Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1984: Sacrifice of successive generations

"Immortal?" I was a little surprised.

"Yes!" Xiao Bailong nodded and said with certainty: "I have seen too many old guys, whether they are witches and Gu masters from the pure yin line, or monks and Taoist priests from the pure yang line. Okay. Just like Baimei, there are not many people who are calm and indifferent regardless of life and death! Without exception, the older they get, the more they are afraid of death, and the older they get, the less they want to die. They all try every means to prolong their lives. "

"These two old guys are certainly no exception! Whether it is gold, silver, wealth, artifacts or magic weapons, as long as their lives are gone, what use are the best things? At their age, these two old guys have the most desired things. It must be something that can prolong life, or even lead to immortality. That’s why they are so obsessed with it.”

"Why did the old thief Ito arrest you? It's because you are... ahem. To him, it is no different from the elixir of life, so he attacks you one after another. That old protector, even their Amaterasu Kamikai Even the masters don’t know the details, it’s enough to see that his age is even more frightening, so he desires such things even more!”

I thought for a while and said, "Even if your guess is right, these two old guys are really trying to get some elixir, but how do you say they don't plan to come out? What's the reason for this?"

"It doesn't mean that they will never come out." Xiao Bailong explained: "They regard the depths of this ancient tomb as a place of retreat! They will practice the art of immortality here."

"Once you reach a critical point in cultivation, you will face a mysterious gateway of life and death. At that time, you can choose a passage to walk out. If you succeed, you will overcome death with death and extend your life for a hundred years. If you fail, you will be reborn with the help of your soul, and you will be a teenager again."

"This is the only way to practice the art of immortality. I know that there are several hundred-year-old guys who have sealed themselves in a place of death, just waiting for the moment when the barrier between life and death is opened!"

"These two old guys must have the same plan. Those people guarding the door may have been deceived by them! Because, no matter what artifacts and treasures are there, whether they get them or not, they will never come out again. .”

"It is precisely because of this that they don't care about the lives of other members of the Amaterasu Society, and they don't care at all whether they can stop us! All they care about is the art of immortality."

Hearing what Xiao Bailong said, I suddenly understood!

Throughout the ages, no matter which sect or sect the monks and hermits have, their ultimate goal is immortality!

This is especially true for Japanese Yin and Yang masters. They are called Zongheng Yin and Yang, but in fact they all want to transcend Yin and Yang and become immortal.

In their teachings, there must be a mysterious and ancient legend passed down from heart to heart: There is such a magic weapon or magic medicine hidden in the ancient tomb of Shenwu, which can be used to jump out of the three realms, reverse the six paths of reincarnation, and become immortal from now on. !

Both the old protector and the old thief Ito must believe it to be true.

That’s why I’m so obsessed with this ancient tomb treasure!

Maybe they don't know at all, or simply don't want to admit it, Yuko, the founder of the Onmyoji lineage, has been dead for nearly three thousand years, and even with his level of skill and cultivation, he cannot live forever. Qin Shihuang and Han Wu Emperor, who had overwhelming power in the world and were incomparable for a while, one was looking for medicine, the other was refining elixirs, but in the end they were both dead bodies. Where did you go to find the magic of immortality?

But everyone in the world is like this, always firmly believing in what they crave.

These two old guys probably only had a few days to live, so instead of waiting for death, they might as well give it a try, which led to the exploration of the treasure.

From the beginning to the end, it was their greed for life that was behind them!

"What do you mean... don't worry about which door is safe and which is dangerous, just break in?" I turned to ask Xiao Bailong.

"Yes!" Xiao Bailong said with unusual determination: "When they first captured Chu Yi, I thought they might be trying to coerce you. Now that I think about it, this might be their workaround."

"Although Chu Yi's physique is a little worse than yours, he is after all...if it is used as a body for soul reincarnation, it is indeed a good product. That old guy Ito has made two preparations, just in case he is caught Without you, I will use the first grade of junior high school as a backup cauldron for rebirth if I fail to go out."

"It is precisely because of this that Chu Yi's life is not in danger for the time being, but it would be hard to say if it were a little later! When the old guy practices the trick of immortality and his soul returns to concentration, he will definitely kill Chu Yi's soul. By then, it will be too late.”

"Then..." I became anxious upon hearing this, but Xiao Bailong stretched out his hand to stop me, and said eagerly: "Jiulin, although I am also a famous player from all over the world, I was too seriously injured in the battle with Longquan Villa. , you have been cultivating for so many years and have not appeared in front of you. It was not until the Devil's Valley, when Lao Liu released paper cranes to ask for help, that he rushed there... I didn't expect that not long after we said goodbye, you would grow to such an extent! I I’m really happy for you, I’m really happy for Mouse, White-browed Phoenix and the others.”

Xiao Bailong said, patted me heavily on the shoulder and said: "Jiulin! Live well, I believe you can do it! You will never let us down."

"Little Bailong... you..." I noticed something was wrong with his words, which sounded like his last words, so I suddenly reached back to grab him. But this guy was already on guard, and because of his extremely fast body, he disappeared from in front of me with a whoosh, and flew straight into the blood-red door opposite.

I only caught half of the sleeve with this hand.

"Little White Dragon!" I hurriedly chased him two steps until I reached the door.

In front of his eyes was a white shadow submerged in red light.

"Jiulin!" When I was feeling extremely sad, Miss Caiyun's voice came from behind me.

I turned around and saw Miss Caiyun walking towards me with Han Lao Liu in her arms: "Don't look at Lao Liu being injured like this, as long as you make him a few bottles of wine he will be able to recover, and then he will tell you everything."

After saying that, Han Laoliu was thrown towards me with a whoosh.

I quickly reached out to catch it, and Miss Caiyun flew into the black door as fast as clouds!

Like the setting sun swallowed by the night, it disappeared in an instant.

"Caiyun!" I stared at everything that happened in front of me in shock and pain, and my heart felt like a knife.

One of Xiaobailong and Caiyun flew into the Gate of Yin and Yang, and the other ran into the Gate of Pure Yin.

This is costing my life to pave the way for my temptation!

They are abiding by the oath made by famous people from all directions, and they are sacrificing for me one after another!

You... you...

I knelt in front of the triple door in shock and pain, and couldn't help but burst into tears.

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