Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1983 Immortality

Although this was just an inadvertent inquiry from Xiao Bailong, it sounded very meaningful to me, and I felt even more gratified!

When he came to Japan to rescue Miss Caiyun this time, Chu Yi asked for my help.

The first one to jump out and object was Xiao Bailong!

Compared to the first day of junior high school and Han Laoliu, I had less contact with Xiao Bailong and only had a quick farewell in the Devil's Valley. And he basically has no understanding of the art of yin and yang, so he has always been very worried about my strength.

So, I proposed to test my abilities with Han Laoliu on the first day of the new year.

When Xiao Bailong saw me, I managed to survive more than twenty rounds with the three people working together, and then I realized my strength again.

But he just reluctantly agreed and agreed to my going.

As we pursued all the way and gradually went deeper into the ancient tomb, Xiao Bailong also saw my true ability one after another!

Whether it was his understanding of the many ancient forbidden formation mechanisms or the astonishingly powerful Ten Yin Guards, they all left a very deep impression on him, far beyond his imagination.

Then he finally discovered that regardless of my knowledge, experience, or ability, I was no longer inferior to anyone in the Bafang Ming Dynasty!

Moreover, his attainments in ancient forbidden formations may be far higher than theirs.

Now Chu Yi is nowhere to be found, and Han Laoliu is seriously injured and unconscious. When faced with an unknown situation, he no longer dares to mess around, but turns to ask me.

You must know that Xiao Bailong's temperament has always been hands-off and not thinking. No matter what happens, he will do it first and then talk about it! Even when I was with Han Laoliu, who was in the first year of junior high school, I never listened to anyone, but now he took the initiative to ask me what to do.

This is his greatest recognition for me!

Bafang Mingdong has always protected me, and he did not hesitate to shed blood and sacrifice for me.

What they hope for is not just for me to live in peace, but for me to be able to stand alone one day and be able to complete the great mission they entrusted to me!

I want to see my growth and progress!

Now, I have finally gained their recognition, and I am still the most aloof little white dragon among them!

I suppressed my excitement and replied very calmly: "Just now, the Black and White Double Shadow said that we can choose any one of these three gates. Although we cannot believe everything they said, we probably won't do it in this matter. Lie, after all, they both expect us to smash the three-legged crow to release the formation's eyes."

"It's just that although we can pass through these three doors, the situation there should be very different. Let me take a look first before talking." With that, I took the flashlight and walked forward.

As expected, there was a strange symbol on each of the three doors.

It looks like three tadpoles surrounding each other.

Either the heads are connected, or the tails are close together, or the heads and tails are connected.

It is exactly the same as the triple gate at the bottom of the Ussuri River.

They respectively represent the door of life, the door of death, and the door of neither life nor death.

This is the three lifetimes that Jiuyou Sect believes in.

Jiuyoumen was founded in the early Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, which was the beginning of the establishment of various academic theories. Confucianism and Legalism were all talking about one thing: to unify the world, to rule the world. Taoism and Yin-Yang theory talk about the two poles of Yin and Yang, and the dual formation of Hunyuan.

What Jiuyou Sect focuses on is three, plus a balance in addition to yin and yang.

The mechanism array in this ancient tomb was all built by Senior Jue himself. Even though it was modified a lot by Emperor Jimmu, what he learned was also passed down from the Nine Nether Sect. Therefore, the original method of Jiuyou is still the same.

Moreover, both Zetsu and Emperor Jimmu's cultivation abilities were not as good as those of the seniors who built the triple gate under the Ussuri River.

Therefore, after some calculations and evolution, I quickly analyzed the meaning of these three doors.

The Black Gate is the Gate of Death and represents the path of pure Yin.

The White Gate is the Sheng Gate, which represents the pure Yang way.

The red door is the door of immortality and represents the transformation of yin and yang.

The black and white double shadow was right, no matter which path he chose, he could pass through without incident.

However, it’s hard to say whether we can still walk back safely!

In other words, if we really believe those two guys, if we step through a door at will, we will never return.

If we had been walking in front and were blocked by these three doors, we would really have no choice.

But fortunately, the great protector of the Amaterasu Association and the old thief Ito had already gone in first and chose the right path for me.

Regardless of how these two old guys did it, all the forbidden formations along the way were avoided by them extremely cleverly, and they were even able to use the forbidden formations to snipe us. It is enough to show that these two old guys are very familiar with the mechanisms in the ancient tomb, and are even quite skilled in deciphering the Nine Nether Secret Techniques.

At least, the two of them did not choose a door randomly, but after careful consideration.

"Jilin." Xiao Bailong came to my side and said, "How about I go and give it a try?"

Xiao Bailong's eyes were extremely determined. I understood what he meant. He wanted to put himself in danger and be cannon fodder for us, so he went to test it out.

However, there is no point in doing so.

There are three doors here. Even if he risked his life to eliminate one of the wrong ones, it would still be difficult to choose between the remaining two.

Moreover, even if you choose the door of certain death, you won’t find out right away.

I briefly explained to him, and then said: "Haven't those two old guys and the junior high school student who was controlled by - already gone in? If we think about it carefully, we will definitely find a safe passage. "

But Xiao Bailong didn't seem to understand what I just said at all. He waved his hand and interrupted me: "Wait a minute, you mean, nothing will happen to us if we just choose one to go in now. It will just come out in a moment." not coming?"

"Yes! You can enter these three doors without incident, but the situation inside each door is very different. If you make the wrong choice, you may never come back, and both your body and soul will be trapped inside."

The power of the Jiuyou Triple Gate is no joke. Even if Taoist Master Bai He has a supreme god-level cultivation, he will still be killed in the Wusuli River if he makes the wrong step! It would be unimaginable for us.

Xiao Bailong was still unmoved and asked me: "What if we kill the formation eye? Then are these three gates still powerful?"

"It's... it's hard to say." I said hesitantly: "This triple gate is extremely special. It is probably not controlled by the formation at all. Even if the formation is broken, it will have no effect. In my opinion, we should look for it. The clues left by those two old guys! After all, they are coming out too."

"That's not necessarily true." Xiao Bailong shook his head and said, "Maybe they just chose a path at random and never thought about coming out."

"Didn't you think about coming out?" This time, I was confused: "What does this mean? They put so much effort into going deep into the ancient tomb, didn't they just want to get the treasure? How could they not want to come out."

"You can't judge their purpose based on your thoughts." Xiao Bailong said solemnly, "For those two old guys, what do you think is worthy of being called treasure? Gold and silver wealth? Or artifacts and magic weapons? I don’t think so.”

"No?" I asked a little strangely: "Then what do you think they want?"


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