Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1961 Lu Bu is here!

At this time, Lu Bu held up his Fangtian painted halberd and stood in front of me. That resolute face, paired with the fiery red cloak and fiery red armor, looked like a steel giant.

When I saw Lu Bu, I finally understood why he was so impatient to go to war!

Lu Bu is known as the most powerful general in the Three Kingdoms. In the era of heroes in the Three Kingdoms, he could kill enemy generals in any one turn. Even Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei couldn't stop him when they attacked together! But such a fierce general ended up being besieged by Cao Cao's thousands of troops in Xiapi. In the end, he was tied up by his men in his sleep and presented to Cao Cao.

As a fierce general, such an ending can be said to be a great shame.

At this time, there were armies in all directions, as if the Battle of Xiapi had reappeared, which immediately aroused Lu Bu's unwillingness.

"Why, Marquis Wen wants to fight against thousands of troops with one person?" I asked.

"That's right!" Lu Bu glanced at me, and then sighed: "Boy, compared to when you conquered me, you have grown a lot, but today, leave it to me! Even if the gods and Buddhas in the sky come, , I, Lu Fengxian, will also let them return in defeat."

After speaking, he pointed disdainfully at the rapidly approaching army and said, "How about giving this Fangtian painted halberd to a certain family this time?"

"Okay!" I replied cheerfully: "Then there will be Marquis Lawen."

Although the soldiers in front of me are all illusions, if I really had to fight hard, it would be extremely difficult to eliminate the formation easily, and it might cost me my life.

But Lu Bu is different. He is a high-level Yin spirit. In essence, he is no different from these dead souls.

If Marquis Lu Wen really wants to go crazy, this kind of military formation will no longer be a problem!

Besides, fighting on the battlefield was his long-cherished wish. Putting him out of shame not only helped me a lot, but also made him feel grateful.

Why not do it?

Lu Bu shook Fang Tian's painted halberd and laughed loudly: "Hurry! Hurry!"

After saying that, he faced the rolling yellow sand on the opposite side and rushed away with thousands of troops.

Like a red meteor, he rushed to the front of the military formation in no time.

Whoosh whoosh!

The archers far behind raised their bows at the same time, and a rain of arrows like a dark cloud came overwhelmingly.

"Well done!"

Lu Bu roared wildly, his halberd whirling and dancing into a red whirlwind!

As soon as the black clouds of arrow rain were touched by the whirlwind, they were immediately carried into it, making the whirlwind stronger and denser.

The whirlwind was spinning, getting bigger and faster.

With a shout, Lu Bu swung Fang Tian's painted halberd in the opposite direction.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh...

Countless sharp arrows flew back at a much faster speed than when they came, like thousands of meteors, and went straight into the military formation.

It pierced the shield and penetrated the leather armor. In an instant, the Japanese Yin soldiers were in chaos, with many casualties!

Seeing this scene, the cavalry and horse teams guarding both sides finally couldn't bear it anymore, raised their battle flags and surrounded Lu Bu from both sides.

"Hahahaha, one will die, two will die." When Lu Bu saw this, he was not surprised but laughed.

Seeing the cavalry approaching, he suddenly poked Fang Tian's painted halberd, jumped several meters high, and swept sideways like a god descending to earth!


Where Fang Tian drew his halberd, more than a dozen Yinling cavalrymen and horses were split into two halves.

Lu Bu deliberately left one horse among the chaos. He stepped on the horse's back and jumped left and right. Every time he passed by, more than a dozen people were killed on the spot.

Broken Yin spirits were everywhere, and Lu Bu charged into the siege one man and one horse.

The drums beat suddenly, and the pikemen in the middle swarmed forward, frantically trying to stab Lu Bu to death.

Lu Bu's cloak, as bright as blood, was instantly submerged.


There was a loud explosion, and all the dense spearmen flew out.

A streak of blood-red lightning followed Fang Tian's painted halberd, and every path and every place where Lu Bu was was like a suddenly cracking mountain, exploding a long trench.

Boom boom boom! Nuoda's military formation of ten thousand people collapsed immediately.

With his eyes full of the blood of Yin spirits, he was simply the God of War fighting his way into hell!

The halberd was like a dragon, constantly slashing horizontally and vertically, creating a long ditch wherever it fell, and dozens and hundreds of ghost soldiers turned into billowing smoke.

The more Lu Bu killed, the more courageous he became, and the more he killed, the more he enjoyed himself. From time to time he would burst into laughter and shout wildly: "Come on, come on! What a pleasure!"

As soon as the flag was waved, the chaotic military formation was divided to both sides. Under the rolling yellow sand, chariots covered with iron armor and steel shields rushed out.

When Lu Bu saw him, instead of avoiding him, he urged his horse forward. Seventy or eighty steps away from the chariot, he jumped up, leaped high in the air, and then struck down with his halberd.

With a click, a chariot was penetrated from top to bottom, and then with a loud shout, he lifted the chariot up with a shake of his arms! It was thrown out with a bang and hit another chariot.

The horses and ghost soldiers in the two vehicles were smashed to pieces in an instant.

At this time, Lu Bu picked up several more chariots one after another and threw them into the already miserable military formation!

Black smoke billowed across the entire battlefield, and the originally blue sky darkened in an instant, turning into billowing dark clouds and thick smoke.

Lu Bu laughed loudly, and continued to slaughter one-sidedly even though he was still in the remaining formation.

Behind the defeated military formation, a golden chariot was retreating under the cover of other ghost soldiers.

"Marquis Wen! That's the enemy leader!" I reminded loudly from behind.

When Lu Bu heard this, he suddenly turned his head, jumped up, stepped on the heads of the ghost soldiers one after another, and chased forward.

It is difficult to defeat thousands of people, and it is difficult to stop the gods and ghosts!

Lu Bu was number one in the Three Kingdoms during his lifetime, and so were the Yin spirits after his death.

The ghost soldiers surrounding the golden chariot rushed to stop them, but they were all cut off by him with a flip of his halberd and an invisible murderous aura. Even the chariot was cut in half.

Lu Bu chased after him and struck hard with his halberd, piercing the chariot.

But suddenly, a golden light and shadow rushed out, and Lu Bu swept Fang Tian's painted halberd across without even looking.

With a swish sound, the golden light was like a falling meteor. It suddenly fell from the sky and landed in front of me from behind the military formation several miles away.

I looked down and saw that it was a head!

It was the little old man, but he was much older. His hairpin was gold inlaid with precious stones, and his collar was also brocade embroidered with gold threads.

Huh? its not right.

This is a ghost realm. All the scenes are condensed by Yin energy. Once the Yin spirit is killed, it will immediately turn into rising black smoke.

But why is this guy an exception?

At this moment, the Eternal Spirit Ring trembled slightly, and it seemed that the time limit had expired.

Lü Bu rode up on his horse without finishing his thoughts. He knelt in front of me with a halberd in both hands and said gratefully: "It's so wonderful. I, Lv, will remember this kindness deeply in my heart!"

I was a little surprised when I heard this.

You helped me conquer the battlefield and eliminate the ghost realm, but you still owe me a favor?

Just when he was surprised, Lu Bu turned into a red light and entered the Eternal Spirit Ring.


There were explosions one after another in the dilapidated military formation on the opposite side.

Where the explosion sounded, it was as if someone had torn the darkness apart, revealing tiny bits of light.

Although the light is not very bright, it is extremely real. I know that this is the afterimage after the ghost realm is broken.

Beyond the light is the real world.

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