Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 200: Three long and two short, there will be disaster

Li Mingming didn't dare to sit alone on the sofa, so he stood up little by little and followed me.

I didn't open the bathroom door, for fear of disturbing the 'dirty things' inside, but looked inside through the crack in the door.

But it was filled with smoke and nothing could be seen.

After much deliberation, there was no good solution, so I had to prepare to push the door open.

The moment I opened the door, a puff of thick smoke rushed toward me, and at the same time, I saw a ball of flames jumping on the curtains.

On the curtains, I found that the flames actually burned out the shapes of people: it seemed that there were countless people twisting their bodies in pain, rolling in the fire, so miserable.

It wasn't until Li Mingming called me and asked me if I had a fire extinguisher at home that I finally reacted, hurriedly picked up the fire extinguisher from the door and put out the fire on the curtains.

While cleaning the curtains, I discovered that the source of the fire was a few cigarette butts under the curtains.

The strange thing is that just now I used a fire extinguisher to put out the fire, and the large amount of dry powder caused a strong impact and broke the windows open.

But these cigarette butts seemed to be fixed on the window, with the filters facing down, neatly placed like incense. Although they have been extinguished, the lengths of the five cigarettes are not the same.

There are three cigarettes that are long and two cigarettes that are short. This reminds me of an idiom: three long and two short!

Damn, there are three longs and two shortcomings. This is the other party's warning to me. If I continue to control it, I'm afraid I will have three longs and two shortcomings.

Being able to burn a cigarette into this state shows how powerful the other party is.

Li Mingming reached out to take away the cigarette butts, but I stopped him, took out the lighter, and prepared to light five more cigarettes.

At the same time, Li Mingming was asked to kneel down and say something nice. If he could burn out all five cigarettes, it would prove that the other party accepted Li Mingming's apology.

However, the cigarette seemed to have turned into an iron lump. No matter how I lit it, the cigarette would not burn.

It seems that the other party does not accept Li Mingming's apology.

Seeing that Li Mingming was still kowtowing and his forehead was bleeding, I simply pulled Li Mingming up and asked him to stop kowtowing.

Li Mingming looked at me tremblingly: "It...has it forgiven me?"

"No." I said, "Let's go, we'll talk about it tomorrow."

It seems that those ‘old ghosts’ followed Li Mingming to my antique shop. I didn’t want the other party to burn down my store, so I carried the fire extinguisher in my hand throughout the night, just in case.

Li Mingming asked me why I couldn't find a way to kill the few ghosts who followed me?

I explained: "The Yin spirit that came with you is not the culprit. It may be that your Yin energy is weak, so you attracted some other dirty things."

"Why are all the old men being provoked? Is there something to say here?" Li Mingming said with a sad face.

"Well...I don't know. The ghost collision is random. It may just be a coincidence."

To be honest, I'm still confused. No matter how random the ghost encounters are, it is impossible for all of them to bump into old ghosts.

Ghosts are spiritual beings and have no sense. They will never join in the fun just because there are old ghosts somewhere.

No matter how much I think about it, I can't understand it. On the contrary, thinking about it gives me a headache. In the end, I just stopped thinking about it and waited until dawn to go to Li Mingming's house to look for some negative things.

Fortunately, I didn’t encounter anything strange next time. At dawn, I got into Li Mingming’s car and headed towards his home.

Li Mingming's home is not far away. It is in a pretty good community. I was surprised. Can he, an urban management official, afford a house in Beijing? At least 10,001 square meters.

It is a 100-square-meter house with two bedrooms and one living room. The furniture in the room is all brand-name. The Feng Shui layout is pretty good. It was probably looked at by an expert.

I searched around the room, but I didn't find any old objects. The evil object might not be here.

I asked Li Mingming, didn’t he say there were old things left by his parents? Where are all those old things?

Li Mingming told me that they were all in the basement.

I came to the basement of Li Mingming's house, which was filled with old and worn-out furniture. The small basement was full. Li Mingming told me that he was reluctant to throw away these things and kept them as a thought.

I rummaged through the boxes and cabinets inside to find them. Most of them were from forty or fifty years ago, and there were no real antiques.

It seems that we can only look again tonight, hoping to find the culprit of the haunting from the supernatural events!

After breakfast, I decided to visit Li Mingming’s father’s grave.

I concluded that the ghost of Li Mingming's father must have been controlled by something and became a puppet. Otherwise, no matter how angry his father is, he will never come to trouble Li Mingming... After all, I basically conclude that he is really filial.

Li Mingming's father's grave is at the foot of a mountain in the suburbs. There is a small river flowing at the foot of the mountain. This is a very typical feng shui bureau with a jade belt around the waist. Being buried here can make the descendants have more money. I think Li Mingming’s ability to buy that luxurious house is inseparable from this geomantic bureau.

Li Mingming told me that his father was naturally afraid of fire, so he followed his father's will and did not burn his father's body, but secretly buried it nearby.

However, my father's grave was flooded before, so I had to move it to this place.

I walked around the grave and found nothing wrong. This new grave should not have been tampered with.

This should explain why Li Mingming was not harassed by his father's ghost after he moved his father's grave, right?

So I asked Li Mingming to take me to see the old grave, hoping to find some clues.

The old graves have been filled in, but there is still water emerging from the pits. It should be that the underground river has not stopped flowing.

I kept searching along the underground river and finally found a small river.

This small river is gentle and is at least ten meters away from this tomb. It stands to reason that such a small river does not have the conditions to wash out an underground river. Could it be man-made?

Thinking about the ghost of Li Mingming's father being used as a puppet, I confirmed my thoughts and immediately asked Li Mingming to jump into the river and explore the entrance of the underground river.

Not long after, Li Mingming discovered the entrance to the underground river and cursed angrily: "Damn, this underground river was dug by man. There was a cement pipe at the entrance. Someone deliberately flooded my father's grave. Got it!"

It seems that my guess was correct.

"Think about it carefully." I said, "Did you offend someone, or did your father have any enemies?"

Li Mingming was a little depressed: "I don't know about my father, so I don't think I have any enemies. There are a few people who don't like me, but they won't harm me, right?"

I said, "Let's do this! When you get home, make a list and see who has the biggest grudge against you. You will definitely find something unexpected."

Li Mingming reluctantly said okay.

On the way back, I suddenly noticed an old man holding a shovel in front of me. After seeing us, he immediately changed direction and took another road.

My professional sensitivity made me realize that there might be something wrong with this guy. After spending a long time with the man in the T-shirt, I also learned some facial recognition skills.

I immediately stopped Li Mingming and asked him if he knew the old man?

Li Mingming recognized him at a glance and said he knew him. The old man was selling roasted sweet potatoes at a street stall. Is there any problem?

I said, "What's he doing here with a shovel? He just avoided us on purpose."

Li Mingming said: "Oh, it's nothing. He opened up wasteland at the foot of the mountain and planted sweet potatoes. He probably came to dig them. Didn't the vendors hide when they saw the urban management? I guess he is too sensitive."

"So, there is something going on between you and him? Otherwise, why would he avoid us?" I asked.

Li Mingming hesitated for a moment and said, "It's a bit of a festival, but it's not a big deal."

Now I know nothing about that vaginal thing, so I have to seize any possible clues, so I asked Li Mingming to tell me about the "festival" between the two of them.

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