Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1970: A scumbag from the underworld

"Who enters the door to get the treasure and who stays outside to stop us is definitely not solved by drawing lots as you said. There must be another reason! Moreover, don't you think the setting of this door is a bit too simple? "Han Laoliu said.

"We don't know how to crack this door, which is why it took so long, but they have been preparing for more than a thousand years just for this day. They must have been fully prepared, at least about this door. There will never be only one person who knows how to crack it."

"The designers of the ancient tomb originally regarded this door as the last forbidden barrier, but they set it up so easily. There is no need at all! The division of labor among these people seems a bit weird..."

Xiao Bailong thought for a while and said, "You mean, the people inside and outside this door are somewhat the same?"

"Yes!" Han Laoliu said with a high-five, "That's what it means."

"There must be some mechanism on this door that can prevent some people from entering. That's why I won't let you enter rashly. If any restrictions are triggered, judging from the mystery of this door, there is no possibility of survival! Huh? Jiu Jiu Lin, what are you doing?"

While the two of them were arguing and discussing, I kept listening carefully and vaguely felt that I had encountered this situation before.

Suddenly, I don’t know what they said, but it reminded me of something, and I turned around and ran back.

I used a flashlight to rummage carefully in the damp stone crevices for a long time, and then I found an insect that was only half the size of a fingernail.

I pinched the insect, walked quickly to the stone door, raised my hand and threw it out.


A black lightning flashed on the door, and the little bug was immediately blown into a wisp of smoke.

Immediately, I ran to Oda Oiwa's head, picked up his head by the bun, and threw it over with a swipe.

The head actually passed through unscathed, and no black lightning struck in the air.

After the head flew twenty or thirty meters away, it hit the ground with a thud and rolled several times.

Immediately afterwards, I took out another Hundred Ghost Bag, opened the opening, and released a pathfinder kid.

The kid was so timid that he didn't dare to move forward. My two fingers were stained with cinnabar, and I shouted quickly: "Quick!"

The kid's body was immediately out of control and floated in like pieces of paper in the wind.

The kid is okay!

The extremely fierce black lightning did not strike down either.

After the kid rushed through the gate, as soon as he saw that he was freed from my restraint, he ran away in a hurry.

The guy seemed happy to finally be free.

Actually, I'm happier than that!

"I know what the reason is!" I shouted loudly and returned to a few people.

Han Laoliu, Xiao Bailong and Miss Caiyun all looked at a loss when they saw me busy here and there for a long time.

"What Lao Liu said is right! This door seems simple, but in fact it also contains another formation! If someone sees the door open and walks away, he must be like the little insect just now, and he will be split into pieces immediately. Smoke.”

Xiao Bailong also saw with his own eyes the effect of what I just said, but he still couldn't help but shudder. He glanced at me with some dissatisfaction and said, "Why don't you just pass this article without mentioning it? Just tell me, what did you find? What happened?"

"You saw it just now. I did three experiments in total. If I threw in the head, nothing would happen. If I put the little devil in, it would still be fine. But once the little bug came in, it would explode immediately. This shows that..."

"This means that both humans and ghosts can pass through, but only insects can't?" Xiao Bailong said quickly: "After talking for a long time, isn't this a magic mosquito net? It's specially designed to prevent mosquitoes from biting corpses? Oh! I'll say it What's the point of studying so much? If you had followed me, I might have found the first year of junior high school by now."

Xiao Bailong immediately regained his confidence, patted the dust on his butt and stood up.

But when I was halfway there, I realized that Han Laoliu, I, and even Miss Caiyun were looking at him as if they were aliens. There was something obviously wrong in those eyes, so they asked guiltily: "What? Isn't that the case?"

"What a fart!" Han Laoliu scolded: "After leaving the ancient tomb, don't say you are a ghost merchant, let alone know me! I can't afford to embarrass this person. The three spirit experiments Jiulin just did are enough To explain everything, everyone in the industry can see clearly that only you, a 250-year-old, can say such nonsense about magic mosquito nets."

"Uh..." Xiao Bailong was stunned by this robbery. He scratched his head angrily and turned to ask me: "Um...Jiulin, what are the three spirits?"

When I heard this, I became very angry.

It would be understandable for an outsider or a new scholar to ask this question.

But it’s really irritating that Xiao Bailong, who is famous in the world of ghosts, would ask such a question!

It's like a famous medical professor asking you sincerely what a thermometer is. This is the most basic common sense about vaginal things, okay? Even Li Mazi now can answer it perfectly.

If it were anyone else, I would really want to scold him!

But after all, Little White Dragon is a famous animal from all over the world that has been protecting me. I can't scold him shamelessly like Han Laoliu, so I patiently answered: "Everything in the world has its spirit, and every one has its spirit." Spiritual bodies are divided into three states: corpse, soul, and calamity. They are also usually called three spirits."

"The head I just threw in is the corpse, the little ghost I released is the soul, and the little bug is the robbery."

"You have also seen that nothing happened to the head and the little ghost in the past, and the little bug was killed. It can be seen that the mechanism on this door prohibits immortal souls and does not kill corpses, and specifically kills corpses with souls. That is, like Creatures like us whose bodies are one and the same.”

"Oh..." After hearing this, Xiao Bailong suddenly realized: "So that's it! Isn't it just that we don't kill corpses or ghosts, but only living people? What's more, there are three spirits and four incompetents. You guys can really mess around."

"This is jargon, okay?" Miss Caiyun said angrily: "When you were learning common sense from Mr. Leng, you were either sleeping or stealing things to eat, and you don't remember how many times you were beaten. Now you're better! The whole world of underworld is like this. I can’t pick anyone as idiotic as you.”

"Humph, you can't pick out the second Ice and Snow Little White Dragon." Little White Dragon raised his neck in dissatisfaction, patted the dust on his hands and said to me: "Jiulin, just tell me, this How can I break the door? Can you think of a way to smash it?"


I'm afraid only Xiao Bailong can think of this method!

Han Laoliu glared at him, and Miss Caiyun shook her head. They all said that there was really nothing they could do to deal with this alternative scumbag in the world of underworld!

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