Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1986 The Overlord of the Water

The further we walked, the colder air became more and more intense, and a layer of white frost formed on the stone walls on both sides.

After turning a corner, my eyes suddenly became brighter.

I shook my shoulders and looked around with the flashlight.

This area is about the size of two or three football fields. In the middle, dark and dark, is a large pool.

Long before the triple gate, Xiao Bailong noticed that there was a large pool behind the gate. It turned out to be here!

The stone walls around the pool are covered with a thick layer of ice, as are the rocks hanging high on the top of the wall.

It can be seen that the cold air is emanating from this pool.

I took a few steps in and took a closer look.

The water surface was calm and windless, as black as ink, and it was difficult to distinguish the special features of the water surface with only the naked eye.

He chopped off a stone covered with ice with his knife and threw it in casually.

The stone hit the water and caused a wave, but the stone did not sink. Instead, it miraculously floated up, leaving only circles of ripples on the water.


It seems that this pool is not only very cold, but also very strange!

However, no matter how weird it is, I can't wait any longer.

Xiao Bailong and Miss Caiyun broke in before me. I still don’t know what happened. I have to rush over and join them as soon as possible.

Thinking of this, I jumped into the water.

As soon as I entered the water, I immediately felt a bone-chilling coldness all over my body. The cold air was like billions of steel needles, penetrating every pore and piercing the bones, heart, and lungs!

This extremely unbearable feeling of ice pain made me shudder in pain!

I didn't dare to stop for a moment, so I hurriedly waved my arms and legs and swam straight to the opposite side.

The simple thing is that although the water in this pool is freezing cold, it does not freeze and is extremely buoyant.

Before long, I had swam almost a third of the way, and I could see the opposite shore from a distance.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise from the water surface in front, and it suddenly started churning upwards.

A water column almost one meter thick rose into the sky and hit the rock on the top of the wall heavily, splashing a large area!


Bang bang bang!

Pieces of ice were smashed by the water waves and fell down one after another.

I quickly stopped and kept waving my swords to protect Han Laoliu and me.

Ice cubes fell into the water around us, stirring up black water columns of different sizes. Strange phenomena appeared on the originally calm water. Without thinking, there must be something in the water!

I swept away the ice cubes that hit us while watching the surroundings closely.

The ice cubes fell less and less, but the water waves surged more and more fiercely.

A big wave far above the water surface rushed straight towards me. It was extremely fast and violent!

"Broken!" I swung my two swords, followed the water waves, and struck suddenly.

With a snap, the waves broke, revealing a giant black figure.

The whole body was covered with a layer of thick black scales, which shone brightly under the light of the flashlight.

This guy's eyes are not big, but his mouth is terrifyingly long, almost two meters long!

This guy was obviously stunned. He looked at me blankly with his small eyes, then suddenly opened his big mouth and yelled at me wildly, as if he was threatening to demonstrate!

The long teeth in its mouth were like sharp cones and long knives. It was only then that I recognized it.

This turned out to be a big crocodile!

The size is many times larger than what I have encountered before, almost as big as a large truck.

After this guy yelled at me, he suddenly became furious and rushed towards me again with the waves of water!

The mouth opened wide, its teeth were like knives, as if it wanted to swallow me alive and tear me to pieces.

I was in the water at this time, and there was no way I could escape it, so I brandished my two swords and charged forward.


The knife struck the big crocodile's forward mouth, which suddenly shook my arm and sent my whole body flying backwards uncontrollably, creating a long and big wave on the water.

But the menacing big crocodile only shuddered slightly, and then its speed did not slow down and it still rushed towards me!

Moreover, after this, it seemed to be completely enraged, its speed increased several times, and its strength became even more wild, setting off a huge wave that was as chaotic as a tidal wave, sweeping over the sky and the earth.

Before the blink of an eye, the giant mouth and fangs were in front of you!

I couldn't help being shocked!

Those small crocodiles that were killed before could be stabbed to the core with just one knife, effortlessly.

But this guy's scales are so thick! My sharp knife didn't leave even the slightest mark.

It seems that I have to find another way, and I must not fight it head-on anymore!

I saw the monster approaching, only about one meter away from me.

I quickly pulled away to the right and kicked it at the same time, using my strength to avoid it.


The big crocodile rushed over and suddenly jumped into the air. Unable to stop its inertia, it plunged into the water and rushed out a long way. A huge wave was set off, and the entire black water pool started to shake.

During the turbulent waves, I was caught cold. Before this guy could turn over, I hurriedly swam forward again.

There was a crash, the waves surged, and this guy chased after him again.

Crocodiles are originally the king of the water. Not to mention their size, they are also very strange. Even ordinary crocodiles are extremely difficult to deal with.

Seeing that there are still a hundred or ten meters away from the river bank, it is simply wishful thinking to swim ashore before it!

But this guy is extremely strong and has thick armor. What should I do?

The sound of crashing water got closer and closer, and the menacing roar of the big crocodile became louder and louder.

what to do? When we meet on a narrow road, the brave wins!

I still want to save everyone and complete the great mission. If you can't even deal with a beast like you, what else can I talk about?

bring it on!

Just when the crocodile was about to approach me, I turned around suddenly, raised my swords high and jumped up.

"Shocking Slash! Kill!" A black stream of light enveloped the blade.

It was hitting the big crocodile.


A huge concave pit was blown out of the entire water surface, and the cold water in all directions was squeezed out, forming a huge sea bowl.

It's just that a big deep hole appeared at the bottom of the sea bowl, and the big crocodile was forced into it!

This guy's scales are really thick! Even the Shocking Slash failed to break it.

But you must know that my Shocking Slash at this time has already reached the second level, which is many times more powerful than the first level during the Wusuli River period.

Even so, its armor was still not broken.


The water waves that were pushed around surged back at the same time, and the entire pool suddenly became turbulent, like a shock wave after a typhoon.

I was just about to ride on the floating waves when I suddenly saw the water surface that had just merged suddenly spin away, forming a huge vortex!

The vortex was spinning faster and faster, and it was spinning bigger and bigger, and before I could get away, I was wrapped up in it.

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