Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 2019 The Twelve Disciples

I had no intention of telling Li Mazi this news.

These guys are all very skilled, and they are so elusive that no one knows when they will suddenly appear. If Li Mazi knew, it would be of no use except to increase his fear.

Besides, their goal is very clear, they are coming after me. If Li Mazi had been alert in advance, they would have harmed him!

I washed my face in the bathroom and walked out as if nothing was wrong.

Li Mazi was still fast asleep, sleeping like a pig, with his butt half stuck out, the quilt fell to the ground, and there was a big pool of drool.

I picked up the quilt and covered him carefully.

Lying on the other bed, he put his hands on the back of his head and stared at the ceiling.

I fell asleep unknowingly and had bizarre dreams one after another.

For a while, in the desert, in the cactus jungle that was as tall as a person, someone seemed to be calling my name loudly.

I squeezed the invisible needle and got in, only to find that Yin Xinyue and Fanfan were tied to the pillars, and their bodies were covered with explosives. Behind them stood a man with a black face and a beard, holding the remote control in his hand, and laughing ferociously at me!

A while later, on the sea, the yacht was on fire. Black smoke shot straight into the sky, and banging explosions were heard. I held Fanfan in one hand and held Yin Xinyue in my other hand as I ran for my life. A muscular man with long hair walked out of the smoke, holding a heavy machine gun and firing recklessly.

A while later, in my small shop, Yin Xinyue and I took Fanfan, Li Mazi, Teacher Xia and Xiaomeng out of the house with their suitcases in hand with smiles on their faces. Just as I walked to the car, the car suddenly exploded. The huge air wave knocked everyone to the ground. The ground was in a mess. A pair of tall leather boots came from a distance among the pool of blood, and they were trampled. There was a clicking sound when it hit the ground!

The nightmares come one after another, each one more miserable than the last.

I know it's a dream, but I can't wake up no matter what!

I can only struggle in vain and scream!

Suddenly a pair of big hands grabbed my shoulders and shook me hard.

I subconsciously grabbed it and shook it violently.

Plop! Something hit me hard on the heart and woke me up.

When he opened his eyes, he saw that it was Li Mazi.

"Brother Zhang, look!" Li Mazi swung his wrist and pointed in one direction with his other hand before he could complain or cry out for pain.

I turned around and saw that the TV was on, showing the local morning news.

The picture on the TV was of a highway with a cordon surrounding it. Several large craters were blown into the road. A Hummer painted in camouflage colors and a large flat-top truck collided violently. It seemed that there was a fire, the ground was completely black, and a lot of the surrounding trees were burned.

Four forensic doctors wearing masks were struggling to carry a stretcher past the camera.

Isn't this where the accident happened last night?

The female reporter in the news introduced the situation at the scene, saying that a very serious accident occurred on the suburban highway last night. A Hummer collided with a Dongfeng cargo truck. The two vehicles exploded on the spot. A total of two people were killed. It was confirmed that one was Zhang Daping, the Hebei truck driver, and the other was John Houston, a foreign coach at the Queshan CS base.

A large amount of drugs were sampled from Houston's body, and the Humvee he was driving also carried two powerful military firearms.

In addition, Xu Genbao, the owner of Xujia Yangtang not far away, was also brutally murdered at the same time. His head was chopped off and his body was missing. In the mutton soup shop, Houston's used tableware and bullet casings were also found. The police initially determined that the murderer was Houston. It may be that he drove here to drink mutton soup after taking an overdose of drugs, and then had an argument with Xu Genbao. Under the stimulation of drugs, he brutally killed Xu Genbao. During his escape, he accidentally collided with a truck, causing a fire.

The case is still under further investigation. At present, several main persons in charge of the Queshan CS base have been controlled by the police.

After reading the news, Li Mazi glanced at me in surprise and said, "Brother Zhang, this couldn't have been done by you, right? I asked why you didn't ask me to call the police, but it turns out you've already taken care of that! Is the murderer who is chasing us the truck driver? What does this guy do? "

It seemed that he really thought it was my fault.

I shook my head and said, "I didn't do it. There must be something fishy here."

Apparently, after I left last night, another mysterious person arrived at the scene and rearranged the scene very calmly and quickly.

Drugs were injected into Houston's body, and he was taken to the scene of the incident to re-false the car accident, and the truck driver who happened to be passing by became his prop.

After he did this, everything was pushed onto Houston, thus covering up the existence of the real murderer!

It seems that this mysterious man is probably with the blue-eyed foreigner and is also one of the twelve disciples!

These guys move really fast!

Of course, I don’t plan to let Li Mazi know these things yet.

"Since the police have intervened, let them investigate. We should mind our own business and go to the construction site to have a look." I said.

Li Mazi was stunned for a moment, but didn't say anything.

Although our car can still be driven, it is in a state of tatters. After breakfast, I went to a car rental agency to rent a Honda, and then drove all the way to the construction site where the accident occurred.

That place was far away from the city, built on a barren hill on the outskirts, with twenty or thirty families scattered around. It doesn't look like it has any development value.

The car stopped in front of the mountain. Li Mazi was about to turn off the engine and get out of the car. I stopped him and said, "Mazi, I think this place is a bit weird. Maybe even the developer has a problem! He has so much money that he has nowhere to spend it." Or what? Build a residential community here and sell it to whom?"

Li Mazi nodded and said: "I also feel something is wrong, but this haunting thing must be true, otherwise he wouldn't have called and called me over in a hurry."

I thought for a while and said: "Let's do this! You just opened a forum here not long ago, and everyone nearby should know you. It's a little inconvenient to show up again. Let's split up. You go to the developer to find out more details. Find out more about the situation, I'll wander around the area looking for clues, and we can call you anytime." After that, I opened the car door and jumped out.

Mazi also jumped out: "You keep the car, I'll call Boss Guo and ask him to pick me up."

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