Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1967 Tic Tac Toe Password

Xiao Bailong was right. At this time, Chu Yi was extremely weak both in body and soul. That old guy Ito Shohei was already good at controlling souls. If he took advantage of this situation, Chu Yi couldn't do anything about it. .

Don't say that I wasn't by his side when I ran to the cliff to check. Even if I had been by his side, I might not have been able to detect it.

It was very possible that the junior high school student who was being manipulated took advantage of me and left quietly!

Xiao Bailong usually doesn't like to use his brain, but if he really thinks about something, he can always find another way and make surprising remarks!

But in this way, all the problems come back to their original point.

Whether he was robbed or left on his own, where did he go from?

There are no detours in this cave at all. The passage behind it has been cut off by me and split into a cliff and a deep valley. Moreover, I was guarding the edge of the cliff at the same time that I disappeared on the first day of the new year, so I didn't notice it at all.

At the back of the cave is the huge stone wall door.

But apart from that, there is absolutely no other possibility. It can be seen from this that he must have entered from here!

I grabbed the flashlight, looked towards the left and right of the stone gate and said, "I have been here a long time ago. There is no restriction mechanism near the stone gate at all. There is nothing except the 'mouth'-shaped mark."

"'口' shaped mark?" Han Laoliu seemed to have remembered something.

"That's right." I shined the flashlight in the middle of the stone wall.

The blood-red 'mouth'-shaped mark is extremely eye-catching in the center.

"Go over and take a look!" Han Laoliu stood up with some difficulty.

Miss Caiyun carefully supported him.

"Although oral-shaped marks are rare, they have dozens of meanings, large and small. If you list them all, you can't tell what they mean at all." I said.

"No, this is not a symbol, but a number!" Han Laoliu glanced at it and said with certainty.

"Number?" I asked a little strangely: "What number?"

"Five!" Han Laoliu stretched out his hand and said, "This number represents five."

"When I was in the Far East a few years ago, I accidentally discovered a secret military base. It was a secret stronghold for the Japanese Kwantung Army to spy on Soviet intelligence. Judging from the situation, it should have been a sudden attack. The people inside were completely unprepared. There were dead and injured everywhere, and most of the documents had been taken away, but I found a small notebook under the debris of the landslide."

"That is the secret code used to communicate between the Japanese Kwantung Army and other organizations such as the Black Dragon Society. There is a description of this symbol in it."

"This symbol is called a tic-tac-toe cipher."

"Tic-tac-toe password?"

"Yes!" Han Laoliu nodded and said: "Tic-tac toe also exists in Japan, but it's called hiragana. Although the pronunciation is different, the writing method is the same. You can think of tic-tac toe as two cuts horizontally and vertically, and it becomes There are nine small pieces of three horizontally and vertically, and each small piece is a number."

As he spoke, Han Laoliu drew a tic-tac-toe out of thin air and said: "Look, count from top to bottom. This L-shape is 3. If the left vertical digit is missing, it is 4. If the right digit is missing, it will be 4." The position of the shape of 6 and 7 is exactly 7. The tic-tac-toe is divided into nine blocks, each block is a number, and the square in the middle is exactly five! If you add a dot or make a cross, it means 0."

"Lao Liu, I said you are crazy, right?" Xiao Bailong suddenly interjected: "When did the Japanese Kwantung Army happen? When this ancient tomb was built, the little devils and savages were no different. They all ate them in their stomachs. I’m not full, I don’t have any words, and I have no idea what password to research!”

Han Laoliu glanced at him sideways and said: "Numbers are numbers and words are words. This is not a concept. As early as the emergence of oracle bone inscriptions, what did our ancestors use to record events in ancient times? Knots were used to record events! The earliest The purpose is not to record anything, but to record the quantity of food. Numbers were invented far earlier than writing."

"Moreover, the meaning of the tic-tac-toe is indeed passed down from China, but the tic-tac-toe symbol has quite a history in Japan. If you look at ancient Japanese cultural relics, many things have tic-tac-toe patterns on them. Maybe they are ancient The little devils at that time discovered the magical function of tic-tac-toe far earlier than the people of the Black Dragon Society, and maybe they regarded this character as the original number."

"Even so, it's just your guess. There is no evidence at all." Xiao Bailong still didn't believe it.

"There is evidence!" Han Laoliu said extremely seriously: "Do you remember? Not long after entering the ancient tomb, I said that there should be nine passages here. The one we took before, that is, before we could stop you, you The stone slab that was smashed had a missing edge in the shape of '口' printed on it."

"That is to say, this passage is right in the middle and is the fifth passage. The one where I encountered the Nine Yin Killing Formation before and encountered Caiyun was either 4 or 6."

"Okay, okay, you're right!" Xiao Bailong couldn't help but feel guilty when he heard that he smashed the stone slab again. He waved his hands and said, "What's the use even if it's really five written on it? Can you open it?"

Indeed, although there are only four strokes in the "mouth" shape, there is a lot to say about which stroke to start with and which direction to draw.

Judging from the fierceness of the mechanism in front of this ancient tomb, if you make a mistake, the consequences will be unimaginable, and it will be too late to regret it by then!

Han Laoliu did not look at the stone wall. Instead, he turned to me and asked: "Where was Chu Yi lying before you left? Where were his head and feet facing, and what was his posture?"

"Here." I walked to the place where Chu Yi disappeared, lay down in the same position as when I last saw him, and said, "That's it."

Han Laoliu nodded slightly and signaled Miss Caiyun not to help him yet, and slowly walked to me. He knelt down and looked around carefully, then slowly walked towards the door.

He stared at the door carefully for a long time, then lowered his head and stepped back step by step.

I noticed that every one of his footprints was exactly the same.

After repeating this process several times, Xiao Bailong lost his temper and shouted: "I said, what are you doing? Even if you can completely restore the place where you left before leaving in the first year of junior high school, it has nothing to do with cracking the mechanism. Bar?"

Han Laoliu waved his hand towards him, pointed to the ground and said: "It's right here, come here."

Xiao Bailong was stunned for a moment, then he understood and waved his hand.

As a blast of icy cold air rushed out, the ground was covered with a thin layer of white frost.

Han Laoliu took out a paratrooper's sharp knife with a swipe and stabbed it into his chest.

Drops of bright red blood dripped down!

Han Laoliu was poisoned by the magic vine. If he hadn't been born with a green wood body that barely managed to protect his life, he would have died a long time ago. It can also be said that he is in a life-and-death fight with the demonic vines every moment. The blood all over his body is dark green, and only the original blood in his heart is bright red!

Han Laoliu was already extremely weak, but with this stabbing blow, even such a strong man could not help but grit his teeth and let out a sigh of relief, but his brows did not even wrinkle.

Miss Caiyun's eyes were a little red, but she pursed her lips tightly and said nothing.

Xiao Bailong clenched his fists and remained silent.

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