Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1968 The Secret History of Nine Pylons

One drop of blood, two drops of blood...

Drops of blood dripped on the glistening white ice, and the contrast between red and white was particularly eye-catching.

The blood gathered together and slowly formed a small pool of blood, which slowly flowed and turned into a footprint.

That's exactly where Han Laoliu pointed to just now.

Han Laoliu knelt down on one knee with a pop, then slapped his palm on the ground and stabbed it through with a click.

"Jiu!" he yelled through gritted teeth.

Following this scream, the bloody footprints sank through the frost very quickly like boiling water.

The frost on the ground melted instantly and turned into a white mist.

The mist gradually solidified, vaguely forming a human shape.

It's the first year of junior high school!

The human form condensed out of the mist is Chu Yi!

The mist was ethereal, fluttering lightly as if it would dissipate at any time, and stood straight in front of our eyes.

This scene is a bit like the virtual technology in science fiction blockbusters. It seems a bit unreal, but it does exist in front of you.

"Caiyun!" Han Laoliu shouted.

Miss Caiyun pushed with her palms, and a wave of light red air rushed over.

The fog man's body was immediately covered with another layer of light red gauze.

The fog man walked slowly towards the door. Although this fog man was undoubtedly in the first grade of junior high school in terms of appearance and clothing, I could tell at a glance that his walking pace and movements were definitely not that of the first grade junior high school student.

At least it's not the first year of junior high school under normal circumstances!

It seemed that Xiao Bailong's guess was correct. He was indeed taken control of his soul. It was not his will that Chu Yi approached the door at that time.

In other words, it was just the body of a junior high school student.

Ito Shohei's soul-controlling skills are extremely astonishing. Whether it's Miss Caiyun or the fake junior high school student on the chain bridge, they can all be fake and real, and even we have been deceived.

But the first grade of junior high school formed by this mist is completely different!

If you look at the gait alone, they are completely two people.

It may be that the time for controlling the soul is too short, and the soul and body cannot be fully matched, and the actions are a bit weird.

Only then did I understand that Han Laoliu was looking back and forth for the traces on the ground and Chu Yi's footprints, just to catch this.

And where this confusion began was at the moment when Chu Yi's soul had just been controlled and Ito Shohei's consciousness had not yet entered. At this time, the first year of junior high school still retains a trace of instinct. Although he is completely unconscious, there are still some habits in gait and movements that have not been completely eliminated.

He used the effect of taking Tongxin Pills with Chu Yi to forcibly retain the last trace of Chu Yi's thoughts.

Water, wood, fire, the three sources of rebirth, forcibly reshaped his last movements!

The fog man walked towards the stone door step by step lightly and quickly. He first turned his head and looked towards the side of the cliff, showing a smile that was both contemptuous and greedy. Then he stretched out his index finger and quickly drew a few lines on the 'mouth' shaped mark.


At this moment, the fog man suddenly exploded and scattered on the ground, turning into blood flowers.

The blood flowers condensed with frost marks are still red and white, still bright and eye-catching.

Each of the six corners is so exquisite that it is both amazingly beautiful and pitiful!

puff! Han Laoliu spit out a mouthful of blood, unable to hold on, and fell to the ground.

"Lao Liu!" Miss Caiyun screamed and rushed over.

There was blood dripping from the corner of Han Laoliu's mouth. He pointed weakly towards the stone door and said, "Look, you can see it. That's the order..."

Little Bailong clenched his fists and made loud noises, but without making a sound, he quickly walked towards the stone door.

Following the order that Wuren had just scratched at the beginning, he scratched the mark of the word '口' again.

As soon as his fingers finished the last stroke, the entire stone wall immediately became transparent.

It was as if the stone wall was a large piece of floor-to-ceiling glass. After the last stroke was made, someone opened the curtains inside.

The scene behind the stone gate is unobstructed!

This is the Yinxu Gate?

There are relatively detailed records of this Yin method in the "Yin Fu Jing".

The Jiuyou sect was formed in the early Spring and Autumn period of the weekend, when hundreds of schools of thought, including Fa, Mohism, Taoism, and Confucianism, were in full bloom, and each school's method was first established.

At the beginning, there was a lot of communication between the various companies - this does not mean that the founders of each company were broad-minded and had no grudges, but that they all wanted to merge them and rule the world under one law.

It is precisely because of this ethos and thinking that many schools of thought are connected. Even if there is moral refutation, this is also the case between completely different sects.

Jiuyou Sect and Taoism are one of the more obvious examples.

Taoism teaches nature, tranquility and inaction.

However, Jiuyoumen wants to go against the will of heaven and reverse the yin and yang.

But in its integration, Jiuyoumen has also absorbed a lot of Taoist essence, and this move of Yinxumen is the most representative one!

If you think it is a door, then it really is a door. If you think it is difficult to destroy, it will become stronger and stronger than an iron mountain. If you think it has nothing, then it is really empty and can come and go easily. .

Whether it is an iron mountain with heavy gates or an empty field, it all depends on one thought!

This secret method of Jiuyoumen, which secretly complies with the essence of Taoism, only exists in the records of "Yin Fu Jing", and is not recorded in any other rumors.

Presumably in thousands of years, no one has been able to cultivate the essence of Jiuyoumen and Daomen to such an amazing level at the same time.

The Gate of Yinxu can only exist in legends!

But the founder of this ancient tomb was Jue, a direct disciple of the master Yuzi of the Jiuyou sect.

As the Jiuyou Gate fell apart and gradually became lonely, this Yinxu Gate must be unique and unique in the world!

The only difference is that there is another restriction placed on this door.

This is the mark of the word '口'. As long as it is opened according to the correct sequence of strokes, the door will automatically show its emptiness. Presumably this must have been added by Empress Shenwu Tian who had learned most of the Nine Nether Secret Techniques and was extremely talented.

After all, there are many worldly treasures hidden in this ancient tomb, all of which are reserved for descendants of the bloodline.

The descendants may not all have such high attainments in cultivation. If there is no improvement, I am afraid that this door alone will be able to block everyone in place, making it difficult to move forward!

Although Xiao Bailong, Han Laoliu and Miss Caiyun didn't know the origin of this gate, they were stunned by the scene in front of them.

The stone wall gate that originally seemed indestructible and as thick as an iron mountain suddenly turned into an empty and open road. No one could help but be a little shocked!

Xiao Bailong has always been very nervous. Even if something surprising happens to him, he is always at ease. He is the first to wake up and take steps forward.

"Little White Dragon!" When Han Laoliu saw that Little White Dragon was about to move, he screamed in fright, and blood spurted out again.

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