Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1993 Zhang Jiulin makes a surprise formation

The big crocodile looked a little startled, but was not panicked.

It has been locked here for thousands of years, and it has no fear of these ghosts. Moreover, the female crocodile once used the ghosts to surround me.

However, I didn't originally plan to use these ghosts to deal with it, I just wanted to sow some 'evil' seeds here first!

It is equivalent to the weeds that Master Huineng said.

Seeing many Yin spirits floating out of the willow needles one after another, I slowly unfolded the second magic circle.

This array is exactly the opposite of the one just now. It is a ghost-expelling array.

As soon as the formation was completed, the Yin spirits that had just swarmed in but failed to enter the formation immediately dissipated.

The whistling cold wind blew away by itself, and it was completely gone in the blink of an eye.

I picked up the willow needle in the middle of the magic circle and threw it out again. As soon as the willow needle entered the space, it immediately stood up and floated in the air.

The Yin spirits all around were like headless flies, scattering in a hurry and running for their lives.

But blocked by the 'pole' character and the cinnabar red line I added later, there was no way to escape.

After scurrying around for a while, they all retreated to the opposite corner. The effect was almost the same as mosquito coils.

The big crocodile glanced upward at the willow needles but ignored it. It still stared at me with hatred, grinding its teeth and making a clicking sound!

The willow needle just now was dripping with my blood. It originally wanted to kill me and then quickly, but it couldn't get out, and it instantly spread its hatred on the willow needle. But now this willow needle is not dripping with my blood, and the exorcism spell emanating from it has no effect on it. So, he turned all his hatred back to me. If it weren't for the extreme barrier blocking it, this guy would have rushed over long ago!

"Broken!" I squeezed my fingers and shouted loudly.

As soon as I finished speaking, the willow needle exploded into a red light.

The red light was not too bright, but it was as shocking as the color of blood.

The red light didn't spread very fast, but every time it landed, a few wisps of ghosts would immediately turn into ashes!

The ghosts that had been huddled in the corner immediately became commotion, running around wildly, but as the red light spread, the remaining space became smaller and smaller.

The numerous Yin spirits were like ants on a hot pot. Suddenly, like a flood that had opened, they all rushed towards the huge crocodile.

With a gasp, they all got into the crocodile's body!

All things in the world have spirits, but all spiritual things are divided into three forms: corpse, soul, and calamity.

As the name suggests, corpse refers to the physical body.

The soul is the soul, the consciousness.

The calamity is the body that carries the soul.

But this calamity is divided into a calamity of life and a calamity of death.

The vast majority of living beings are naturally in a state of life calamity, and death calamity refers to a state in which the soul carrying the body is extremely heavy with yin energy and is infinitely close to death.

Creatures in this form will not be invaded by evil spirits no matter how ferocious they are, and will regard them as their own kind. For example, those wild cats and dogs that live around cemeteries or crematoriums all year round are likely to cause death.

This big crocodile has been trapped in this ghost-filled place for thousands of years, so it is certain that it will die.

Once the ghost is fatally disturbed and feels the approaching fear, it will temporarily escape into Death Calamity's body.

This is also one of my plans, which is equivalent to planting weeds in the fields.

The ghosts are the weeds, the big crocodile is the field, and the last step is to scatter the flower seeds!

"Quick!" I suddenly pointed at the dozens of willow needles that I had placed neatly on the ground.

There are ninety-nine willow needles in total, and they are the willow needles of a century-old willow tree that have been sacrificed through the "Yin Fu Jing".

Two of them had just been used before, and the remaining ninety-seven willow needles flew out one after another like flying arrows, going straight into the barrier.

Then it hung in the air, densely covering the big crocodile.

"Open the formation!" I held up two fingers together and shouted loudly.

As I shouted, all ninety-seven willow needles began to sway in unison.

Rustling... bursts of dense sounds suddenly rose up, like drizzle falling on the sycamore trees.

The giant crocodile raised its head and looked at it very impatiently, with a hint of fear and panic in its originally angry eyes.

swish swish...

The noise became more and more urgent and dense, as if everyone was scrambling to grab something.

After a few seconds, the big crocodile suddenly jumped up, as if it had forgotten the barrier in front of it, and wanted to break out and fight me to the death.


Without any surprise, the guy fell down hard again and fell on his back.

As early as on the water, when the female crocodile had just released many Yin spirits, I thought about using this trick of using Yin to induce Yin and borrowing its soul to kill monsters.

However, since the crocodile was not trapped, it was difficult to cast spells while running wildly around.

But the big crocodile in front of me was trapped in the Ji Zi Jue and couldn't escape at all, so it happened to use this trick!

As soon as the big crocodile landed on the ground, there was a chaotic surge in his belly and body, as if he had just swallowed countless live rats. The rats were scurrying around in his intestines and stomach, biting them open fiercely. Come.

The guy was rolling all over the floor in pain, howling and screaming.

The huge four claws and the extremely heavy figure hit the ground hard again and again, making a loud bang. If it hadn't been within the circle of Ji Zi Jue, the boulder would have been smashed by it long ago!

boom! A willow needle suddenly shattered in the rapid shaking, and then a stream of light black smoke scattered from the crocodile's angry mouth, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

This is a soul that breaks through the crocodile's body and breaks free.

The reason why I forced the Yin spirit into the big crocodile was because I was waiting for this moment!

Aren't you thick-skinned and invulnerable? Then taste what it feels like to be broken through from within.

If I follow what Master Huineng said, I am now scattering flower seeds in the wilderness.


Bang bang!

Several more willow needles broke apart one after another, and Yin spirits came out of the big crocodile's tail and nostrils.

Once these evil spirits are dispersed, they disappear without a trace in an instant.

This was during the struggle just now, when the yin and yang offset each other, and we entered the cycle of reincarnation again.

For the Yin spirits, this is an opportunity to fight for rebirth, but for the crocodile, this is a death struggle!

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