Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1964 Everyone gathers together (additional update)

I was still hiding behind the raised sharp stone, carefully observing what was going on below.

The waves under the cliff were surging slightly, gently lapping at the surrounding reefs. The amplitude was much smaller than before, and it seemed that they were deliberately suppressing the water spray to avoid making more noise, and they were very regular.

Judging from these signs, it definitely does not seem to be sent by an unintelligent creature.

Could it be that he is from the Amaterasu Society again?

Is there a master hiding behind Lichuan Xiuzi and the little man who condensed into the ghost world?

What the hell are you paying attention to when these guys are beating each one up?

It seems that Han Laoliu is right, Ito Shohei is not the only one with various ideas!

The direction of the sound was coming from upstream, exactly the opposite direction from where I came here.

The sound got closer and closer, and a faint light and shadow flickered behind the boulder on the water, shining around.

I could tell at a glance that it was a specially dimmed flashlight.

The light was shining everywhere, gradually approaching.

When it came towards me, I quickly lowered my head.

When the light passed, I peeked again and saw something floating far away on the water.

The thing was slightly leaf-shaped and slightly glowing with white light.

Above the leaf, two or three dark shadows were faintly visible.

Although the distance was too far and the light was too dim, it was hard to see clearly, but one could roughly tell that they should be three people, and the slightly slimmer one was covered with a layer of red light.

I gently retracted the knife and took out the invisible needle with my backhand, always ready to kill them with one strike as soon as they approached!

These people came from upriver, pulling on the cliff from time to time, trying hard to control the speed of drifting along the current.

The sound of splashing water that I just heard was actually caused by them paddling in reverse to avoid tipping over.

While the other party slowly moved down, he shook his flashlight and looked around, as if he was searching for something.

The light and shadow were getting closer and closer, almost floating in front of me.

Whoosh! The invisible needle suddenly took action.

There was a loud shout on the water!


The weak flashlight light suddenly lit up, and at the same time, a red light rushed straight up like lightning and rushed towards me.

People can't open their eyes when the flashlight shines, and the red light is even more shockingly fast!

when! The invisible needle seemed to have hit something and was knocked down abruptly.


The rock I was hiding on exploded, and debris flew everywhere. I quickly rolled on the spot and escaped.

The red light chased after him very quickly.

I rolled twice in succession and rose up. Just as I was about to leap away, my feet were entangled with something and I couldn't move. In a hurry, I had to draw the knife in my hand and slash diagonally towards where the wind came from.


I bumped into something, which made my arms numb. At the same time, I felt a hot wave of fire rushing straight to the door.

At the same time, I suddenly felt a chill in my heart and was being resisted by something.

"Jiulin? Why is it you?"

The heat in front of me was unbearable, and the ice coldness behind me stopped at the same time. Even the bright flashlight shining on me became a little weaker.

The voice that spoke was also very familiar.

I opened my eyes and saw that girl Caiyun was standing in front of me. Her arms were crossed to form a cross, blocking my ghost-killing swords. Behind me was the little white dragon, and the big ice pick in his hand, as sharp as a long knife, was slowly leaving my back.

When I saw the two of them, I couldn't help but be pleasantly surprised!

At this time, there was a layer of cold sweat on my forehead and chest, and my heart was beating wildly.

It’s so dangerous!

"You guys, where did you come from?"

"Hey, it's hard to explain in words." Xiao Bailong put away the ice pick, and then I discovered that on his handsome and fair face, there was a sword mark more than three inches long, just a little short of that. My son will be blinded in his left eye.

"Anyway, I finally found you again. It's great!" Miss Caiyun lowered her arms and said somewhat happily. Her fiery red hair also lost half of its hair. Judging from the neat and smooth break, it must have been cut by some sharp weapon. Cut off instantly.

"Why is it just the two of you? Where's Han Laoliu?" I asked in shock.

Little Bailong didn't answer me, and raised his chin towards the bottom of the cliff.

A dead vine clung tightly to the crack in the stone, and the other end went down the cliff.

The withered vine seemed to be still growing, stretching with all its strength.

Then a big dark hand clasped the rock, and Han Laoliu's face full of vicissitudes of life was revealed.

But at this time, Lao Liu had lost all his hair and beard, his whole head was bald, and his face was dark green and full of wrinkles. At first glance, he looked like half a piece of pine tree bark.

"I hope you're fine!" Han Laoliu smiled reluctantly at me.

Only then did I realize that not only his hair, but also all his teeth had fallen out, as if he had suddenly aged dozens of years!

Miss Caiyun walked to the edge of the cliff and stretched out her hand to pull Han Laoliu up.

"Fortunately, we were able to detect your aura and stopped in time. Otherwise, before those bastards could take action, we would have..." Halfway through his words with lingering fear, Xiao Bailong tilted his body and fell on his back.

"Little White Dragon!" I was startled and hurriedly supported him.

But this guy actually snored and slept soundly.

His complexion became increasingly pale, almost transparent, almost like an ice sculpture.

"He's fine, it's just... he's been too weak along the way. Let him sleep a little longer and replenish himself!" Han Laoliu also sat down against the stone wall and said weakly.

How powerful are Xiao Bailong and Han Laoliu? What had they experienced since they were separated in the secret room, and they were all injured like this?

"Laoliu, you guys, what are you doing?" I gently put down Xiao Bailong with some distress, and turned to ask Han Laoliu.

Han Laoliu glanced at the messy battle situation on the ground and said: "It's similar to you. We were ambushed by the Amaterasu Society. We tried our best and drained almost all the energy, and then we saved a life. .”

"However, our journey from the Palace of Hell was not in vain. We discovered the location of the formation - it is in this water area. However, we have not been able to find the entrance. When we were following the clues, I found you, and then I mustered up my last remaining energy and rushed over... Huh? You met the first grade of junior high school, where are the others." At this moment, Han Laoliu glanced at the eight-sided Han sword of the first grade of junior high school. .

"Hey! This is too difficult to explain in words." I sighed and briefly recounted all my experiences since the fight and the closure of the secret room. Then I recounted in detail the circumstances surrounding Chu Yi's disappearance.

"It's okay on the first day of the new year." Miss Caiyun came back from the other end of the cave, holding half of the epee hilt in her hand. She handed it to Han Laoliu for inspection and said: "A few of us have taken Tongxin Pills before, who If there is danger or death, it will be sensed at the same moment. I can sense that his body is very weak now, and the spiritual energy in his body is almost exhausted, but his life is not in danger."

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