Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1987 Lake of the Dead

The whirlpool was flowing rapidly, and no matter how hard I paddled, I was still involved in it involuntarily.


A giant black figure suddenly emerged from the bottom of the vortex.

Opening its bloody mouth, from bottom to top, it wants to swallow me whole!

"Ah? This guy is not dead yet." This time I couldn't help but be even more shocked.

How powerful is the Shocking Slash? Just relying on the first level, he killed many Dragon Roar Guards. Although this technique has a miraculous effect on Yin spirits, it shouldn't be a problem to kill an animal, right? Even if this guy is extremely weird and fierce, he can never stop the full blow of Jing Zhan.

What's more, this is the second level of Jing Zhan.

Could it be that this guy is the formation eye of the ancient tomb?

The giant roared, and I couldn't help being wrapped up in the whirlpool. Seeing that I was about to be bitten by it, I quickly crossed my knife and threw the invisible needle.

The invisible needle flew straight towards the guy's little eyes!

Although this guy was huge, his movements were extremely swift. As soon as he saw a light coming straight to his eyes, he quickly turned around and stretched out his front paws to sweep it.


The invisible needle was swept aside, and I took advantage of this opportunity to avoid the impact of the big crocodile.

But I am still in the vortex at this time. Although I try my best to stay away, I am still not far from it.

The big crocodile turned around and gave me a vicious look. The two glaring little eyes were full of anger and hatred!

I held the ghost-killing swords tightly in both hands, trying my best to maintain the balance of my body while paying careful attention to this guy's movements. I didn't dare to attack rashly, let alone be careless.

I was thinking about how to deal with this guy!

This guy's whole body is covered with such an indestructible layer of scales that he can't even withstand the Shocking Slash. The sudden blow just now didn't even leave a mark. Obviously, this move is obviously capable. It doesn’t make sense.

Although this big crocodile is extremely ferocious and strange, it doesn't look like it gave birth to a sane monster.

Talismans specifically designed to deal with Yin spirits will not have any effect on it.

This is how to do?

I stared at the big crocodile and didn't dare to move rashly. The crocodile seemed to realize that I was not easy to mess with. It didn't dare to come forward for a while. It stayed in the center of the vortex and stared at me with a pair of small eyes.

One person and one fish have been in a stalemate like this for a long time, but this water area is its territory. Whether I come or not, it will stay here. If this confrontation continues, it will only become more and more disadvantageous for me!

Moreover, Xiao Bailong and Miss Caiyun's lives may be in danger at any time, and I can't afford it at all!

The water in the pool was bone-chilling, making me shiver from the cold, and my upper and lower rows of teeth kept bumping against each other.

I really don't want to waste it anymore, but facing this giant crocodile that is as strong as steel armor, there is nothing I can do.

Even though it's motionless now, if I turn around and walk away, this guy will definitely rush up without hesitation!

This is how to do?

The vortex gradually slowed down, and the big crocodile and I were constantly rising and falling with the waves.

At this moment, as the water surged, I suddenly noticed a red light flashing on the crocodile's belly, as if there was something there.

I inserted the ghost-slaying sword into my back, took off the military flashlight from my shoulder and shined it.

Sure enough, this is not an illusion.

Under the floating water, a light red mark appeared on the belly of the big crocodile.

To be more precise, they were scars.

Blood red scars.

This very fierce crocodile is covered with a thick layer of scales all over its body, even its belly and eyelids, but there is a blood-red mark here!

I turned on the flashlight and looked carefully, and then I realized that the scar seemed to be a handprint.

Blood red handprints.

And it's obvious that there are six fingers on the handprint!

Six fingers? Isn't this a genetic characteristic of the Amaterasu lineage?

This can be found in the ancient tomb of Emperor Jimmu that has been covered in dust for thousands of years, and it is also behind the Nine Nether Triple Gate. For thousands of years, no one has ever come here, and no one of the Amaterasu bloodline has ever come here.

So, with that said...

The scars on the crocodile were probably caused by Emperor Jimmu himself.

Has this giant crocodile survived for thousands of years?


Suddenly, in extreme shock, I had an epiphany.

This big crocodile is covered in heavy armor and is almost invulnerable. Even the Shocking Slash can't do anything about it, but isn't this scar the best way to break through?

As long as I find a way to stab it here, I will definitely be able to hurt it.

right! Just do it.

When I thought of this, I immediately hung the flashlight back on my shoulder, waved my two swords and leaned forward, preparing to trick it into revealing its flaws so that I could hit it with one hit.

But at this moment, I suddenly realized that something was wrong with this guy's eyes, as if he was giving me a sinister smile that was akin to mockery.

I was absolutely right, it was indeed a look of ridicule!

It was completely different from the savage and ferocious look just now. It was a look unique to a conspirator who was about to win, and it was also full of mockery.


Suddenly, there were gusts of cold wind on the water, and the biting cold wind suddenly blew up, swirling around me, whistling!

I shivered suddenly, not just because of the cold, but I suddenly felt as if countless eyes were staring at me closely.

In this vast darkness, on this icy cold water.

This feeling is extremely familiar, this is Yin spirit! This is a dead soul!

I quickly took out the magic talisman and threw it out.

Dozens of firefly-like lights fled in all directions and flew far away.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh...

Waves of cold wind left me, constantly circling around me.

Under the development of the talisman's light, another scene appeared on the entire water surface!

On the water as dark as night, there were densely packed figures floating on the water, either wearing leather armor and raincoats, or with bare backs and bare feet, or holding long spears and short swords, or holding iron picks and stone hammers.

The only thing the same is that they all looked at me expressionlessly, trapping me in a circle. Be careful!

There was a crash.

The crocodile stuck its entire head out of the water, opened its mouth and roared at me several times.

No matter the situation or the tone, it was like a smile, as if to say: "Boy, how are you? You have been fooled."

Only then did I understand!

It turned out that the crocodile failed after two successive attacks, and was knocked into the water by my knife. Although it was not hurt, it was severely beaten. Immediately I learned to be smart, no longer reckless, and I changed my approach.

The whirlpool under the water was caused by it, and these ghosts must have been released by it. No wonder this pool is so cold, it turns out that there are so many ghosts hidden there.

I thought I had found its flaw and was about to launch a fatal blow to it. It turned out that this guy was waiting for the ghosts to gather and surround me!

I thought it had no IQ, but it turned out to be so cunning and cunning. It has survived for thousands of years. Even a crocodile cannot be underestimated!

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