Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1985 No one can be missing

Han Laoliu's hands and feet in his arms were stiff and motionless, like a dry branch.

But I feel that Han Laoliu is extremely heavy at this moment!

Bafang Mingdong has always been around me, and in every critical moment, he has always sacrificed himself for me regardless of his own safety.

Zen Master Baimei, Senior Rat, Master Feng are all like this...

Now, Xiao Bailong and Miss Caiyun are...

At this time, the first grade of junior high school is also in danger, life and death are unknown!

Miss Caiyun and Xiao Bailong must have tried to fight to the death, trying to forcefully unlock the formation and let me walk out safely.

Later, when Han Laoliu, who was seriously injured, regained consciousness, he told me about the great mission he had shouldered.


But I can only watch them die for me one after another, but I can't do anything?



Previously, I didn’t know that I had a big mission. I just wanted to make a little money and become rich.

Before, I didn't know that there were so many people behind me who shed their blood and sacrificed their lives for me. I just wanted to accumulate virtue and seek peace of mind.

But since our trip to Devil's Valley, I've learned about the existence of Bafang Mingdong, the responsibilities I shoulder, and the burden and mission that's weighing on me.

Since then, I have not dared to relax at all, and have been practicing hard and practicing the "Yin Fu Sutra".

I want to meet their expectations as soon as possible and fulfill their long-cherished wish!

It turns out that because of my low level of cultivation and lack of experience, I can only be a burden to them.

But now, I have become stronger!

I have obtained the Three Treasures of the Nine Netherworlds, and I have learned many secret techniques, but do I still want them to die for me?

Do I really have to sacrifice everyone in the Bafang Ming Dynasty before I complete that important mission?

Absolutely not!

I am no longer the Zhang Jiulin I was before. Regardless of my strength or mentality, I will never let them die in front of me again.

I want to save them all, no one is missing!

I wiped away my tears and walked resolutely towards the bright white hole in the middle.

The Jiuyou Triple Gate is an extremely mysterious sect formation. Even the descendants of Youzi cannot enter and exit freely. The triple gate here is somewhat different from the triple gate under the Wusuli River.

Those three doors are secret treasure rooms set up by the second-generation disciples to store the Three Treasures. They are difficult to crack.

As long as the restrictions are removed, everything can flow smoothly.

As for the three-layered door here, nothing will happen when you enter it. It will just make it difficult for you to turn around. If you make a slight deviation, you will end up dead.

Xiao Bailong and Miss Caiyun walked in through the red door, which represented yin and yang, and the black door, which represented pure yin respectively.

Their original intention was to risk their lives to explore the path for me, so that I could stay here to see which path was the correct one.

But in this case, no matter which passage I choose, one of them will definitely be buried here!

I will never allow them to die in front of me again!

So I could only fight to the death and walk into the third way.

This is for the three doors to open at the same time!

These three gates represent life, death, and neither life nor death respectively.

But in Yin Dharma, life is not necessarily the beginning, and death is not necessarily the end.

"Yin Fu Jing" also says that there is reincarnation in heaven and earth, and there is no end to life and death.

We walked into three doors respectively, which opened the three passages of life, death, and neither life nor death at the same time.

Under the reversal of reincarnation, the three paths are opened together, which will inevitably stimulate the origin of the formation.

Although it is extremely powerful at this time, it will definitely reveal its flaws!

It's like you rush forward with all your strength and strike forward. Although it is very powerful, your back is undefended and exposed.

This is a difficult time to grasp, and the hope is very slim, but I have to do it!

Otherwise, one of Xiao Bailong and Miss Caiyun will definitely die, or both of them will die.

Bafang Mingdong has been silently paying for me, and no one is afraid of death when the crisis is approaching.

I also have to do something for them, even if there is only one in a thousand, one in ten thousand chance!

The doorway was filled with a thick milky white fog, faintly exuding a strange fragrance. Nothing could be seen in front of me, and there was no sound in my ears.

As I walked, I suddenly felt like I was flying in the sky and walking in the clouds.

The clouds around and under my feet were rolling, and the blue sky and the same blue sea were revealed in the gaps.

There was no wind or waves on the sea, as calm as a sapphire, and a few cranes were heard in the distance.

Following the sound, I saw three or two big cranes floating past. On the back of one of them was a little boy, wearing a long bun and a wide robe, white and pure, holding a huge golden gourd in his hand.

At the far end of the direction in which the crane was flying, there was a vaguely floating mountain with tall pines and cypresses, waterfalls and flowing springs, just like a dangerous situation!

Unknowingly, I was fascinated by the beautiful scenery of the fairy mountain, and I wanted to follow the fairy boy Dahe to the fairy mountain.


Dong dong dong...

At this moment, his chest suddenly trembled, and tens of thousands of hearts started beating at the same time.

not good! With this blow, I suddenly woke up.

This is an illusion!

What I am walking into now is the white passage that represents the path of pure Yang. What I see in front of me is just the Taoist fairyland illusion, which is the same as ghosts beating walls.

I closed my eyes, calmed my mind, pressed the Dharma seal with my hand, and recited the Tao Te Ching silently.

When he opened his eyes again, the Great Crane Fairy Mountain and the boy Mist were all gone.

What appeared in front of me was just a dark hole.

The surrounding stone walls were covered with traces of water that had been soaked for a long time. When I looked back, I saw that the back was completely white and could not be seen through.

It seems that I have got out of the three-layered door.

At the same time, it also indicates that it is difficult for me to go back!

It was very cold deep in the cave, with gusts of cold wind blowing from time to time.

There was also a very unpleasant fishy smell in the air.

I took off my coat, tore the clothes into strips of cloth, twisted them into ropes, and tied Han Laoliu firmly to his back.

At this time, Han Laoliu was completely shriveled up, his whole body was completely black, and his skin and flesh were spread out in layers like cracked fields, like a dead wood pile that had been exposed to the sun for a long time. At a glance, it felt like someone was holding tightly around my heart, not to mention how uncomfortable it was!

"Lao Liu, don't worry! I will definitely take you out."

"In the first year of junior high school, Caiyun, Xiao Bailong, no one is missing! I will take everyone out of here safely."

"Lao Liu, you must hold on! When we get out of the ancient tomb, I will hold a wedding for you and Caiyun! A beautiful and grand wedding."

As I was being tied up, I was talking to myself with tears in my eyes.

Hanging the flashlight on his shoulder, holding the two knives tightly in both hands, he strode forward.

The important task is not too far away, the mission is right in front of you!

At this moment, my only mission is to find them and take them out safely.

From this moment on, I, Zhang Jiulin, will never allow anyone to sacrifice for me, not even one!

I want to take them out! No one should be missing.

This belief is extremely firm!

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