Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1989: Avoiding water and pursuing evil

I must not leave Han Laoliu here, I must take all of them out, not one less!

This big crocodile is so cunning and cruel.

It may have noticed it a long time ago. No matter in a fierce battle or when running away, I always deliberately protected Han Laoliu and never let his head sink into the water. So it must think that this thing is extremely important to me, so it doesn't hesitate to use those little crocodiles as cannon fodder bait, but also must take the opportunity to take Lao Liu away, so as to lure me to pursue it.

Once it reaches the deep water area, it really dominates the world! There is nothing I can do.

Let alone chasing and hunting, they might drown me to death!

This guy is quite sure about this. I will never abandon Han Laoliu.

I took out the only water-avoiding talisman, stuck it to my heart, and rushed in the direction of the blood line. This water-avoiding talisman was drawn by me practicing the "Yin Fu Jing".

The various spells in the "Yin Talisman Sutra" are extremely profound, and this talisman is just one of the nine evasive talismans.

The nine avoidances are: metal, wood, water, fire, earth, light, air, star, and pole.

As long as you carry a perfect "Nine Avoidance Talisman", you can completely prevent the above nine substances from harming you.

The frightening climb up the mountain of knives and down into the sea of ​​fire is just an extremely childish game for you!

But with my current level of cultivation and attainment of talismans, I am still far from being able to create them. I can only learn them by dividing them. And so far, we can only create five-element evasion talismans. Even so, he is not very skilled. Taking this water-avoiding talisman as an example, it can only temporarily avoid water for about twenty minutes.

I had known for a long time that coming to Japan to rescue Miss Caiyun this time would definitely be an extremely dangerous and tough battle, and we would definitely have to go through an unprecedented crisis. So I brought all the charms with me, and I didn’t expect them to come in handy!

After using the Water Avoidance Technique, my speed indeed improved a lot, and I could even see the figure of the big crocodile swimming straight down from a distance.

But the big crocodile swam too fast. I tried my best, but I could only reach this speed!

Fortunately, the big crocodile did not wander around wildly, but went straight down. And although the pool was pitch black, it was probably because it was too cold, and there were no aquatic plants or duckweeds. There was not even a water bug microorganism in the thing. Under the light of the flashlight, the gradually spreading blood line in front of me was still quite clear.

After a short pursuit, I saw the bottom of the water from a distance.

The surface under the pool turned out to be pale white, and the flashlight illuminated it, emitting a bright white light.

When I got closer, I could see it clearly, but I couldn't help but be surprised!

That pale white light actually comes from human bones!

The ground below the entire pool was covered with densely packed corpses layer after layer. It was simply a mass grave!

The clothes on the bones have long since rotted away, but judging from the degree of wear and tear on various parts, it is easy to tell that these people can only be divided into two types, one is the coolie who works overloaded all year round, and the other is the Soldiers with swords and guns.


The crocodile just now didn't know what kind of restriction it had touched, and the souls released were these two types of people.

Although these people have been dead for many years, their souls are still there, and they are still densely packed together. Judging from the stacked shape of these bones, they should all have died here suddenly.

Coolies, soldiers, suddenly all died here...

Could it be that these people were the original builders of the ancient tombs, and were they the soldiers who guarded them?

There were no signs of poisoning on the bones, and there were no signs of being chopped or stabbed. It seemed that the cause of their death was not poisoning or massacre.

Each corpse looked like it was running desperately, and many of them looked like they had fallen from above.

This probably is……

right! It's water.

For some unknown reason, these people were gathered here. A sudden flood took away the lives of most people in an instant. Even if some people who knew how to swim tried to escape, the water level was too high and because of the Due to lack of oxygen, he fell again.

Because so many bones of innocent souls were gathered and buried deep underground, never seeing the light of day, this extremely weird cold pool was eventually formed.

I was thinking quickly while following the blood line in front of me.

After the blood line reached the bottom of the water, it rushed forward again.

After a few dozen meters, he turned diagonally upward and rushed into a half-collapsed hole.

The entrance of the cave should have been extremely narrow and secret. It can be seen from the cracks on the surrounding rocks that they were all broken open by strong external forces, and the broken stones were completely covered. A large piece of bones. It can be seen that this was caused after the flood drowned everyone and the pool was formed.

I looked closely at the entrance of the cave and saw that the dense scratches were all vaguely blade-shaped, much like they were worn by armor. There were also several sharp giant scratches on the rocks on the left and right sides.

After re-examining the size of the hole and various traces, it was finally determined that the hole must have been made by a large crocodile.

This might be its home base!

Once injured, an animal's first instinct is to flee back to its burrow.

I held my two swords tightly and swam in quickly.

The stone walls in the cave are full of traces scratched by giant claws, and there are many gravels of different sizes scattered on the ground on both sides. It seems that the entrance of the cave was originally very narrow, and it was forcefully dug out by the big crocodile. of.

The water in the cave was very turbid, and there was a faint, disgusting smell floating around.

Han Laoliu was still in the big crocodile's mouth, so I didn't dare to stop any longer and swam forward quickly.

The further we go, the more turbid the water becomes, and there are also a lot of fish and shrimp residues and scattered feces in the water.

The blood line left by the big crocodile in the water is getting thinner and thinner.

The slow spread of the blood line showed that the speed of the big crocodile was gradually slowing down. I stabbed such a big blood hole more than a dozen times, almost carving out a blood channel in its body! Dragging such a seriously injured body, the blood has been flowing for so long. If it were other creatures, it would have been drained long ago. It is amazing that this guy can escape all the way here.

Suddenly, a loud roar came from the front!

The roar was extremely miserable and loud!

The entire water surface was shaken suddenly, almost knocking me out.

I quickly inserted the knife into the crack of the stone, and then I could barely hold on.

The roars continued one after another, each one far more miserable than the last, and the rolling waves of water kept pouring out! Countless pieces of debris also flew out with the big waves, and even the stones on the ground on both sides were washed away and rolled around.

Although I was separated by the vast black water, I still stopped and came out. This was definitely not the big crocodile that I seriously injured! This sound alone is hundreds of times more shocking than the one just now!

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