Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1971 Zhang Jiulin breaks the formation

Han Laoliu looked at me, then at the strange transparent stone door opposite and said, "Jiulin, what do you mean..."

"Look, we have just calculated. Who are the people who entered the Amaterasu Association? The mysterious and unknown old protector, Izumoshita Goro, Izumoshita Rokuro, and Ito Shohei."

"These people have one obvious thing in common, that is, they are all proficient in the art of yin and yang, and they are all masters in this field! Especially Ito Shohei, this old man is best at the art of controlling souls."

"The prohibition of this gate is not to kill both the body and the soul, but only to kill the spirit with a body. Did they use some method to temporarily separate the body and soul and cross this gate?"

Han Laoliu pondered for a while and said: "What about Chu Yi? His soul is controlled by others. No matter whose soul or consciousness is in the body, it will not be spared. But if it is not in his body, it cannot be controlled. .How did Ito bring him there?"

"Did you just see me throwing that head?" I pointed to the opposite side and said, "The head hit the ground, but there was no sound at all. The first grade of junior high school also passed like this."

"First control his soul to walk to the front of the stone wall and open the secret door. Then his body fell towards the stone door. At this moment, his soul pulled away and passed through it first, while his body fell over along the function of inertia."

"And this stone wall can block the sound, so I didn't notice it at all."

"And at the same time, the old man manipulated what mechanism was touched on the first day of the year, and turned into the shape of Shimen again."

"Not only was there no sound, but there was no change in light and shadow. I was on the other side of the cliff and was on guard, so I didn't notice it at all. This is the reason why Chu Yi disappeared inexplicably. It is also what you and Xiao Bailong analyzed just now. Those days This is the reason why the people of Zhaoshenhui divided their forces into two groups, and they had no choice but to do so."

"People like Sanada Hao and Oda Oiwa, although they are very capable, can't leave their bodies, so they can't get through this stone gate at all!"

"But Shohei Ito is good at the art of controlling souls. Goro and Rokuro Izumoshita are all onmyoji masters. Leaving the soul is not a problem for them. As for the mysterious old guardian, he should have similar skills. This is heaven. The secret of Zhaoshenhui's people entering the stone gate!" I explained quickly.

Han Laoliu pondered for a moment, nodded and said: "That's right! Jiulin, since you have seen through the restrictions in the door and figured out the reason why they cracked it, do you have any good ideas?"

I really have a way!

Just now when Han Laoliu and Xiao Bailong were discussing the dispute, I suddenly had another idea.

Since this gate was made by Youzi's disciples, could it be that he coincides with Jiuyou's secret method?

The three secret chamber doors under the Wusuli River were also made by Yuzi's disciples, and they were also the senior brothers who built this tomb.

The three gates under the Wusuli River represent life, death, and neither life nor death respectively.

Since they are both Yuuko's disciples, although they have different abilities, there shouldn't be any big deviation in the general direction of their magic.

There must be some inner connection!

Zetsu discovered Emperor Jimmu's ambition to invade China, so he must kill him at all costs, and secretly left a Kusanagi sword in his tomb.

Judging from the last words on the screen and the mechanism of the secret room, he wanted to leave all these secrets and the opportunity to crack the ancient tomb to the disciples of Jiuyou.

After a painstaking design, a grass pheasant sword was hidden in the secret room, and there was also a ban on Amaterasu's bloodline from approaching. If it weren't for the invisible sword box, Miss Caiyun would not dare to approach it at all.

There must be an ulterior motive!

I don’t know if it was because of his ancestral spirit or if it was just a coincidence.

I happened to have two adventures, and I got all three treasures in my pocket, and became the last descendant of the Jiuyou sect.

In Jue's plan, the important task of destroying the ancient tombs and abolishing the gods in the future lies with the people of Jiuyou Sect!

No matter from which perspective, this is my unswerving mission!

This gate was also designed by him, and since it is so close to the core of the tomb, it must be secretly related to the Jiuyou Dharma Gate. Except for the people of Jiuyou Sect, it is difficult to know at all.

I just experimented, and it’s true!

Life can be passed, death can be avoided, only body and soul can be killed by Yin Lei.

If you think about it carefully, I have actually experienced such a situation!

I have never solved the three secret rooms under the Wusuli River, but by some strange combination of circumstances, I and Lina Fan rushed through another path.

It was a Cave of Thousand Souls created by Taoist Master Bai He. If we passed through it alone, we would be killed immediately. In the end, we borrowed the method of separating souls and transferring corpses to safely pass through.

It seems that this Yinxu Gate is indeed the product of the unity of Youdao.

Taoist Master Baihe of Kunlun Quanzhen Sect and the most senior master of evil arts came together through different paths, and they all designed such a magic circle!

Facing Han Laoliu's question, I nodded firmly and explained the method of getting through it.

"Leaving the soul?" Xiao Bailong, who had been silent for a long time, immediately asked in shock when he heard that I said this method, "Jilin, let me say... how sure are you? What if the soul is separated? What if I can’t go back later? I don’t want to be a lonely ghost.”

"Then you stay here and don't go there!" Han Laoliu said angrily.

Xiao Bailong said anxiously: "No, otherwise, let's try this first. You are immortal anyway..."

"Can you stop mentioning these words?" Han Laoliu was very angry after hearing this: "How many times have I said that immortality is just an adjective. Who said I will never die? How much does the near-death state hurt you? Do you know? You don’t even have a drink, do you know how difficult this is? Just look at how far away I am from death."

Miss Caiyun stopped Han Laoliu from talking and said, "Don't say such unlucky words! Nothing will happen to us. Just like before, we can all go out well! Don't forget what you promised me."

"Don't talk about Lao Liu! I remember it all." Xiao Bailong became inexplicably excited again, and said with a happy and pious face: "I want to make you the happiest bride in the world, and I want to take you everywhere To the end of the world, we can laugh side by side and watch the vicissitudes of life, and travel hand in hand through the prosperity of the world. I want you to..."

"Shut up!" Miss Caiyun shouted angrily, and a pale red haze rose up around her.

Xiao Bailong said that this is the state of chili sauce!

If this state is allowed to develop, it will be very scary, even the little white dragon will be scared.

"Okay, I won't say anything anymore..." Xiao Bailong repeatedly waved his hands and begged for mercy, but he still stuck out his tongue at me with a smile on his face.

The war is coming to an end and danger lies ahead! Fortunately, they could still joke around unintentionally.

It seems that they have experienced many such life and death battles together!

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