feel terrified.

I opened my eyes slightly and took a look, and I couldn't help but be shocked!

The cave is gone, the seriously injured little man, the unconscious Chu Yi, and the severed Lichuan Xiuzi are all missing.

At this time, I was standing in the vast and empty wilderness, with a bright red sun hanging above my head, blazing hot.

Everywhere you look is yellow sand and scorched earth, and wisps of black smoke are floating in the distance.

What is this place?


I reached out and pinched myself, it hurt.

I took out the Broken Illusion Talisman and tried it, but there was no response.

Then this is... a ghost land!

Just after the Wusuli River was launched into the water, we were trapped in the ghost realm. It was the same at this time, but the scene formed by the ghost realm was slightly different.

It seems that this must be that little devil's trump card! He was able to create a ghost realm in an instant with his own strength.

The way to break the ghost realm is to destroy the formation eye. Since he created this ghost realm, the formation eye is naturally his own.

Just kill this old boy and everything will be over!

Woo! Another blast of trumpets came with the wind.

I clenched my swords tightly and walked in the direction of the sound with determination.

Woohoo! The sound of the horn became more and more urgent, with a long sound that cut through the sky and hit both ears.


One after another, neat and majestic footsteps surged out from all directions.

It's a military formation! This old guy actually set up a military formation in the ghost realm.

At the same time, the eternal spirit ring worn on the ring finger trembled slightly, and a stream of light flashed across it.


I couldn't help but be surprised.

The Eternal Spirit Ring can only be used once within three months. I just used it to summon Yue Fei and other Yin spirits in Yashan some time ago, but why did it react now?

Could it be that as my cultivation improves, the period of use of the Eternal Spirit Ring has further shortened?

The light on the Eternal Spirit Ring is getting stronger and stronger, and a very powerful force is constantly colliding with it, ready to emerge.


The ghost realm is originally a unique space isolated from the outside world, which is equivalent to the habitat of those Yin spirits. The use of the Eternal Spirit Ring should not be limited by time.

At this time, the military formation has been assembled, which just aroused the resonance of a certain Yin spirit in the Eternal Spirit Ring, and wanted to challenge me for a fight!


Suddenly, a war drum sounded, followed by the sound of densely drawn knives.

The footsteps became denser and accelerated suddenly, and row after row of elite soldiers were revealed under the billowing darkness.

These soldiers are not tall, but they are very fierce.

Wearing a half-length black leather armor and a huge hat, he holds a shield and clutches a katana in his other hand.

This is the military uniform of the Japanese shogunate period!

Obviously, this ghost realm is the scene of the shogunate's battle.

Behind the neat rows of shield soldiers, there is a formation of spears, followed by archers, and on both sides are cavalry with small flags. The last of the formation is rows of four-horse chariots covered with iron sheets and copper walls, one after another. Continuously rushed out of the smoke.

The banners of Japanese daimyo fluttered in the wind, and the roaring war drums were frightening.

There are tens of thousands of people in the entire military formation, arranged neatly, approaching step by step like a huge black mountain.

The light on the Eternal Spirit Ring became brighter and brighter. I suddenly cut my wrist and dripped the essence and blood on it. I shouted loudly: "Little Ring Spirit, please invite this general to fight immediately."

A huge red figure suddenly flew out of the Eternal Spirit Ring and stood majestically in front of me.

I turned my head and saw that it was Lu Bu!

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