Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1996: Reunion with Little White Dragon

If this picture had appeared in an art exhibition hall, I might have admired it, but I wouldn't be so surprised.

But at this time, deep underground, the scene before us actually came from early Japan thousands of years ago. This is extremely surprising!

Looking at the scene in front of me, I was in a daze for a long time, then I recovered and continued walking forward.

It wasn't until I got closer that I realized that the huge, brilliant full moon was not in front of me, it was just glowing in the distance.

The tall figure standing with the sword is not here either, still standing far away under the full moon.

I was relatively far away just now. From my distance and angle, it seemed that the full moon, the giant tree and the figure were connected together. In fact, there is only one giant tree here.

The giant tree was made of bronze. The entire tree was about three people wide enough to surround it, and it was more than 20 meters high.

No matter the trunk, branches, leaves, or even every crack, they are all carved lifelike.

Back in those barbaric times, it was simply a miracle on earth that such lifelike and huge bronze vessels could be made!

But Japan has never experienced the Bronze Age at all. How was this thing made?

You know, no such huge bronze artifact has been found in the entire China or even the world. How did the Japanese ancestors, who were far inferior to the Chinese civilization thousands of years ago, do it?

I got close to the giant tree and took a closer look, and then I realized that it was true that the giant tree was made of bronze, and it was not spliced ​​together. The top and bottom were the same without any gaps. It's just that the bark is inlaid with a lot of fine sand and soil, and is also densely covered with many small black spots. Only a few slightly sunken places reveal patches of bronze green.

Oh I got it!

This time I finally understood that what they used was not the firing method, but the pouring method!

That is to first make a large model, then pour the bronze water into it, wait for the copper water to cool and solidify, then remove the copper mold, and the utensil is ready.

However, making copper molds was also an extremely advanced skill at that time, and the Japanese ancestors may not have mastered it yet. So, they took another approach.

The model of the bronze tree in front of me is actually a giant ant nest.

They dug a hole above the ant nest and poured the copper juice down the hole to the bottom.

Not to mention, the internal structure of an ant nest is really similar to that of a tree.

After the copper juice cools down, the ant nest is dismantled and the unsuitable parts are cut off. Thus, a giant and ingenious ancient bronze tree is completed.

Although these Japanese ancestors couldn't find the right method, their fantastic ideas can't help but be admired!

I turned my gaze away and looked up, only to see nine large crows standing in a row on the top of the tree.

Each crow was about the size of an arm, each with three claws, staring at me from top to bottom.

Although it was far away and could not be seen clearly, I could immediately tell that this was not a porcelain crow like the black and white double shadow said, but was made of black Yin stone.

Black Yin Stone is a very special stone. Except for those who are good at Yin and Yang, most people regard it as ordinary black marble.

This is a kind of material that can connect the yin. The most common use is to serve as the eyes of statues. After being soaked in special magic water, it will produce a strange effect.

As long as you stare with your eyes, you will have a feeling of looking into someone's eyes, and even piercing your soul.

Especially when installed on temple statues, you will definitely mistakenly think that this is the appearance of Buddha.

But in fact, it is you who is looking at you.

It is like a special kind of mirror, but it reflects not light, but soul!

The black and white figures were trapped in the ancient tomb for more than seventy years, thinking about breaking the seal and escaping all the time.

Over the years, I have been deliberately looking for clues and solutions.

They said that after passing through the three forks, they would see an ancient bronze tree with a three-legged black porcelain crow on the tree. By smashing the crow, they could open the magic circle and release the array eyes.

So far, most of what they say is correct.

It's just that there are not one crow, but nine, and they are not made of porcelain, but of black Yin stone.

It seems that the clues they found outside are not necessarily the same!

The two of them probably inferred that they accidentally found a record of the original builder, either in writing or on a mural, somewhere.

The builder who left the record may not have understood what it was, and when he recorded it, there may have been only one crow.

But if this is the case, is it credible that the Black and White Double Shadow said that just smashing the black crow can open the magic circle and release the magic eye?

Of course, they definitely didn't deliberately lie to me, otherwise they wouldn't have agreed to get into the small wooden box.

But the problem is, if we want to lift the curse on a few of us, the only way to go is to destroy the Eye of Killing Formation.

If you can't find the place to open the magic circle, and you can't see the eye of the magic circle, everything else will be out of the question.


Suddenly, there was a sound of weapons clashing in the distance.

I followed the sound and saw that it was the end of the huge full moon.

A bright red sunset appeared faintly in the bright moonlight, and at the same time, a pale white cold air also spread from that direction.

Red clouds, air-conditioning, could it be Miss Caiyun and Little White Dragon?

As soon as I had this idea, I was a little overwhelmed with surprise. I no longer had the intention to check out the bronze tree, so I spread my legs and ran straight ahead!

The moonlight was like snow, illuminating this cave exceptionally brightly. I walked through the thick white fog as fast as flying.

Dang, Dang Dang Dang!

The crisp and ear-splitting sounds became louder and louder, and the sunset became brighter and brighter, releasing colorful rays of light that shone everywhere!

After running for sixty or seventy meters, several figures appeared in the heavy fog ahead.

One person was wearing a snow-white mink coat, holding an ice pick spear more than one meter long in both hands.

The other person was wearing a Japanese kimono and kept shooting out flaming swords from his hands!

Aren't these Miss Caiyun and Xiao Bailong?

I can finally see you!

Just be fine! The circles in my eyes became hot and I almost cried.

Looking at the situation, the two of them were fighting fiercely at this time. I quickly accelerated, drew out my two swords with my backhand, and hurried over!

After running for another dozen steps and getting closer, I could see clearly that the person fighting with them was not a human at all, but a monkey!

This monkey is not big, about the same as a three or four-year-old child. It has golden hair all over its body, which shines golden in the moonlight.

The monkey grabbed the knife with his backhand, holding two small daggers with blue light, and jumped up and down with a grin on his face. He rushed towards Miss Caiyun, and then towards Xiao Bailong, very fiercely.

With Xiao Bailong's agility, he couldn't even hurt its shadow!

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