Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 2004: Kirin Bathed in Fire

The old protector glanced at us without surprise and said: "Tsk tsk, you are all masters of the underworld in the Central Plains. If you give it time, you will be able to achieve great things. If you want to waste your life now, then fine! I will do it." It’s fulfilled for you.”

As the old protector spoke, he raised his hand carelessly, and a stream of light flew towards him.

"Shou!" Chu Yi shouted, and at the same time, he spit out a mouthful of blood from the tip of his tongue towards the Eight-sided Han Sword.

Amidst the clicking sound, thunder light flashed, forming a thundercloud that tightly surrounded a few of us in the center.

Miss Caiyun took a step forward, danced a ball of blazing flames with her hands, and stood firmly in front of us.

In the middle of the thunder and flames, the little white dragon crossed his arms and released the air of frost, forming a giant wall of ice!

Thunder, flames, ice wall!

when! As soon as the white light rushed over, it was like being hit by a moving train, and the bones all over the body felt as if they were falling apart.

Click! The lightning cracked, the ice wall exploded, and the flames went out.

The few of us suddenly seemed to be thrown into the sky by someone, and flew directly down from the third-floor high platform. We fell to the ground one after another with a loud bang.

Several large holes were smashed into the hall covered with jewels!

Miss Caiyun stood up like a carp, still protecting me.

The little white dragon also got up with a whoosh, half-kneeling on his knees, his large fur coat fluttering in the wind.

With the help of the Eight-sided Han Sword, Chu Yi reluctantly stood up and stared straight at the old guy!

Blood overflowed from the corners of their mouths!

They had all used their strongest protective skills just now, but after three consecutive attacks, they still couldn't withstand this old guy's casual attack.

How powerful is this guy to be so terrifying?

"I said, in time you will definitely accomplish something, but not today." The old protector still said arrogantly: "It's still too late to withdraw now. Whether I kill you or not is all in my mind. Before I change my mind, , leave this girl and get out of here!"

When Miss Caiyun heard this, she was a little shaken again. She turned around and said, "On the first day of junior high school, otherwise..."

"Absolutely impossible!" I got up angrily and shouted loudly: "In order to protect me and let me complete my final mission, the famous people from all directions will not hesitate to sacrifice one after another! I watched Master Feng with my own eyes, and Senior Shu died in front of me one by one. , I will never allow this to happen again today! I will never allow it in the future."

I said, holding my two swords tightly and moving forward, shouting at the old guy: "Do you think you can decide between life and death with your advanced cultivation? Do you think you can trample on the reincarnation of heaven? I, Zhang Jiulin, today Even if I fight to my death, I will never let you succeed."

As I spoke, I quickly moved forward and rushed toward the old guy.

"Jiulin!" Miss Caiyun and Xiao Bailong shouted in unison.

Our strongest protection just now still couldn't block that blow, which is enough to show that this old guy's attack power is indeed terrifying!

But the more you sit here and wait for death, the less chance you have. As the saying goes, offense is the best defense. You will die on either side, so it is better to rush forward and fight him.

"Shocking Slash! Kill!"

I directly used the second level of Shocking Slash. Black light flowed on the blade, and the ebony core also became restless, turning into a black wave and rolling away.

"Baga." The old protector flicked his sleeves, and a strong wind blew in his face.

The rolling black waves dispersed quickly like dark clouds, and I was swept back like a blade in the wind.

The little white dragon jumped up high and wanted to save me, but it was still half a step too late. I was hit hard on the cave wall, and then fell into the pile of jewelry with a snap.

"Jiulin!" Xiao Bailong helped me up.

There was a surge in my chest, and I spit out a mouthful of blood.

"It's really rare to learn Shocking Slash at such a young age, and to practice it to the second level." The old protector shook his head with some regret: "I know that the "Yin Fu Jing" was not easy to obtain, and we are all Taoists. , I feel sorry for you too! If I give you one last chance, should you keep this girl, or not keep any one at all?"

"First grade of junior high school!" Miss Caiyun became a little anxious and shouted loudly: "We can't fight him. You should take Jiulin out quickly! I will fight with him."

As he spoke, he bit his lip violently, and his hair rose up without any wind, and a bright glow appeared all over his body, as if it would burst at any time.

This is what Xiaobailong calls the state of chili sauce!

It seemed that she was planning to rush forward and die together with the old guy.

"Caiyun!" I shouted hurriedly: "Don't be deceived by him! He is not killing us for the time being because he only uses your blood to open the coffin. This is true, but opening this seal also consumes a lot of spiritual energy. He Once he expends too much energy, he will not be able to break the seal! And he has just accidentally broken the restriction. With every attack, his cultivation is rapidly declining. Attacks like this, He can't hold on for a few seconds! And he will never let us go. After using your life to open the coffin, he will catch us and kill us. In short, we have no other choice but to fight to the death."

"Huh?" When the old protector heard this, he looked at me in surprise and said in surprise: "I didn't expect that you, the kid, understand people's hearts so well? That's good! I'll give you a quick death."

After saying that, he bit his fingertips and moved it toward the center of his eyebrows, mumbling something indiscriminately.

With a swish sound, his white hair suddenly turned black, and he instantly turned into a handsome young man. There was a pair of bright red wings faintly visible behind his shoulders, shaking non-stop.

"Be careful, you are attracting spirits!" Chu Yi shouted urgently: "This is how Sanada Haoxiong attracted the ghost of Japan's number one general Yukimura Sanada! It seems that what this guy attracted may be a demon."

"Whatever he is." I got up and walked straight forward and said: "Little Bailong said it well, the brave will win when we meet on a narrow road. God kills god, Buddha kills Buddha. Today we will kill him happily. "

"Okay!" Chu Yi shouted to Miss Caiyun and Xiao Bailong with determination, "Help Jiulin."

The three of them jumped up at the same time and slapped me on the back of the heart with their palms.

Bang bang bang! Three waves of incomparable power surged instantly and poured directly into my body.

One is cold, the other is hot, and the other is like gold and iron!

Every pore and every inch of my skin was boiling instantly, as if there was endless strength all over my body.

"Shocking Slash! Kill!"

call! A black shadow flew out from between my chest.

It was a monster, roughly the size of a cow, but much larger than a cow. It had a pair of golden antlers on its head, its back and around its neck were covered with long golden hair, and there were balls of flames stepping on its four legs.

Now I finally saw it clearly, it was Qilin! A unicorn bathed in fire, like a visitor from outside.

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