Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1962: Awakening on the first day of the new year

The endless blue sky revealed countless holes amidst the explosions. The whole world was like a simulated wallpaper that had been set on fire. The holes were getting bigger and bigger, and there were more and more, and the world outside the holes gradually became more real. stand up.

Only after this world completely disappeared did I wake up from my trance.

At this time, I was still standing in a dark cave.

The feet were covered with broken fragments - those were the broken flower umbrellas of Hideko Reikawa.

Most of the cave wall in the distance was ripped off, and the whistling cold wind mixed with the fishy smell of seawater hit your nostrils.

The golden head still fell in front of me, with blood gurgling from its neck.

This is real blood, not some ghost realm illusion.

Not far from the head, there was his body, still maintaining the same movements as when he committed suicide at the last moment.

The sharp scimitar pierced the heart, and then slanted down, breaking open the lower abdomen. The blood-stained internal organs flowed out from the breach and spread out into a piece.

When he turned around, he saw that Chu Yi was still lying there motionless.

I stepped forward to check and found that his pulse was steady, his breathing was smooth, and there was an inexplicable smile on his face.

It seemed that he was extremely tired and was falling into a deep sleep - and he was still having some sweet dreams in his sleep.

Only then did I focus on the ghost-killing swords again.

To be more precise, it was the strange black shell covering the blade.

The black shell is so weird and frightening, so shiny and shiny!

It is said to be as hard as stone, but I can clearly feel that it is flowing slowly with my pulse like blood.

It is said to be black and translucent, but it also shines with a little bit of crystal light, as if it was just like the scene that had just torn apart the ghost realm.

The black shell's essence flowed, and at the same time it slowly condensed, and then turned into an ebony core again and returned to my hand. I picked up the ebony core and looked at it for a long time, thinking about everything that had just happened.

Not long ago, I was poisoned by the Ninth Life Ice Soul Poison and surrounded by Yin Fire. I was about to die, but there was nothing I could do!

It was then that bursts of familiar yet unfamiliar heartbeats suddenly sounded, and then the ice exploded, and a magical power immediately emerged from my body! Then, the ebony core changed and automatically wrapped around the double knives.

Covered in black light, the power of the ghost-slaying god was greatly increased in an instant, and it killed Lichuan Xiuzi in one go. All of this came from the heartbeat of the people and the magical ebony core.

Is this the potential power of ebony core?

All yin and yang techniques are transmitted from the Jiuyou sect.

As one of the Three Treasures of the Nine Netherworld, Ebony Core naturally possesses indescribable magical power!

But I've been carrying it with me since Devil's Valley, and even after racking my brains, I haven't figured out the true use of this thing.

Later, Wusulijiang and his party, Wumuhe suddenly showed their power and helped me conquer the Ten Yin Guards.

I thought that that was its secret—the ability to conquer specific souls to fight for me.

But it’s not until now that I understand that the power of ebony core is far from that!

But what is that beating heartbeat?

I remember it very clearly.

These heartbeats only appeared after the Ten Thousand Life Sacrifice was performed on the first day of the new year with me as a sacrifice.

When I emerged from the cocoon, I first took a look at my Dantian with great joy. Moreover, Xiao Bailong and Han Laoliu also had some expectations at that time...

From this point of view, this heartbeat was caused by the Ten Thousand Life Sacrifice, and it was deliberately done by Chu Yi!

The so-called excuse to get rid of the centipede army must be a lie to me. There must be some secret hidden behind it that I cannot tell me for the time being.


As early as in the blood pool in the Devil's Valley, when I first woke up in the first year of junior high school, after hearing that I fed him my blood and then cured him, his first reaction was to ask me in surprise if I had awakened.

Could it be that this is also related to the so-called awakening?

Thinking about it this way, maybe the Ten Thousand Life Sacrifice really worked, but what I didn't expect on the first day of the new year was that, despite the fact that I had an ebony core, the Ten Thousand Life Sacrifice did not awaken me, but inadvertently activated the potential power of the ebony core. !

But what does this awakening mean, and why did I awaken?

What does Bald-tailed Old Li mean by the Lord of All Spirits?

It seems that there are really many secrets hidden in me.

But as my cultivation continues to improve, one day I will meet their expectations and let them tell me everything.

"Jilin, you finally did it! Hahaha." The first grader suddenly laughed softly in his sleep.

It can be heard from the laughter that his body and spiritual power have almost recovered.

His serious injury was caused when he forcibly used the power of the Five Sources to kill several protectors of the Amaterasu Kamui. Once the power of the Five Sources dissipated, his own golden power returned to his body naturally. It will also gradually recover.

But the damage to his soul was caused by Lichuan Xiuzi.

After Lichuan Xiuzi was killed by me, Chu Yi’s soul and mind were also free at the same time——

While I was fighting the ghost realm, Chuyi's spiritual consciousness gradually woke up.

After his body recovered and his soul returned to its original position, he was naturally fine. It was just that his body was tired and he had not returned to his peak state for a while and was extremely weak.

"First grade of junior high school, first grade of junior high school..." I whispered twice in his ear.

"Jiulin!" Hearing my call on the first day of the year, he suddenly woke up and turned around, but it seemed that he hadn't completely woken up from his dream. He immediately grabbed my hand and raised his upper body, shouting with joy on his face. : "You finally did it! Jiulin, hurry up, hurry up..."

Halfway through, he stopped, looked at me in surprise, then turned around and looked around, as if he had only regained his clarity at this moment, and shook his head slightly with some dejection. Then he seemed to remember something, and he stared at me and asked, "Where are they? Where are Xiaobailong Laoliu and Caiyun?"

"I... don't know." I replied helplessly: "We found a secret room along the waterway, and then the secret room suddenly closed and separated us, and then we lost contact. I don't know what they are now Where are you, and what kind of dangers are you encountering?”

Chuyi closed his eyes slightly and pondered for a moment, then nodded to me comfortingly: "It's okay, I don't feel anything, that means at least they are all fine now."


Suddenly, there was a sound of surging water from below the cliff wall far outside the cave.

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