Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1965 Hidden Sword Ryugoro

Han Laoliu looked at the hilt of the sword repeatedly, threw it on the ground, and said solemnly: "Although Chu Yi's life is not in danger for the time being, it does not mean that he will always be safe. We must find him as soon as possible to feel at ease. No one can He will disappear inexplicably, not even ghosts! There must be a reason for this. It is nothing more than being banned by the agency, or being plotted by Amaterasu."

Han Laoliu's teeth were all gone. He was a little breathy when he spoke, and the wrinkles on his face were trembling, as if his extremely old face might fall off at any time. It was so distressing to watch.

Han Laoliu took a few breaths and then said: "We have seen a lot of the mechanisms in this ancient tomb. Each one is very fierce. Once caught, the body will be dead and the soul will be scattered. It can be said that it can make people unaware of ghosts. Someone who disappears without realizing it, and whose body and soul remain immortal... I have never heard of it."

"The people from the Amaterasu Society led us all the way here, just to use our and Caiyun's concentric strength and the power of the five sources to crack the mechanism and take away the treasure. From this point of view, their purpose has also been It’s reached, so they secretly kill us.”

"As for other purposes, it seems that except for the old guy Ito Shohei who wants to capture Jiulin, he doesn't seem to be interested in the rest of us. Extrapolating from this, this is unlikely."

"In this way, the sudden failure of the first grade of junior high school is even more weird!" Han Laoliu paused, panted and touched his chin and said, "In this case, we can simply learn from Xiao Bailong and change Think about it from another perspective.”

"Change the angle, what angle?" I asked a little strangely.

"Compare yourself to a member of the Amaterasu Shinkai, or to be more precise, that old bastard Ito Shohei." Han Laoliu said with certainty, "When you were used as a sacrifice to refine the Ten Thousand Thousand Rises, Ito Shohei I couldn't help it, so I used Caiyun's body to come and have a look. When I was crossing the chain bridge, he came again. And when he died, he even said that he would take your body away. "

"The secret hidden in you is known to no one except the few of us and Longquan Villa. This guy learned it from Caiyun's memory. Naturally, it is inevitable for him to get it! I said, this The guy is a total careerist and will never give up if there is even the slightest chance.”

"I used Caiyun's body to secretly attack but failed, and pretended to be the first grader to lead us to kill each other, but failed. So what might be the next one? It is very likely that I will use the first grader to threaten you."

"So, the disappearance of the first grade of junior high school is most likely caused by Ito Shohei!"

"But since the beginning of the Korean casino, he has been possessed and has never shown his true body. This shows that this guy's skills are not very high. Therefore, even if you are close by, you can't find out that Chu Yi disappeared for no reason. The reason is unlikely to be that he did it himself, or even that it was not done by a human being at all."

"It wasn't done by humans? What do you mean?" Han Laoliu's reasoning made sense, but it made me even more confused.

"It's very possible that Shohei Ito used someone else's body to activate some mechanism at the same time!"

"We have known along the way that the mechanism in this ancient tomb is really wonderful and rare in the world. Judging from the mechanism, there is no way to start. We might as well gather everyone from Amaterasu. Think about it." Han Laoliu analyzed.

"Infer from them?" I pondered for a moment and said, "But we have almost no idea."

"No!" Han Laoliu shook his hand and said, "We already know enough!"

"In order to use our help, Ito Shohei got rid of other colleagues to avoid competing with him for the treasure. When he was coerced by Xiaobailong, he pretended to be honest, but in fact he had given away all the backbone of the Amaterasu Society."

"For example, he mentioned the swordsman Ryugoro Kuroken of the Iga ninja style. We just encountered him. The injury on Xiaobailong's face was caused by him. If Caiyun and I hadn't fought for our lives, Xiaobailong might have been killed. He killed him! Even if Xiao Bailong's cultivation level is not reduced, he may not have a chance of winning when he meets him at his peak! However, Ito Shohei has already told us that he is a master of swordsmanship, so the flaw is naturally obvious: the vested sword If you are strong, you will receive the light of the sword.”

"We also seized this information and killed him on the spot."

"And this man..." Han Laoliu pointed to the broken hilt of the sword on the ground and said, "Judging from the mark on this sword, it should be the heirloom heavy sword of the Sanada clan."

"Didn't Ito say that there is a great protector in the Amaterasu Shrine called Sanada Hao? It seems that he is this guy!"

"If I guess correctly, the owner of this heavy sword should be Yukimura Sanada, the number one god of war in Japan during the Warring States Period. His status in Japanese history is no less than that of Lu Bu in China."

"The descendant of the bloodline holding this heavy sword is definitely not that easy to deal with."

"Even if Chu Yi condenses the original power of the five of us and has half the power of a supreme god, and can kill him, he will never be able to break this heavy sword. Judging from the break, it should be Chu Yi At the last moment, I summoned the upper body of Lu Dongbin and Lu Jianxian, and the swordsman invited by borrowing half of the supreme god-level cultivation is naturally extremely powerful, so he can defeat it with one strike."

After hearing this, I also thought about it!

The strong man holding the heavy sword raised his sword to meet me when I walked towards him. Then he was attacked by the murderous aura and exploded, shattering together with the heavy sword.

At that time, I thought that the majestic long ditch was the work of the first grade of junior high school. Secretly marveling at how sharp Chu Yi, who was half a supreme god, was, it turned out that Lu Jianxian was invited.

Han Laoliu, who had never been to the scene, could tell with just a broken sword hilt.

Han Laoliu's ability is really unique!

"Lao Liu, according to what you said, I can match the number. Not long ago, I killed Lichuan Xiuzi, who was good at illusions. Did you see the fragments on the ground? That was the flower umbrella she held in her hand. , this guy is the beautiful girl in the casino whose head was chopped off by Chu Yiyi's sword."

"There is also a little man." As I said that, I raised my chin towards the corpse not far away with its head missing. "That's this guy. He can use himself as a formation eye to instantly form a ghost realm and control tens of thousands of Japanese." The Yin soldiers of the shogunate, I relied on the Eternal Spirit Ring to escape smoothly."

Han Laoliu glanced over there, and Miss Caiyun walked over, pulled out the scimitar from his chest and handed it to Han Laoliu.

Han Laoliu looked at the text on the handle of the knife and said: "This guy should be a descendant of Oda Nobunaga. He is a famous generation of heroes in Japanese history. He once held the emperor's order to Japan and unified the entire island of Japan. Comparison Up, he looks similar to Cao Cao. It seems that he is the great protector Oiwa Oiwa that Ito Shohei mentioned."

I thought about it and said, "Lichuan Xiuzi also said that in the first year of the new year, he used the power of the Five Sources to fight hard and killed four guardians in total. Earlier I had seen a company using the Mingzhou. There is a body man, and a tall man who controls crows. These two guys were also in the first year of junior high school..."

As I was talking, I suddenly found Han Laoliu staring at me closely. Even Miss Caiyun seemed to have remembered something and looked at me strangely.

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