Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1963 The Unextinct Monster

The sound was a bit strange. It didn't sound like waves hitting the rocks, or water surging, but like...

A big bubble bursts suddenly and spreads around!

I clenched my swords nervously and guarded them in front of Chu Yi.

boom! Another sound.

I heard it more clearly this time.

It was indeed the sound of water, but it was definitely not the dull sound that occurs in water, but the sound of bubbles exploding in the air, as if someone had blown an extra-large bubble and suddenly burst it.

I used my eyes to signal Chu Yi not to move, and then moved closer to the cliff step by step.


The water bubbles continued to splash, and the scattered water splashes fell on the edge of the cave, soaking a large area of ​​the ground.

I slowly approached the cliff and looked down through the cover of the rocks.

I saw a huge black shadow standing not far below the cliff.

The black figure had a small head and a slender neck, and most of its body was submerged in the dark river water.

To say that its head is not big is because of its larger body. This guy's head is as big as a dining table and is blue all over.

Because it was facing away from me at the moment, I couldn’t see the whole thing clearly.

The cliff is dozens of meters above the water, and this guy's neck is almost twenty meters high! It stood upright like a tall building with several floors.

It seemed to be drinking water or playing. It put one end into the water, then lifted it out of the water and spit it out toward the opposite rock wall.

That's not a blister at all, but a real water cannon!

A wave of water as thick as a thigh rushed out and hit the cliff wall with a solid bang. The gravel on the rock wall flew wildly and fell with a crackling sound, causing a wave of spray.

The guy seemed to be enjoying it and continued to suck water and spit, again and again.



The continuous fire from the water cannon actually cracked the entire boulder, and soon the stone surface finally couldn't withstand it and exploded.

The scattered stones fell down, and a faint light appeared in the gap.

squeak! The light let out a scream and moved quickly along the cracks in the stone.

Only then did I realize that there was actually a mouse in the gap, a little mouse with shiny hair all over its body.

Its four little claws clung to the cracks in the stone and climbed up quickly, squeaking in surprise.

The monster underwater also immediately adjusted the direction of the water cannon and fired at it one after another.

Time after time, the mouse ran left and right, constantly dodging, and kept going up, up, and up again in an extremely thrilling way!

Just when it turned around the cliff and was about to run to me, it was finally hit by a water cannon.

It fell down with a snap.

At this time, the black shadow raised its head very quickly, stuck out its blood-red tongue with a hiss, and rolled up the mouse.

The shadow monster swallowed the mouse with satisfaction, then shrank and retreated under the water.

Wow! The water surged and created a huge wave.

After a long time, it calmed down again.

What the hell is this?

The part of the monster that emerged from the water just now looked like a snake, although it was actually a bit scary for being huge.

But it was clearly standing just now!

Although the underwater part is somewhat unclear, you can still tell that the body left under the water is even larger, and it is simply unimaginable.

What is this, a dinosaur?

The monster just looked like the huge, herbivorous long-necked pea dragon in the movie "Jurassic Park".

But here is a dark water river deep underground. Not to mention any plants, even moss is rare. How does it survive?

Could it be that changes in the environment caused it to change its habits and become a carnivore?

Right! Those giant crocodiles we saw earlier could survive, and this thing probably won't starve to death either.

As seen before, this tomb of the god was built on the edge of a volcano. After years of erosion, the environment is extremely extreme. Maybe it was like this many, many years ago, or even before the birth of human beings. It really contains something unprecedented. It is not impossible to see species.

However, the real crisis in this tomb of the gods does not come from the strange landforms, or even the forbidden magic circles, but from people, those Amaterasu masters who have their own evil intentions!

As long as this is not an enemy hell-bent on our death.

When I thought of this, I relaxed a little and turned back.

But suddenly I found that the first grade of junior high school was missing! Only his Eight-sided Han Sword was still there on the ground, but the man was nowhere to be found.

Um? Wasn't he still lying here just now?

Moreover, his body was extremely weak at this time, and it was impossible for him to move so fast!

Besides, we just heard that strange sound together, and he clearly knew that I was in this direction. If he really found something, he should inform me first.

But this...

Could it be that there is someone else hiding around here? Are you in danger again in the first grade of junior high school?

I held the two swords tightly and walked over step by step.

There were no signs of struggle at the place where Chu Yang was just now, and no clues were left.

I looked around and found no sign of anyone hiding nearby.

At this time, one end of the cave is a huge stone gate with a strange 'mouth' shape carved on it. The other side has been cut off by me, and below is the rolling river and the endless abyss.

I was near the edge of the cliff just now, leaning against the stone wall gate.

Apart from the unusually large monster and the glowing rat, there was no special sight at all, not even a sound or an afterimage!

Even if the person who came was so powerful that I couldn't notice it, and Chu Yi couldn't even shout in time, but how could he take Chu Yi away silently in front of me without me noticing at all.

Those who can do this will probably have reached the supreme god level long ago!

The masters in the Amaterasu Society indeed possess special skills and extremely high abilities. But I am sure that there will never be anything close to the supreme god level.

Otherwise, if we had taken action as soon as we entered the ancient tomb, or when we were in crisis, how could we have delayed it until now?

In this case, where did the first grade of junior high school go?

How could he disappear so suddenly and unknowingly?

On the first day of junior high school, there won't be any danger, right? I couldn't help but feel worried.

At this time, Chu Yi was extremely weak and had no ability to protect himself. What if...

Blah blah blah, blah blah...

At this moment, another sound of water waves came from below the cliff.

This sound was different from before. It was like a paddle stirring the water.

The inexplicable disappearance on the first day of the new year, and the unknown hidden danger is approaching again!

I held the two swords tightly and slowly leaned towards the cliff.

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