It doesn't matter, the old man is alone, has no children, and can only make a living by buying baked sweet potatoes, and for the sake of business, he often occupies the sidewalk.

At first, Li Mingming also knew that his life was difficult, so he simply turned a blind eye.

However, in recent times, the urban area has been striving to become a "civilized advanced city" and has focused on cracking down on roadside vendors. No matter how much Li Mingming sympathized with the old man, he could only drive him away.

The old man had a stubborn temper and made a lot of noise every time. In the end, he had no choice but to confiscate the tools for roasting sweet potatoes. The old man had trouble with him for a while at first, but then it stopped. After giving the old man a verbal education, Li Mingming gave him the tools.

The old man seemed to have changed his ways and never occupied the road again since then.

Lonely old people are often narrow-minded and stubborn. I don't believe that some verbal education can really change their ways, so I asked Li Mingming: "When did you start chasing ghosts?"

Li Mingming suddenly took a breath of cold air: "On the second day after returning the tools to him!"

I looked at Li Mingming with long eyes, and Li Mingming suddenly became furious: "Damn it, could it really be that old white-eyed wolf who harmed me?"

I quickly asked Li Mingming to keep his voice down, wouldn’t it be clear if the two of us went over and took a look?

Li Mingming nodded immediately and followed me sneakily over.

Unexpectedly, he found something. The old man sneakily touched the grave of Li Mingming's father. When he saw that there was no one around, he started to dig up the grave.

Li Mingming suddenly became furious and wanted to rush out from behind the tree, but I stopped him. I wanted to see what tricks the old man was playing. I suspect that the ghost object is not in Li Mingming’s home at all, but in his father’s grave.

This old man looks to be in his seventies or eighties. He is as skinny as a monkey, but his physical fitness is not bad. When digging graves, he can move quickly and have considerable strength, which is comparable to that of young people.

Soon, the old man cleared the grave, revealing a black coffin inside.

The coffin was a bit rotten and there were signs of being soaked in water.

He immediately squatted down and after cleaning off a layer of soil on the surface of the coffin, he picked up something from underneath, secretly grabbed it and stuffed it into his clothes, and then quickly filled the grave.

The yin thing is indeed here!

But Li Mingming couldn't sit still anymore, and ran up fiercely regardless of my obstruction.

As soon as Li Mingming walked out from behind the big tree, the old man spotted him immediately. He shivered with fright, dropped the shovel and ran away like crazy.

But at his age, how could he outrun the young and strong Li Mingming? The old man was soon caught up by Li Mingming. Li Mingming threw him to the ground, and his fists rained down, making the old man cry for father and mother.

I was worried that Li Mingming would beat him up, so I walked over and stopped Li Mingming.

Li Mingming was still upset, staring at the old man with eyes like bells: "I'm so good to you, if you dare to harm me, let's see if I don't kill you!"

The old man also recovered. Although his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, he was not afraid at all. Instead, he stared at Li Mingming angrily: "If you dare to beat me, an old man, I will call the police now and let the police arrest you."

After saying that, the old man took out his cell phone and prepared to call the police.

Li Mingming was angry and jumped up to hit the old man again. I stopped him and took out the things in the old man's arms.

To my surprise, it turned out to be a book. The book was yellowed, many places inside were stuck, and it was badly damaged. It looked like it was old at first glance.

On the yellowed pages, the four large characters "Tai Gong's Art of War" are very clear.

As soon as I took out the book, the old man panicked immediately. He didn't care about his injuries and stood up to grab it.

Li Mingming kicked the old man to the ground and pressed him down so that he could not move.

"I understand." Looking at this book, I seemed to understand many problems, and I could basically conclude that this was a haunted 'female object'.

Li Mingming immediately asked: "Brother, is this the culprit?"

I nodded.

Li Mingming became even more angry and grabbed the old man's neck: "You are indeed the one harming me!"

Li Mingming seemed to be really angry and lost his mind for a moment. The old man struggled hard, but it was of no use.

Finally, I stopped Li Mingming and said coldly: "Although I can't make the police believe that you want to kill Li Mingming. But I can let the underworld know that you want to harm people. By then, you will not go to the eighteenth level of hell." I’m sorry, Lord Yama!”

The old man was frightened and his face turned pale.

"It's not too late to confess now." I said, "Why do you want to kill Li Mingming?"

"I didn't want to kill him." The old man said immediately: "I just wanted to teach him a lesson. Who made him disrespect me, an old man?"

I smiled dumbly. It seemed that he was really stubborn, and he actually thought of such a sinister way to harm others. How could such an old man, who seemed harmless to humans and animals, be capable of such evil magic?

Before I could ask a question, Li Mingming yelled: "What do you know? I haven't taken care of you on a normal day? Now the higher-ups have ordered to rectify the city and strictly inspect the vendors. What can I do?"

"Hmph, why don't I see the big boss making trouble for me? On the contrary, you are the one who jumped so hard and even confiscated my things. If I don't teach you a lesson, who will I teach you?"

Li Mingming was so angry that the old man couldn't say a word, and stared at the old man with bared teeth.

I smiled dumbly: "Why do you have this evil thing? Do you know that this thing can kill people?"

"What is a negative thing?" The old man looked at me with a confused face: "I just wanted to teach this kid a lesson, and I didn't want to kill him. Who makes him always make things difficult for me, an old man? This is ruining my life."

I know that I can't explain clearly at this moment, so I can only let Li Mingming slowly do the old man's ideological work. The most urgent task is to figure out the origin of this evil object and whether I can break the curse of this evil object.

"If I guess correctly, this book should be the art of war book of Zhang Liang, Liu Bang's number one strategist, right? How did it fall into your hands? How do you know that this book can teach people?" I asked.

I still know a little bit about some things about this book.

It is said that Zhang Liang was unhappy as a young man and was unhappy all day long. One day, while passing a bridge, I met an old man with a white beard sighing. Zhang Liang asked what happened. The old man said that his shoes fell under the bridge and asked Zhang Liang to help him fish them up.

Zhang Liang saw that the old man was very pitiful, so he jumped into the river without hesitation and picked up the shoes.

The old man was very happy and said that Fan Liang knew how to respect the old man. Since the two were destined, he gave him a book on The Art of War as a thank you gift. That book on the art of war is none other than "Tai Gong's Art of War".

And Zhang Liang eventually became the best strategist in the world with "Tai Gong's Art of War"! Assisted Han Emperor Liu Bang to defeat Xiang Yu and pacify the world, becoming an outstanding figure in history.

I originally thought that this art of war had been lost long ago, but I never expected that I would encounter it here one day. It is really touching.

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