Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1992 Master Huineng

I really didn't expect that Emperor Jimmu not only made extraordinary achievements in governing the country, but also had such a profound talent in learning onmyoji.

Although he is Japanese, I can't help but admire him!

But the question is, why did he take it upon himself to seal this big crocodile?

Every mechanism in this ancient tomb is extremely sinister, and even most of the killing formations are secret techniques that are not taught by the Jiuyou sect. But no matter how dangerous the formation is, it always opens a door of convenience for the Amaterasu bloodline, and will never harm the descendants of Amaterasu.

There is no doubt that Emperor Jimmu must have personally participated in the construction of this ancient tomb, especially the use of the forbidden formation!

Along the way, except for the six-finger hand hole left on the dark box above the soul-burning array, there was no trace of his involvement.

But why did he take action personally here alone?

The only possibility is that this big crocodile is extremely important and he cannot trust anyone else!

An extremely important creature in this ancient tomb, and it has lived for thousands of years... Could this be the Formation Eye?

Is this giant crocodile the centerpiece of the entire ancient tomb?

I first crossed the river eagerly and killed a few small crocodiles. Then when I came to the black water pool, I was smelled by the female crocodile. After fighting all the way, she took Han Laoliu away again, which made me have to He chased it down to the bottom of the water, and accidentally discovered its secret formation hole hidden here.

I have thought about it several times, and I feel that this possibility is extremely high!

This black water pool is built just behind the Jiuyou Triple Gate. People without any skills can't get here at all, and those who can get here will never be trapped by the big crocodile. Even if they encounter it, it will be nothing more than a trap. In both cases, kill them without hesitation, or simply ignore them and walk away.

For example, if the little white dragon passed by here, he might have crossed the pond in a hurry before the big crocodile noticed him.

But I was carrying Han Laoliu on my back and had difficulty moving, so I had to fight the big crocodile to the end, and I had to follow it all the way here.

In other words, if this is really a formation, I am afraid that no one will think of coming to this place!

Regardless of whether it is true or not, I will try it first and then talk about it!

Thinking of this, I put both knives into my backpack, opened the charm bag and got ready.

Although Emperor Jimmu has not crossed the threshold of the supreme god level, his cultivation is far better than mine. I don't have the ability to break his "extreme" curse for the time being.

But fortunately, the 'ji' curse also has its own weakness, which is transformation.

Whether it is Taoist legends or Buddhist scriptures, there are many stories similar to the transformation of good into evil and deity into demons. The most common saying is the one that people often hear: "Put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha immediately."

However, the story that best describes the original meaning of transformation is the story of Zen Buddhism.

According to legend, Master Hongren, the fifth ancestor of Zen Buddhism, led his disciples through a lush prairie one day. He suddenly stopped and asked, "Is there any way you can get rid of this weed?"

Some of the disciples said to use a hoe, and some said to use fire. Only Master Huineng said to use flower seeds.

Others couldn't help but snicker secretly when they heard this. Master Hongren turned around and asked: "What's the point of weeding with seeds?"

Hui Neng said: "The grass has roots that grow with the wind. It is difficult to remove it with a hoe, and it is difficult to extinguish the embers. We can only transform it into something good and cover it up with excellence. There is no good or evil in the world, and it can be achieved with just one thought. So the flowers go into the wilderness, The fragrance and beauty are shared, and although the grass exists, who can see it?"

Under these words, even Master Hongren could not help but praise him repeatedly. After passing away, he passed the mantle to Huineng.

Since the Sixth Patriarch Huineng, there has been no outstanding Buddhist master.

But Buddhism also flourished from this!

It is precisely because Master Huineng does not avoid his people or places, but just teaches the Dharma silently. He has the wisdom to distinguish between good and evil, so he will gradually become far away from good and close to evil.

This is also the original intention of putting down the butcher's knife and becoming a Buddha immediately. Although you have done evil, if you abandon evil and do good, wouldn't there be less evil and more good in this world? Human beings are not like grass and trees, and they can have no faults. As long as they do good things in a timely manner and always maintain a kind heart, there will be no distinction between good and evil.

Although Buddhism had not yet been introduced to the Central Plains when Jiuyou Sect was established, Youzi had already realized this truth.

Although the word "avoid" is the most important among the nine rules of avoidance, its original meaning is to avoid evil but not good.

For example, the water-avoiding technique I just used, if you really follow its literal meaning, is to avoid all water-related elements around the body.

That kidney belongs to water. Did I remove it on my own just now?

All the organs in my body and even my skin and bones are full of water. Have I already turned into a mummy at this time?

The same is true for the word "ji".

Although Emperor Jimmu locked this big crocodile in the Kyokuji Jue and was unable to escape, other biological weapons and even its own feces were uncontrolled and could come in and out freely.

If I want to kill this big crocodile, I don't have to fight against myself. I just need to "turn good into evil" and turn this extremely forbidden place into a place of absolute death. Just anywhere!

Of course, good and evil are relative terms.

Otherwise, from the perspective of those well-known and decent people, people like us who are traders of yin goods and who specialize in dealing with yin spirits are themselves evil. How can there be any good words at all?

For example, if Master Huineng wants to get rid of weeds, the flower seeds in his hand are good. If he wants to get rid of wild flowers, then the grass seeds in his hand are good.

There is no good or evil in the world, so how can there be right or wrong? It just depends on where your heart goes.

After I prepared all the application items, I took out the cinnabar and drew a long line along the outside of the invisible barrier.

This is an isolation line, using Emperor Jimmu's 'ji' character to divide the space in front of him into two, and then he sets up the spirit gathering array and squeezes the magic array.

Waves of dark wind suddenly rose up, rushing from the water below the channel.

Originally, the effect of my magic circle was far from that strong. Even if it was set up in a cemetery and crematorium, it would only attract a few wild ghosts until dawn. But this place is originally a very gloomy place, and there are such ghost spirits and dead souls trapped here, so there is great resentment! The soul gathering array is to dispel their grievances and help them re-enter reincarnation. Therefore, as soon as the formation came out, the ghosts gathered together.

After a while, the willow needles in the middle of the formation became overwhelmed and began to sway slightly.

As soon as I saw that the number of ghosts was almost enough, I closed the magic circle, picked up the willow needle, dropped a drop of blood on it, shook it with my hand, and threw it into the barrier.

As soon as the big crocodile saw it, it suddenly pounced!


The willow needles broke, and countless ghosts scattered out, filling the space within the barrier.

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