Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1990 Underwater Cave

Is there a bigger guy in this hole?

I couldn't help but be shocked!

But Han Laoliu was still in the mouth of that big crocodile, how could I dare to hesitate?

At that moment, he held the twin swords for killing ghosts and gods tightly with both hands, inserted them into the stone wall one after another, and walked forward with difficulty step by step against the water flow.

The pressure from the water waves forced me to bow my head and shrink my waist, and I almost had to exert all my strength every step I took.

The overwhelming debris mixed with the disgusting stench hit me unceremoniously on my body and face.

Soon, there was a thick layer hanging around me!

Chewed bones, scattered feces, and black mud.

I gritted my teeth, forced my internal organs to churn, and almost exhausted all my energy to feed myself, and walked forward step by step.

Most of the black water in front has been dyed red, and the black and red are mixed together, giving it a ferocious look.

Tens of meters later, the water ahead had completely turned bright red. This means that the big crocodile is not far away!

At this moment, the roar finally stopped.

Boom boom boom!

But then, the entire stone wall shook violently, as if the cave was about to collapse.

When I saw the pressure increase sharply, I didn't even bother to pick off the stains hanging all over my body. I grabbed my two knives and ran forward quickly. After taking a few steps, I saw a huge figure appearing in front of me.

Judging from the shape, it was the big crocodile that I had seriously injured before!

This guy was lying on the ground, moving forward slowly, his huge tail scraping against the stone wall.

It’s just that the speed is much slower than before! It seemed that this extremely powerful giant monster finally couldn't stand it any longer.

I quickly caught up with him, trying to save Han Laoliu from its mouth, but suddenly I found that the black water had reached the end.

The small half of the big crocodile's body has already emerged from the water, and it is crawling upward with difficulty.

It closed its eyes tightly and tightly closed its lips. Han Laoliu, who was like a dead tree, was pushed in front of its mouth. With every difficult crawl of the big crocodile, Han Laoliu was pushed forward. A move.

A long mark stained with red blood was left on the ground.

"Lao Liu!" I yelled, rushed over, and picked him up.

But the big crocodile seemed to be unaware of it and was still crawling upwards with difficulty, stretching its mouth forward as hard as it could, trying to continue pushing forward against Han Laoliu.

I carefully inspected Han Laoliu's body. Except for two new scars that were deep enough to show the bones, there were no major injuries. His physique was extremely special. As long as he recovered his energy, these scars were nothing at all. thing.

It seemed that the big crocodile just wanted to bring him here before dying and did not hurt him intentionally.

But after this guy was so seriously injured, he didn't rush to escape, but hurriedly carried Lao Liu here. What did he want to do?


The ground shook violently, and the gravel and dust on the stone walls on both sides fell rustlingly.

The passage ahead slopes upward, rising almost at a forty-five-degree angle, and then suddenly converges at forty-fifty meters, forming a broken-top platform.

From my angle, I couldn't see the scene above at all.

This place is very empty, and the surrounding walls are in an extremely primitive state. There is also a layer of light gray sedimentary rock hanging on the raised stone surface. It seems that a long time ago, lava flowed through this cave.

I turned my head and looked at the big crocodile half lying in the water. It was still moving forward.

Although the amplitude is getting smaller and smaller, the speed is getting slower and slower, and it looks like he is about to run out of energy and die. But it still persisted until death, and continued to push Han Laoliu forward, which was no longer there. It may have originally wanted to carry Han Laoliu up in its mouth, but it could no longer support it as soon as it swam here.

But why does it do this?

Suddenly, there was a loud roar from above. The sound was so huge that it was so loud that it almost shattered your ears!

The voice was both sad and desolate, full of incomparable anger and sadness.

Following a loud roar, there were rumbling sounds one after another, and then a large black and smelly filth mixed with pieces of broken soil poured down.

I quickly hugged Han Laoliu and stepped aside.

boom! The messy filth suddenly poured down and crashed into the water.

And the dirty black water surged backwards like an ebbing tide.

As the tide receded, the crocodile's body was completely exposed.

Its four originally majestic and powerful limbs were now pressed tightly against the water bank by its extremely heavy weight. It was only relying on the last remaining strength to keep squirming forward.

Again and again.

It wants to move forward and climb to the high platform of the passage.

call! The tide that had gone away rushed back, pushing the big crocodile's body to move forward one step further.

This time I couldn't help but arouse my curiosity. What is there on top?

I moved my hands and feet that were numb from the water, carefully tied Han Laoliuzai to his back, held the knife in both hands and climbed up step by step.

The higher you climb, the worse the stench becomes, making it almost impossible to breathe!

I resisted the nausea that almost made me vomit because my internal organs were raging, and I got closer and closer to the upper platform step by step.

Countless round pits of the same thickness appeared on the stone walls on both sides, faintly arranged in two vertical rows, more than two feet deep into the stone surface. Looking up, it looked like a railroad track laid diagonally upward.

Judging from the thickness of the round hole and the distance between the two traces, it must have been left by the big crocodile in the water.

From this point of view, this guy must have been climbing up and down here for many years, and he has actually worn such hard blue steel rock into this shape.

Just when they were about to climb to the top, another loud roar came from above.

At this time, I was relatively close to the source of the sound. The sound suddenly hit my ears and made me tremble all over. Almost every muscle trembled involuntarily!

Because of my previous experience, I was afraid that something would fall down and injure Han Laoliu, so I quickly drew out my two swords and blocked him head on.

Maybe after all the hard work, there really isn’t anything left above.

After sweeping away a few pieces of gravel and debris, everything returned to calm.

I waited for a while and saw that there was no more abnormal noise, then I continued to move forward.

Finally, I clasped my hands on the top rock wall and stuck my head out.

The platform at the top of this passage is extremely large. Although it is surrounded by darkness and cannot be fully understood, it can be roughly estimated that it is at least several hundred square meters. The cave is full of stalactites, and the ground is covered with a thick layer of sedimentary rock. It is the most primitive scene.

There was an overpowering smell of feces everywhere, but the ground was clean, not even a trace of dust could be seen.

At this moment, two lights suddenly lit up in the vast darkness.

A big, fiery red lantern!

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