Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1972: Soul Out of Body

Just now, Xiao Bailong asked me how sure I am of leaving my soul.

In fact, I don’t even know this question myself.

Among all kinds of yin methods, the most difficult and risky one is the soul-leaving method.

The separation of body and soul seems easy, but after all, there is a separation between yin and yang. If the caster or the person being cast makes even the slightest mistake, it will be irreversible!

Regardless of whether the body is damaged or the soul is broken, it is difficult to become one again.

The body becomes a corpse, and the soul becomes a ghost!

While I took out the talisman and made the soul-leaving magic circle, I repeatedly explained the precautions to Xiao Bailong, a layman.

Counting it all together, I have only used Soul Separation once so far.

Moreover, the last time they used it on Fan Chong and Lina, they borrowed a top-quality talisman from Taoist Baihe, and the ghosts in the cave were also left by him. Even if it fails, the most it will cost is two more talismans.

But now, not only do I not have such high-level talismans in my hand, I can't figure out whether there are other restrictions hidden in the door in front of me.

To say that I am full of confidence is just an act - at least I can't make Xiao Bailong feel that I am unreliable. This will more easily make him uneasy and something may go wrong!

After working around for a long time, the soul-leaving magic circle was finally completed.

I held a magic talisman and said, "I'll say it one last time, don't talk for a while, don't move around, just follow me closely! Are you ready?"

Han Laoliu and Miss Caiyun held hands and nodded at the same time.

Xiao Bailong looked at me, then at the two of them, and nodded through gritted teeth - it seemed that he was still a little worried about me.

Well, I will operate on you!

I held the paper charm and walked towards Xiao Bailong.

"Ashes return to dust, earth returns to earth, humans and ghosts follow different paths, and souls return to heaven..."

"Three souls are opened, seven souls are scattered, get up!" With a sharp shout, I slapped the paper charm in my hand on Xiao Bailong's forehead.

Little Bailong still stood motionless, his hands hanging down stiffly, and his head hunched down.

Another transparent little white dragon stretched its neck, stared around, and looked around like a thief. Then it gently floated away from its body and rose into the air.

Little Bailong's courage was as big as his heart several times. As soon as he floated, he immediately felt it was fun. He kept shaking and flying back and forth, like a butterfly floating in front of us. Suddenly running around.

The expression on his face was also full of surprise and joy, as if this was not a matter of life and death at all, but a happy soul drifting.

"Don't move!" I warned with both surprise and fear: "It's really troublesome. I won't care about you if you can't recover in a while."

"Don't worry, even if something unexpected happens, I will definitely take you back, find an extra-large cesspit and throw it in, and you will feel at ease." Miss Caiyun said.

When Xiao Bailong heard this, he immediately became honest! He just glared at Caiyun several times in a very unhappy manner.

After applying the charms to Han Laoliu and Miss Caiyun one after another, I myself also left my body.

The method of leaving the soul to transfer to the corpse is extremely profound. According to the records in the "Yin Fu Jing", the method of leaving the soul that has been practiced to the extreme can not only communicate with words, but also be swayed by the wind, traveling thousands of miles a day without being exposed to the sun. It can withstand the invasion of ice and snow, and can travel through yin and yang and walk freely in the underworld.

It’s similar to the Taoist soul traveling.

However, my current skills can only be used in dark places, and the time is so short that I can't even speak.

Under my leadership and demonstration, the corpses of the four of us slowly moved away.

Although Xiao Bailong didn't know much about femininity, he was a master in the industry after all, and he was extremely agile, so he quickly adapted to it.

Both the soul and the body walked extremely steadily, even far more skillful than me who had already experienced it once.

We walked towards the stone gate step by step.

Because of the different entrance restrictions, I was afraid that my body and soul would pass through and trigger the restriction, so I could only save my soul first, and then transfer my body.

To be honest, I kept thinking that if I missed it, it would be the end of me!

Truly irreversible.

But from the moment we stepped into the ancient tomb, we were destined to be an endless journey.

Just like Xiao Bailong said: "We have no retreat for a long time. Our only hope is to fight all the way to the end! As long as the formation eyes are eliminated, everything will be solved."

Apart from this possibility, no matter how careful you are, no matter how steady you are, it’s useless! It's a matter of life and death, the only thing you can do is give it a try.

I floated into the stone door with one leg, and then floated the other leg without thinking.

fine! He came over so lightly.

The little white dragon's soul floated in right after me.

Han Laoliu and Miss Caiyun enter hand in hand, they are equally safe!

All the souls passed safely. We looked at each other happily, then walked forward at the same time, dragging our bodies over.

As soon as I saw that all of us were physically and mentally possessed, I finally let go of my ever-hanging heart.

He first collected the souls into his body, and then took off the charms attached to their heads.

Han Laoliu was already severely weakened. After all this torment, he couldn't bear it anymore. As soon as he entered the soul, he fell to the ground weakly. I quickly helped him and handed him over to Miss Caiyun. .

Xiao Bailong's interest was not diminished. After his soul entered his body, he kept saying with a smile on his face: "It's fun, it's fun, this spell is really interesting! If the old man had taught me this stuff, I wouldn't be able to make trouble anymore. Maybe. He has already become a great master."

I shook my head helplessly at him and wiped away the beads of sweat on my forehead - it was all caused by fear!

The stone door we just passed through seemed safe and sound, but if we made the slightest mistake, we would be instantly struck by the lightning hanging above and turned into smoke. Immediately the body and soul disappear! This is no joke!

A few of us were either physically too tired to support ourselves, or mentally exhausted, so we had to lean against the stone wall side by side for a short rest.

I saw that several of them were a little tired, so I let them rest peacefully while I sat on the outside and watched for them.

The surrounding stone walls are all in an extremely primitive state. The bottoms on both sides of the stone walls clearly show strips of sedimentary layers. I even found a strip of early biological fossils shaped like trilobites.

I casually took out the invisible needle and scratched it. The fossil was extremely hard. Without using my spiritual power, I could only leave a white mark on it.

Judging from the color of the faults in the sedimentary rocks and the degree of petrification, this cave was formed at least tens of thousands of years ago.

Back then, there were no humans on the entire planet!

"Xiao Bailong, can't you be honest for a while? Why are you swinging back and forth?" Miss Caiyun suddenly said with hatred.

She was answered by a snoring sound, and Xiao Bailong had already fallen asleep.

However, this is getting more and more wrong!

I also clearly felt that the little white dragon next to me seemed to be shaking non-stop. I thought he had not woken up from the excitement of leaving the soul just now, and couldn't help shaking his legs. But when he turned around, he saw that Xiao Bailong was fast asleep, half leaning against the stone wall and motionless.

But who caused this?

At this moment it shook again.

This time I could really see that what was shaking was the stone wall itself!

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