Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1966 Enemy Intelligence

I looked at Lao Liu with some confusion, and then at Miss Caiyun.

Han Laoliu raised his hand, pointed at the debris on the ground, and then pointed at Oda Oiwa's body and said, "You mean, you killed these two people?"

"Yes." The two fierce battles just now are still fresh in my memory. These two guys were extremely difficult to deal with and almost drove me into a desperate situation!

The wrinkles on Han Laoliu's face trembled a little, and he said incredulously: "You also heard Ito Shohei said that there are three levels of guardians in the Amaterasu Society, and the first level is far stronger than the first level. Lichuan Hideko and Hidden Sword Long Jiulang is also one of the seven guardians of the inner sect. Although the cultivation of the three of us was damaged, the three of us fighting Long Wulang together were very dangerous and almost lost our lives. You actually killed Lichuan Xiuzi alone? "

"That's all! Oita Oiwa is one of the three general protectors of the Amaterasu Association. Even if he is a junior in the semi-supreme god-level state, he still has to use Lu Jianxian's upper body to destroy him. How can you actually do that? Kill Hideko Reikawa first, and then Oiwa Oda! And he was unscathed and his cultivation level was not reduced. How did he do this?"

As soon as I heard this, I came to my senses.

It turns out that what shocked Han Laoliu and Miss Caiyun was, when did my strength become so powerful?

Looking back and thinking about it carefully, Lichuan Xiuzi's strength is indeed terrifying. Not only the moves he uses are extremely sinister and vicious - either the Ninth Ice Soul Poison or the Yin Fire Formation - the scheming is even more sinister and frightening. If it hadn't been for the awakening of Ebony Core, I would have had no choice but to wait for death.

Oda Oiwa's shogunate military formation was even more terrifying.

If Lu Bu hadn't been so brave, it would have been difficult for me to escape.

The Yin soldiers can't do anything to him, but as long as I get hit, my soul will be hurt. Once I'm damaged in many places, I won't be able to escape. The only way to break the formation is to kill Oiwa Oda, the eye of the formation! If I were to charge and kill tens of thousands of troops and take the heads of the enemy generals, that would be an impossible task.

Come to think of it, after the awakening of Ebony Core, the strength of the Yin Spirit in the Eternal Spirit Ring has also improved a lot, and Lu Bu also performed exceptionally!

The strength of Hideko Reikawa far exceeds that of the first-class priest of Longquan Villa, and Oiwa Oda is almost on par with Jiang Dayu at his peak.

I was able to kill two people in a row without getting hurt at all. This is indeed a bit abnormal!

Looking back at this moment, even I can’t believe it!

Of course, this does not mean that my current strength has reached its peak, but the moment the ebony core suddenly erupted, it was so powerful and terrifying!

Even if it were Long Qingqiu, I would probably be able to resist for a while.

This matter involves ebony core. If others ask, I will naturally not reveal a few words, but for Miss Han Laoliu Caiyun, there is no need to hide anything.

I took out the ebony core in my arms and said: "To be honest, I don't know exactly what happened. The only thing that is certain is that this artifact suddenly exerted its power, which greatly increased my strength in an instant and destroyed it easily. Kill these two people. But until now, I don’t know how to control this thing.”

Han Laoliu and Miss Caiyun glanced at Ebony Core, their eyes filled with surprise and a bit of relief, and then they didn't ask any more questions.

"Okay." Han Laoliu paused and then said: "Then let's do the math now. Among the major protectors of the Amaterasu Association, Sanada Haoxiong and Oda Oiwa are dead, and only Ito Shohei is left. The mysterious old protector whom they mentioned has never been seen by even their own people. Lichuan Xiuzi and Hidden Sword Longjiulang also died one after another. In addition, you said that Chu Yi also killed several people, two of whom used Mingzhou and Yinzhou. Crow guy.”

"As far as I know, although these two Yin techniques are very vicious, they will never be used as a trump card by top masters, so these people are probably the other inner sect guardians who were seriously injured as Ito Shohei said. "

"In addition, the guy who was framed on the chain bridge..."

"If the information Ito Shohei deliberately leaked to us is true, so far, we have eliminated most of the top masters of the Amaterasu Society. Only the mysterious old guardian, Goro Izumoshita, who is good at onmyoji, and These three people are Izumoshita Rokuro."

"And that old bastard Ito Shohei!" I reminded.

"Ito Shohei..." Han Laoliu muttered: "This guy has great ambitions, and his purpose is not just to snatch treasures. Capturing you, or monopolizing the power of the Amaterasu Society, is probably the best option. One of his ultimate goals. I have a hunch that this guy has been plotting for so long and must be hiding some more shocking conspiracy!"

"However, in his plan, these colleagues from the Amaterasu Society may be a stumbling block for him. Without their presence, the conspiracy cannot be realized. So he took advantage of our strength and wanted to use our strength to defeat them one by one. Remove it. So, I don’t think the old guy Ito will show up so early—at least he won’t do it secretly before we eliminate the other three."

"Although Chu Yi disappeared inexplicably, his life is not in danger. From this point of view, it is definitely not the other three people. The only possibility is that he was captured by Ito Shohei."

"What are you trying to catch? What if the first day of junior high school left on his own?" Suddenly, the little white dragon woke up from his deep sleep and said something obliquely.

Han Laoliu and I were both a little strange and turned to look at Xiao Bailong.

"You left on your own in the first year of junior high school? What does this mean?" I was a little surprised.

Han Laoliu was also a little confused.

Xiao Bailong sneered at the two of us and said: "With your IQs, you still have the nerve to analyze and analyze there, and it's not embarrassing!"

As he said that, he got up, put one hand on his bent knees, and said half-leaning against the cliff: "You have all said that it was probably the old guy Ito who did it, but until now, except for the stand-in in the Korean casino, Besides, who has seen his true appearance? What is this old guy best at? Soul control."

"How did he control Caiyun? How did he control the fake Chuyi? Chuyi is now seriously injured and his cultivation is greatly damaged. It is very possible that he fell into his trick. Once he controls Chuyi's body, then Aren't you just going to do whatever you want? Haven't you two ever thought that he left on his own while Jiulin wasn't paying attention? "

After Han Laoliu and I looked at each other, we couldn't help but stretched out our thumbs at him and shouted at the same time: "That makes sense!"

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