Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 199: Ghost meets fragrance

After listening to what Li Mingming said, I broke out in cold sweat.

Judging from his expression, it looked like he was telling a ghost story, but I knew this was not just a 'story', but something that really happened.

And the old man with the white beard he was talking about must be the culprit.

So I immediately asked Li Mingming if there were any old objects at home.

I suspect that the old man with a white beard is probably a 'weapon spirit' born from a certain vaginal object in his family.

Li Mingming thought for a while and said that there were many old items, all left by his father, as well as his mother's dowry, such as dressing tables, yellow pear wood cabinets, radios, etc.

I immediately asked, are there any old objects that are more than a hundred years old?

Li Mingming shook his head and said, "No."

That's really strange. After thinking about it, I'm afraid there is only one possibility, and that is that Li Mingming's house does have hidden objects, but he just doesn't know about it.

I said in desperation: "It's getting very late today, why don't you stay in my store first? Let's go to your house tomorrow morning."

Li Mingming immediately nodded and said no problem, he didn't dare to go home anyway.

After discussing it, Li Mazi suddenly said goodbye to me.

I immediately asked Li Mazi where he was going?

Li Mazi sighed and said, "I rented a piece of land next to Chu Chu's tomb and planned to plant peach trees. She loved to eat peaches the most during her lifetime."

Alas, it seems that Li Mazi still can't let go of Chu Chu.

In the past month, his concern for Chu Chu has not weakened at all, but has become stronger.

I'm really worried that Li Mazi will be depressed for the rest of his life because of what happened to Chu Chu.

I looked at him worriedly, and he seemed to see what I was thinking. He smiled and comforted me and said, "Don't worry! I know in my heart that Chu Chuquan knows better and doesn't want me to spend the rest of my life on a dead person."

I immediately felt relieved. I simply comforted Li Mazi with a few words and then asked him to leave. I said that I would go see Chu Chu after finishing the matter.

Li Mazi nodded and left immediately.

I had nothing to do, so I poured a glass of water for Li Mingming and continued to ask some detailed questions.

Li Mingming is currently working as an urban management officer in Dongcheng, Beijing, and has a wife and children at home. But since that incident, he has let his wife and children go back to their parents' home, and he doesn't dare to let them come back.

While we were chatting, Yin Xinyue came to see me. The company was very busy these days and she could hardly get away. Today is the weekend, so I have time to take a break for myself.

Unexpectedly, Li Mingming recognized Yin Xinyue at a glance and said, "Aren't you Yin Xinyue, the big star on TV?"

Yin Xinyue smiled sheepishly and said they just looked alike.

Li Mingming said with some disappointment: "It's a pity. My wife and children are all fans of Yin Xinyue. It would be great if I could get an autographed photo of Yin Xinyue."

It can be seen that he still loves his wife and children. Generally, those who love their wives and children should be filial.

I took Yin Xinyue out to eat and asked Li Mingming if he wanted a piece? Li Mingming shook his head and said forget it. He doesn't dare to go out now. His yang energy is weak and his luck has become bad. He has been unlucky on the way to me and had several car accidents.

I was speechless and had no choice but to take Yin Xinyue out.

We were eating salmon at a Japanese restaurant. Looking at Yin Xinyue's unhappy look, I knew she was still brooding about Chu Chu.

I don't know how to comfort her. She has developed a deep relationship with Chu Chu during these days. She likes Chu Chu very much, saying that girls like Chu Chu who are not scheming, simple and kind are rare nowadays.

But seeing Li Mazi depressed because of Chu Chu and hanging around Chu Chu's tombstone all day long, she felt even more uncomfortable.

I sighed helplessly, this girl is still so sentimental and likes to think about others.

Yin Xinyue's eyes suddenly lit up and she asked if she could introduce a girlfriend to Li Mazi. Maybe she could help Li Mazi get out of the shadows?

I thought about it carefully, and this is a good idea, but we can't just force it on Li Mazi, we have to let him slowly accept the new girl.

Yin Xinyue said with a smile: "Don't worry, leave it all to me! I studied screenwriting in college."

After discussing it, I went back.

Li Mingming ordered takeout from nearby. I saw that he bought two portions, so I half-jokingly said that you can eat quite well and have a good appetite.

Li Mingming put down his chopsticks and said, "No, this one is mine, and the other one is for your grandpa."

I was immediately startled and said that my grandfather had been dead for seven or eight years. Are you kidding me?

Unexpectedly, after Li Mingming heard this, he almost dropped his lunch box and asked me tremblingly: "Brother, don't scare me. When I was taking a shower just now, there was an old man knocking on the bathroom door."

I immediately became anxious: "I don't even have any employees in this antique shop. I'm the only boss, so how can there be any old people?"

But then I thought about it and wondered, could it be that grandpa has returned to spirit?

So I hurriedly rummaged through the boxes and cabinets, and then showed Li Mingming’s photos of his grandfather’s life. After one glance, Li Mingming shook his head and said it wasn’t him.

I breathed a sigh of relief, sat down and asked, "What happened just now? Please tell me carefully."

Li Mingming said: "When I was taking a shower just now, I heard someone knocking on the bathroom door. I opened the door a crack and saw a skinny old man standing at the door, stroking his beard and telling me not to waste water. I thought it was your grandfather. Well, I nodded and agreed."

"It seems that you are really haunted by ghosts, and all those things came to my store." I said dumbfounded.

After hearing what I said, Li Mingming immediately became nervous and looked at me tremblingly: "No, brother, don't scare me. That old man is obviously a human being. His voice is very kind and he walks normally..."

"It's really stubborn." After I said that, I walked to the warehouse, found a plastic bag of lime from the warehouse, and sprinkled it at the door of the bathroom.

Soon, a series of footprints appeared on the lime, spreading all the way to the door, and then disappeared, as if they had evaporated out of thin air.

Seeing this weird scene, Li Mingming was so frightened that he couldn't even eat anymore and looked at me in fear: "Who am I provoking? Why are a bunch of old men following me all day long, brother? But you must save me."

I quickly said don't worry, but actually I didn't know for sure.

To be honest, what I fear the most right now is the old man with the white beard. If the tomb reader was right, a simple hit with a book would almost knock the person out of his mind. Such a ghost is simply the king of ghosts.

I can't clean it up unless it's soft.

But the old man with the white beard is determined to harm Li Mingming, can I persuade him?

And since the old man with the white beard has already warned the gravekeeper, he will definitely come to warn me tonight if I interfere in Li Mingming's affairs. So I decided not to sleep tonight, lest the other party take advantage of me.

Go to Li Mingming's house tomorrow to see what kind of evil thing is causing trouble. Then you can attack the evil thing directly!

I brought out all the things in the store that could ward off evil spirits, including the Sirius Whip, the Yin-Pang Umbrella, and the Qiankun Compass. I even burned three sticks of high-quality incense for Emperor Guan, and then watched TV with Li Mingming in the living room.

As I looked at it, I suddenly smelled a strange smell, like the smell of smoking.

I sniffed hard and became even more sure. However, I glanced at the room and found nothing unusual in the room.

Li Mingming also smelled this strange smell. He sniffed it for a long time, and finally pointed to the bedroom door to me.

"Huh?" I frowned and looked in the direction of the bedroom.

Sure enough, there was a puff of green smoke coming out bit by bit from the crack in the bedroom door. It's just that my antique shop is too big, so the green smoke gradually disperses when it reaches the bedroom, and finally disappears.

There's a ghost smoking in the bedroom!

So I stood up little by little and walked slowly to the bedroom.

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