Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1997 Monkey

I quickly approached, and when I saw the right moment, I raised my hand and the invisible needle flew straight to the golden monkey's throat!

This guy had just attacked Miss Caiyun and was blocked by the flames. Then he was forced back by Xiao Bailong. As soon as he landed on the ground, the invisible needle was shot in front of him.


The monkey flipped his wrist and gently pushed the invisible needle aside, turned his face to look at me, stuck out his tongue vigorously, and showed an extremely contemptuous expression, as if to say: "Aren't you embarrassed! Three You bully me, a monkey, and you also play sneak attack?"

Who do I care about that many? He jumped up and stood behind it, forming an encirclement with Miss Caiyun and Little White Dragon.

"Jiulin!" Xiao Bailong shouted in surprise when he saw it was me.

"You little brat." Miss Caiyun scolded her harshly. Although her tone was fierce and rude, her eyes instantly became moist, and it was obvious that she was filled with uncontrollable joy.

I nodded towards the two of them, and while staring at the blue light dagger in the monkey's hand, I asked, "What is going on? Where did this monkey pop out from?"

"The devil knows." Xiao Bailong said bitterly: "As soon as I walked under the big tree in front, the monkey suddenly jumped down and hit me with a knife in the chest. If I hadn't escaped quickly, I would have been killed by it. died!"

While I was talking, I noticed that there was a long tear in the clothes on Xiao Bailong's chest.

"This guy is jumping up and down at an extremely fast speed. I tried my best and couldn't even touch its shadow, so I could only defend it. And it seems that all the yin and yang techniques have no effect on it! I am fighting hard. At that moment, Caiyun also rushed over. With the combined efforts of the two of us, the monkey gradually lost ground and turned around and ran away in fright. As soon as we caught up to here, the monkey that had already disappeared suddenly came back. No, we just played twenty or thirty rounds and you arrived."

"This monkey's moves are weird and surprisingly fast, and the two knives are poisonous!" Miss Caiyun said very succinctly.

The monkey surrounded by us raised his little head, looked at this and that, and suddenly swung two daggers with blue light and screamed loudly.

He seemed extremely dissatisfied with the three of us and protested loudly: "Don't bully me like a monkey."

Although the three of us have been exchanging information with each other. But no one dared to be careless and kept staring at it closely for fear that this guy would suddenly attack.

But the strange thing is that the monkey just waved the dagger and screamed at us, without any intention of launching an attack immediately. And even though it was tightly trapped in the middle by the three of us, it wasn't afraid at all. Instead, it was extremely arrogant!

"This monkey is not an original animal in the ancient tomb." I scanned it again and said with certainty: "It must have been brought in by people from the Amaterasu Society."

"It doesn't matter who brought it in!" Xiao Bailong stared at the monkey and gritted his teeth and said, "What matters is how to kill it."

The monkey seemed to be able to understand human language. He immediately turned his head and bared his teeth at the little white dragon and barked several times.

A mere little monkey was able to fight with a little white dragon with real swords and guns for a long time without falling behind at all! Under the combined attacks of Miss Caiyun and Xiao Bailong, they were able to leave and come whenever they wanted so easily, fighting hard for twenty or thirty rounds without showing any sign of defeat.

Even if it were me, it would be extremely difficult to do it with all my strength!

And in terms of skill and speed alone, Xiao Bailong is a top-notch player. There are only a handful of people in the world who can be so fast that he can't even catch up! But there was nothing that could be done to take this little monkey alive.

No wonder Xiao Bailong hated him so much. If word of this spread, wouldn't he be laughed out of his wits?

After the monkey roared at the little white dragon a few times, he stuck out his tongue and made a face, and then spit on the ground, with an expression of contempt and ridicule on his face.

Xiao Bailong was always a quick-tempered person, so how could he bear being so humiliated by this monkey?

He immediately cursed: "His grandma! I don't believe I can't kill you, you stinky monkey, just go to hell."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a whoosh, and the ice pick spear in his hand turned into a stream of light and flew out.

He is faster than the monkey! Seeing the spear running towards him, he suddenly dodged and jumped to the side.


The spear pierced the ground, and broken stones flew in all directions.

At the same time, the spear also shattered into pieces and turned into dozens of ice picks that were as sharp as long knives and shot out in all directions.

The monkey jumped up, jumped a few times with great dexterity and incredible speed, and broke out from the scattered ice picks, leaping high in the air. Girl Caiyun on the other side suddenly took a step forward, fired a flaming knife and struck it hard on the head.

A circle of fire shone on the blade, which was both intense and hot!


Unexpectedly, when faced with such an astonishing sword light, the monkey just raised his hand casually, turned several somersaults and dodged steadily, still in the same position and posture just now.

This little monkey is really not simple!

How amazing is the speed of the little white dragon's ice and snow spear? How difficult is it to prevent the killing surface exploded by an ice pick? But it dodged it so easily.

Although Miss Caiyun looks like a gentle girl, she is really powerful. I'm afraid I, Chu Yi, Xiao Bailong, Han Laoliu - four grown men together can't compare.

But this monkey was able to resolve it so easily!


In secret shock, I quietly reached behind my back and took out a medium-sized magic talisman!

He suddenly shook his hand and was about to throw it.

Snapped! Suddenly, my wrist went numb and was hit by something.

The talisman fell to the ground and burst into flames.

I hurriedly took two steps back and took another look. It was just a small stone that hit my wrist.


The monkey stuck out its tongue at me and made a face, showing a pair of big fangs and smiling happily.

It held a small pebble between its feet and gently tossed it up.

He stretched out his other foot and connected it firmly in the seam of his foot, as if telling me: "Did you see? I'm going to hit you with this thing. Do you accept it?"

Is this still a fucking monkey? Both his skill and IQ are top-notch.

But no matter how you look at it, this is a monkey!

Except for the rare golden hair, it is almost the same as an ordinary monkey.

But it was such a little monkey that actually made us play around, and there was nothing we could do!

But what does this monkey want to do? Or what did the owner who brought it into the ancient tomb, the Great Protector of the Amaterasu Jinkai, or Ito Shohei want it to do?

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