Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 2003 The Emperor’s Coffin

As soon as this sound came out, we were startled!

Then, from the darkness in the distance, at the end of the flashlight light, a figure walked slowly.

It seems that this is the most mysterious old protector of Amaterasu!

The little white dragon immediately formed an ice shield, and Miss Caiyun also took a step forward to protect me.

The figure walked forward unhurriedly until it stopped three or four meters in front of us. Only then did we see this guy's face clearly.

He is almost 1.85 meters tall and has an extremely burly build. Wearing a white kimono, his white hair was neatly combed behind his head without any mess.

The complexion on his face was fair and rosy, and his eyes were radiant.

Not to mention back then, even now they are all first-class handsome men. With their white robes and white hair, they have a faint air of immortality.

"My dear, Haruki Shigeno, you must have known for a long time that I am the highest protector of the Amaterasu Association." The old protector said with a smile: "Since you can come here, those people outside must be dead, right? .”

"However, this is not important anymore. I am honored to meet you all in the ancient tomb. Since you are here, you might as well follow me in and take a look."

After saying that, he turned around and walked forward without looking at us.

We had imagined countless possibilities, but we never expected that this old protector would be so peaceful. Not only would he not fight with us, he would even take us in to see what was going on.

We looked at each other in extreme astonishment, kept a certain distance from the old guy, and followed him into the darkness.

At the end of the crystal coffin is an extremely spacious hall.

The hall was empty and divided into three floors: upper, middle and lower.

The bottom two floors are covered with countless treasures, including pearls, agates, emeralds and diamonds, which are more than one meter high!

There is no doubt that the extremely bright full moon from a distance is emitted by these pearly treasures.

There was a coffin standing on a high platform at the top.

Crystal clear and radiant, seven colors were released under the illumination of the flashlight, and then fell on the treasures in the room, illuminating the entire hall like a grotesque grand stage, and everyone's face was filled with light!

The man in the coffin stood as straight as a pine tree, clutching the hilt of the sword at his waist with one hand. Although his eyes were tightly closed, he still exuded an arrogant and domineering aura.

"This is Emperor Jimmu, the son of Amaterasu and the founder of the Japanese royal family." The old protector bowed deeply towards the coffin and continued to introduce: "Emperor Jimmu's heroic first life has created immortal achievements, which are also left in his ancient tomb. There are many artifacts, but no one has thought of what the most important treasure among them is."

The old man turned around and looked at us, pointing to the jewelry on the ground and saying, "The most precious treasure is neither the wealth on the ground nor the martial arts skills hidden in the coffin, but the coffin itself."

"Ancient books say that there was a volcanic eruption, and a transparent boulder the size of an ox's body popped out. If a dead body was close to the stone, it would not rot. If a withered tree was close to the stone, it would sprout branches. God Emperor The God-given wizard around him said that this was the Heavenly Reincarnation Stone. As long as certain conditions and opportunities were met, people could be resurrected from the dead and come back to the world. So Emperor Jimmu ordered people to make the huge stone into a coffin, that is, This bite..."

"I have already checked it. This is indeed a strange stone of reincarnation, with the effect of reincarnation for thousands of years. Now, it is the time to break the seal and revive it. But the mechanism to open it is something I never expected."

"It turned out to be the life of Emperor Jimmu's direct bloodline."

Having said this, he glanced at Miss Caiyun and then said, "That's you!"

"You are the only key that can open this mechanism. It's no wonder that all the forbidden formations in the entire ancient tomb have no effect on the Amaterasu bloodline. It turns out that the original design was to allow you to enter unimpeded, so that you can In exchange for the awakening of the God Emperor himself, this must be one of your family’s missions.”

"Of course, the pearl agate he left behind is also a great wealth, but these things are of little use to me."

The old protector clasped his hands behind his back, glanced at us again and said: "You must have gone through a lot of hardships to get all the way here, and I am not that bored. I have to kill you. My purpose It's very simple, I just want to use Emperor Jimmu's coffin to live another life."

"You just need to keep this girl to help me open the seal. Others are free to leave. You can take as much of the treasures in the ancient tomb as you want, and take whatever you want..."

"What if we don't agree!" I interrupted him.

"Oh?" The old protector turned his head and looked at me, suddenly smiled and said: "If you don't agree, then just stay with her. Anyway, the tomb is so big, no matter how much it can hold, I don't mind. May you live and die together."

"Old guy! Let's see who lives and who dies." Xiao Bailong said, opened his mouth, and swallowed the only remaining crystal ball into his stomach with a grunt.

"Little Bailong..." Miss Caiyun wanted to stop him but it was already too late.

I know what Miss Caiyun means. Each of us is seriously injured at this time. If we really want to fight with this old guy, we may have to fight to death.

If he really wants to do what he said, as long as he is willing to stay as a sacrifice, he will let the rest of us go, which is not the best choice.

As a famous girl from all over the world, Miss Caiyun has long had the awareness to sacrifice at any time. What's more, the Japanese God Tomb and his party are here to save her this time, and she will never tolerate anyone dying because of her!

But precisely because of this, Bafang Mingdong is a close relative who protects me, and I will never allow any accidents to happen to them. We are here to save Caiyun this time, so what does it mean if we abandon Caiyun and let her save us in the end?

The little white dragon swallowed the crystal ball, which was a signal that Bafang Mingdong was going to fight this old guy to the death!

Chuyi drew out the Eight-sided Han Sword and made a wound on his arm.

The blood flowing from the wound was not red, but golden!

The golden blood stained the blue sword and shone brightly.

I held the knife in one hand and the talisman in the other, staring closely at the old man, ready to deliver a fatal blow at any time!

"Caiyun! Don't hesitate." Chuyi shouted: "Jiulin is right, blind sacrifice cannot bring victory! From now on, we will advance and retreat with Jiulin, and live and die together. Until the moment we see him complete his mission .”

"Okay!" Miss Caiyun gritted her teeth bitterly and wiped away her tears. Her fists were clenched, and her whole body was burning with flames. Her whole body was like an erupting volcano.

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