Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1969 To enter or not to enter?

When Xiao Bailong heard the surprise, he hurriedly stopped, turned around and asked in confusion: "What's wrong?"

Han Laoliu yelled angrily in desperation, blood splattered, and he gasped for a long time before he calmed down. He said angrily: "What's wrong? Who let you in? Don't you think your life is too long?" .”

Xiao Bailong looked at me a little aggrievedly, then looked at Miss Caiyun who was supporting Han Laoliu and said, "Aren't the doors all open? The bans on the agencies are also open. Why are you waiting here if you don't go in?"

Han Laoliu glared at him bitterly and said, "Don't even think about it. If you can get through this door so easily, why don't others go in?"

"Others, what other people?" Xiao Bailong still didn't understand.

Han Laoliu continued to cough and spit out blood.

"Can you please stop asking now?" Miss Caiyun tore a piece of her clothes and help Liu Liu wipe the blood with great distress.

Xiao Bailong scratched his head and said: "What does this mean? I saw it just now. This is where you entered in the first grade of junior high school. Since the door is already open, why don't you chase after it! If it were a little later, if he... "

"Can you shut up?" Miss Caiyun turned around and said angrily, "When it comes to our friendship with the first grade of junior high school, no one is better than you! His soul was controlled by - and he walked in from here. We are also very You are impatient, but if you are not careful, we will all die. There must be a reason for Lao Liu not to let you pass! Didn't you see that he was injured? Why are you chasing after him in a hurry? Can you wait until he finishes breathing? "

Upon hearing this, Xiao Bailong felt that he had been a little anxious just now, so he took two steps back and waited quietly aside.

Han Laoliu gasped for a long time, and then he regained his breath and said slowly: "There is no doubt that this door leads directly to the core of the ancient tomb, and it is probably the last great barrier in the tomb. But you don't Do you think it’s a little strange?”

"The people of the Amaterasu Society have been deliberately trying to open the ancient tomb and steal the artifacts and treasures inside. They have come all the way here, but the vast majority of people have stayed outside the door and refused to go in. Isn't this right? A little fishy."

"What's suspicious about that?" Xiao Bailong continued: "Maybe it's because they have different divisions of labor, or based on their status. It's just like the chairman is having a meeting, why are you, a cleaning lady, joining in the fun? Why are you not allowed in? It’s normal, it’s weird to let you in! You also said that there are magical weapons here, so people with low status or weak cultivation are naturally not qualified.”

Han Laoliu glared at him with hatred and refused: "This time the Amaterasu Association's expedition to explore the ancient tombs is full of elites. Even Amaterasu's contemporary eyes - that is, the Japanese Emperor held a high-level meeting These people are all qualified to be present at the meeting.”

"Furthermore, the Sanada Haoxiong we met on the first day of junior high school and the Oda Oiwa whom Jiurin killed were both one of the three general protectors of the Amaterasu Association. They were the highest in the entire Amaterasu Association in terms of status and cultivation. Hierarchical!”

"We have just calculated that we have killed most of the high-level backbones of the Amaterasu Society, and only four people have entered this door."

"Mysterious old protectors, Izumoshita Goro, Izumoshita Rokuro, and Ito Shohei."

"In terms of status, the two Quanxia brothers are only inner-sect guardians. That old bastard Ito has a lower status. He is only an outer-sect guardian. He is on the same level as the seven guardians who were killed by Qiu Fengzhan, the Supreme Elder of Longquan Villa. Others. If they are all waiting outside, what qualifications does he have to go in?"

"In terms of ability, Sanada Haoxiong can force half of the supreme god-level Chu Yi to use his trump card and invite Lu Jianxian; Oida Oiwa can kill quickly only when the Chu Yi and the five sources are united. If even this Even if we are not strong enough to get in, the Zhaoshenhui would have already attacked China that day and wiped out the Longquan Villa and Jiangbei Zhang Family!"

"That's right, that's right." Xiao Bailong kept saying it while scratching his head, and then tilted his head and said: "Or maybe their division of labor is different? Some people are outside to prevent us from getting closer, and some people go in to get the treasure. Anyway, from here It seems that there is only one passage in and out of the core, and we are not afraid of those people taking the treasure and running away."

"You finally got one thing right." Han Laoliu paused and said, "Judging from the position they were blocking desperately, this should indeed be the only way in and out of the core area. And the reason why they are waiting here is because of the different division of labor. , that’s also forced!”

"People's hearts are sinister and greedy, especially these people who are willing to open tombs in order to obtain treasures. Can we expect them to talk about benevolence, justice and morality?"

"Moreover, the entire Amaterasu Society seems to be one, but in fact each has its own evil intentions. Otherwise, there would be no rule that the three levels of protectors do not have mutual control over each other, and each can report directly to the emperor. Obviously, among them There have been internal conflicts among the people for a long time, and Ito Shohei is a living example. In other words, each of them wants to snatch the treasure and take it for themselves!"

"Naturally, whoever comes in first and gets the treasure first will have a greater chance of getting it. But in that case, why do they refuse to come in and would rather stay outside to support them?" Han Laoliu asked rhetorically.

Xiao Bailong touched his chin and thought for a while and said: "Are these guys planning this? After all, you must go back from here after taking the treasure. There may be great danger hidden inside that door. I don’t know whether I’m alive or dead, so why don’t I wait here, even if you get the treasure, your cultivation level will definitely be seriously damaged, and when the time comes, I will kill you again, and the things will be mine!”

"Then if everyone thinks this way, who will be willing to go in?" Han Laoliu asked.

"This..." Xiao Bailong was stunned for a moment, scratched his head helplessly and said, "Then let's draw lots."

Han Laoliu glared at him and said: "According to my inference, although there are many treasures and artifacts hidden in this tomb of gods, the most important things among them can definitely be shared. In other words, everyone participating in the exploration Everyone in the ancient tomb can share equally. Otherwise, those with lower status and lower cultivation level would not be so proactive."

"It's more important than an artifact, and it can be shared?" Xiao Bailong thought for a moment and said, "You mean the secret book of the technique?"

"Yes!" This time Han Laoliu was very satisfied with Xiao Bailong's answer, nodded and said: "Yes! Only for this reason can everyone's enthusiasm be mobilized, especially those with low cultivation levels."

"My cultivation level is not as good as others, and my status is not high. Naturally, I don't want the divine weapon anymore. As long as I can share the secret of the technique, it is a rare thing."

"It doesn't matter who takes out the artifact. Anyway, the artifact will become the treasure of the Amaterasu Association in the future. No one can hide it privately. Once anyone comes up with this idea, they will be besieged by everyone else. The secret of the technique Take it out and everyone who participates in exploring the ancient tomb can share it. In this way, it is fair..."

"Ito Shohei has evil thoughts in his heart, and wants to use our hands to fight with others until both sides suffer. In this way, he will not only be able to capture Jiulin and obtain the treasure, but also become the highest-ranking and cultivated person in the entire Amaterasu Society. The strongest overlord. It kills three birds with one stone!"

"If this is the case, others may not have this idea. But they still agree with this division of labor, which is a bit intriguing!" Han Laoliu analyzed.

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