Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1982 Please enter the urn (additional update)

"She is the only bloodline left by the Amaterasu clan! Since you know the mechanisms in this ancient tomb very well, you must know that without the Amaterasu bloodline to open the way, there will never be a second wave of people coming here. "I smiled slightly.

"You two may not have forgotten how terrifying the skills of the old Gray Pigeon who captured you last time were, right? He couldn't get through a few levels with his ability, so what if it were someone else? It can also be said that we This group of people is the only cracker of the Ancient Cemetery Palace, and the only hope for you two brothers to be reborn as human beings! If we fail, you two will never be reborn."

"Indeed, as far as the current situation is concerned, the only way to get out of the tomb is to kill the formation. But you two should not forget, what is the purpose of Emperor Jimmu building this tomb? It is to trap all intruders Or? No! His real purpose is to leave some treasures to future generations. Once Miss Caiyun gets the ancestral relics, maybe there is no need to open any more formation eyes, and we can go out and get there. hour……"

"We won't be needed anymore by then, right?" Bai Ying reacted immediately.

"Not bad!" I nodded and said: "After we pass through the three forks and try to avoid or kill the Great Protector and Ito, we may be able to open a passage out of the ancient tomb, and this possibility is extremely high, then we Why do you have to open the Formation Eye to cause trouble for yourself?"

The white shadow and the black shadow looked at each other, with expressions of extreme loss and frustration on their faces.

Although these two guys are a lot older, have weird tricks, and are very capable, their emotional intelligence is not very high.

Thinking about it, the two of them had learned magic from the previous guardian since they were young. After they achieved some success, they were deceived into the ancient tomb and never left for so many years. I have never met many people in my life. Let alone any conspiracy, they may not even know much about the most basic human ways.

Just now, I was coaxed and frightened, and I was completely lost in my reasoning and random speculation.

As soon as I saw these two guys hesitating, I shook the small wooden box in my hand and pretended to put it in my arms, while saying: "You may also see that this wooden box is also a treasure. I really have some I'm reluctant to take it out. If you two are unwilling, forget it, we can go there by ourselves, but whether we can open the formation eye or not depends on our mood."

"No, no..." When Bai Ying saw it, he quickly stopped him. He turned his head and looked at the black shadow pleadingly and said, "Just do as he said! This is the only chance to break the magic circle. If they don't help, we I might be locked up here forever."

The black shadow paused, still looked at me with some doubts and asked: "When we enter the box, will you definitely open the formation eyes and rescue us?"

I laughed secretly in my heart. Before I knew it, this guy had gone from saying to help us, to cooperating, and now to saving them. There is a high probability that this thing is going to work!

I got this wooden box from the Lingbao Society when I was investigating the Baodiao Bow. Later, I found out that this thing is probably an old thing of the Master of the Jiuyou Sect. Because of the many restrictions placed on it, I have never been able to open it, and the one inside However, only powerful souls can enter the forbidden formation, otherwise they will be torn to pieces as soon as they enter the box. I have been wondering where to find these two powerful wandering souls.

This can be regarded as killing two birds with one stone!

"That's natural!" I was secretly happy, but put on a very sincere expression on my face and said: "As long as you two enter the box, we will be partners! I will naturally keep my word and will definitely open the array eyes. , who destroyed the ancient tomb."

"Okay! Then it's a deal." Black Shadow agreed happily.

Bai Ying also nodded repeatedly with joy.

He may not have understood what I just said. I said that I would open the formation eyes and destroy the ancient tomb, but I didn’t say that I would take them both out...

I winked at the little white dragon, and we both released the ice and snow restrictions and black locks at the same time.

The black and white figures broke away from the sand and went straight into the wooden box.

The wooden box shook slightly, then returned to calm.

Only then did I let out a sigh of relief.

Xiao Bailong clapped his hands with lingering fear, and said with a smile: "Jiulin, you still have a way! These two guys were dealt with like this! To be honest, if they don't agree, they really want to fight to the end, but we are There is nothing we can do.”

Indeed, although the attack skills of these two guys are not very good, this immortal defense is indeed very difficult to deal with. The only way is to lock them, but this is also a double-edged sword. While trapping them, neither of us can move at all. We are also fixed here, unable to move an inch.

Fortunately, these two guys have extraordinary magic skills and are also really stupid!

I put away the wooden box, turned around and called Miss Caiyun, and continued walking forward.

Caiyun looked very ugly, with reddish eye circles and pursed lips without saying a word.

We knew without asking that she was worried about Lao Liu's safety.

At this time, Han Laoliu was no more than a wooden stake, his whole body was stiff, his hands and feet were stiff, his mouth and eyes were closed, and his skin was like an old pine tree with layers of cracks. It's so thin and lifeless, it's very distressing!

The only way now is to leave the ancient tomb as soon as possible and find him enough wine.

Otherwise, his efforts will be drained by the magic vine!

It is impossible to kill Han Laoliu, and he will also be lost!

But before that, we have to find Chu Yi and kill the formation eye.

The only way is ahead!

Not far after walking along the wilderness river beach, you will see a winding cave with traces of water on the four walls. Like what you have seen before, it was also the only way to pass through the underground river in ancient times.

"There is a big pool ahead." Xiao Bailong said suddenly while walking.

I had long known that Xiao Bailong's ability to perceive water was unusual, but I didn't expect that he could point out so accurately that it was a pool, not a river.

After another ten minutes, after turning an arc, three forks appeared in front of me.

Just as the black and white double shadow said, the three forks are in three colors.

The left side is black, the right side is white, and the fork in the middle is red.

The black is chilling, the white is dazzling, and the red is shocking!

You can't see the scene inside at all through the entrance of the cave, and there is silence and no sound everywhere.

It's like three different worlds connected together!

"Which one to go?" Xiao Bailong stopped and turned to ask me.

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