Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1995 The desolate scene of the full moon

There is a thick layer of sediment hanging on the surrounding stone walls. Only the rock here is slightly blue-black, and the edges are smooth, which is obviously a sign of manual digging.

I stepped forward, turned the handle of the knife and knocked it, and it made a hollow sound.

This is it!

It seems that this must be the escape route that Emperor Jimmu mentioned for those tomb repair coolies to prepare for!

The entrance to the passage is extremely hidden and extremely small. Judging from the remnants of the breach, it should have been forcefully knocked open by the big crocodile.

Judging from the last words left by Emperor Jimmu, this group of tomb builders must have accidentally discovered a natural cave washed out by magma. They knew that the day the tomb was built was the day they would die, so they covered it up in disguise at the other end of the passage.

But when the construction was about to be completed, something unexpected happened, disturbing a pair of large crocodiles hibernating in the cave.

The big crocodile burst open the secret door in anger and attacked and killed hundreds of people.

It was also unlucky for these people. This scene happened to be caught by Emperor Jimmu who came to the ancient tomb to check the progress of the construction.

With his extremely keen insight, he naturally understood immediately what this passage was for and what these laborers wanted to do!

So they sealed the big crocodile in the passage, then gathered everyone in this depression, secretly exploded the underground river, diverted water into it, and drowned everyone alive!

Even if by chance, someone sneaks in from outside this passage, they will be treated as an appetizer by this big crocodile.

Even if a person who rashly enters the ancient tomb is very capable and can get through all the way to here, he will never think that there is an exit passage hidden here.

It's a pity that despite all his calculations, he still didn't expect to be discovered by me!

I took a few steps back, took out the explosive charm, and threw it towards him.


There was an explosion, gravel flew everywhere, and after the gray smoke cleared, a large hole was revealed.

I took a closer look and saw that the cave entrance was slightly round, about three or four meters in diameter, and the surrounding stone walls were covered with a thick layer of volcanic ash, which was exactly the same as the scene in the entire passage.

It seems that this natural cave is the outlet of the magma explosion.

The entrance of the hole was diagonally upward, letting in light from a distance.

Not far ahead, under the light, a bright red shadow flashed gently.

What is this? I was a little surprised when I raised my knife and took a look. It turned out to be a balloon.

To be more precise, it was a deflated balloon, hanging softly in the crevices of the rocks.

I picked it up and took a look. The balloon had the FIFA logo printed on it, and the words 2002 were written on the back.

FIFA, 2002?


I know, this must be the celebratory balloon released during the 2002 World Cup between Korea and Japan. After being scratched somewhere, it was blown into the channel by the wind.

A small burst balloon revealed extremely surprising news!

The year 2002 is not far from now, and broken balloons can float in with the wind. This shows that after thousands of years of changes, this passage is still unimpeded, and we can completely escape from here.

The big crocodile finally hunted was not the formation eye, which was a bit regretful, but it was also exciting news that another passage to the outside world was discovered!

Now, after I join them and kill the real formation eye and break the curse of life and death, I can escape from here. This is much easier than going back the same way and climbing out through the dark passage in the barren mountain! Moreover, in our current state, it is hard to say whether we can walk back safely.

Full of joy, I looked around carefully and saw that there was nothing special, so I turned around and walked back.

After walking two steps, I remembered something again, picked up the broken balloon and put it in my arms.

When I climbed down the cliff, I saw that the water pool below had been dyed bright red, and the overwhelming stench was mixed with the strong smell of blood, not to mention how unpleasant it was!

As the water rippled, the big crocodile half-lying in the bloody water appeared and disappeared, giving people the illusion that this guy was still alive and still squirming forward step by step without changing his mind.

I turned around, looked at the top of the blood-red sloping cliff, took out several explosive charms and threw them at them!


There was a loud noise, the cliff collapsed, and countless pieces of large and small gravel fell like hailstones.

At the same moment when the sound exploded, I grabbed the broken balloon and took a spin in the wind, then jumped into the water with a pop.

Most of the bottom of the sloping cliff collapsed due to my blast. It could no longer withstand the load and collapsed suddenly.

Although this move failed to destroy the 'Koku' spell set by Emperor Jimmu, it also left the 'Koku' space with nowhere to rely on. The big crocodile, which was still trapped and lying in a pool of blood, fell down——

With a bang, it hit the shore hard, and it was close to the big crocodile that died in the water.

These two giant crocodiles had attacked and killed hundreds of people in the early years. In order to block the passage, Emperor Jimmu spared their lives and set up formations to extend their lives. Until now, I have avenged the hundreds of nameless souls who died in vain.

And this thing is blocking the exit. Even if it is not a formation eye, if we really want to escape from here, we must kill it.

But no matter what, this crocodile couple who loved each other died in my hands.

Then I will give you a companion forever!

I stepped on the bloody water, swam out of the channel quickly, and then rushed all the way up to the water.

This section of waterway is neither long nor short. It is not difficult for a waterway expert like Jiang Dayu, but I can't do it.

When chasing the big crocodile into the water, I used up the only water-proof charm. At that time, I was so eager to save people that I didn't even think about how to get back. Fortunately, I picked up such a broken balloon that can carry some oxygen, otherwise I would have to break open the crocodile's body and take out the bladder to use as an air bag.

On the dark water, there were scattered pieces of plasma, and the broken pieces of the little crocodile body were floating in all directions.

I quickly swam to the shore and continued walking along the dark and narrow passage.

Not long after, a light appeared in front of my eyes.

When I turned the corner and took a look, I saw an extremely beautiful sight!

Against the dim background, a giant full moon with a height of three stories was hanging there.

The moonlight was bright, as white as jade, and a large tree with thick branches rose from the ground. On the treetop, nine large crows were lined up in a row.

A tall figure stood under the big tree, holding a long sword and pointing at the sky!

The whole picture is only in black and white, but it is not monotonous in any way, nor is it abrupt. It shows a bit of desolation and desolation in the sad and beautiful scenery.

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