Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 2020: Suspicions at the Construction Site

There was a long series of simple sheds set up at the corners of the construction site. Some were stacked with cement building materials, and some were covered with wooden beds, but they were all deserted and not a soul could be seen.

In the middle of the construction site, a large deep pit was dug. Several grapples and shovels were still parked inside, and no one was paying attention. The surrounding area was desolate.

"Hey! What do you do?" While I was looking around, someone shouted from behind.

I turned around and saw a man standing on the sand pile diagonally opposite.

Wearing a yellow safety helmet crookedly, holding a steel pipe in his hand, he yelled at me in a bad tone: "What are you looking at? I'm just talking about you."

I glanced at him sideways, turned my head, looked at the big pit in front of me, put my hands behind my back and said, "It's okay, I just came to take a look."

"What's there to see? You can't afford to pay for the missing items, so get out of here." The guy said, swinging the steel pipe and pointing it out the door, making a show of not asking for trouble, get out of here.

"Yeah! You did a good job. Do you want to be the captain?" I continued to stare at the big mound of soil without raising my head.

"What?" The man was a little confused and didn't understand what it meant.

"Starting next month, this construction site will be under my control, and I happen to be short of a security captain." After I finished speaking, I didn't even look at him. I lit a cigarette and blew out a puff of smoke coolly: "Little brother , I think you are quite conscientious, are you interested?"

The guy looked at me suspiciously and said, "You're not fooling me, are you?"

"Is it fun to lie to you?" I threw the cigarette case in my hand directly.

The guy took the cigarette case and looked at it, took out one and smelled it, then looked up at me and asked tentatively: "How much did you give me?"

"Add another three thousand." I said casually, and while striding forward, I pointed to the Honda outside the construction site and said: This car is yours too.

This guy still didn't believe it, but he didn't dare to yell at me anymore. He walked up to me timidly and asked very carefully: "Boss, what's your surname?"

I ignored him and asked straight to the point: "I heard this place is haunted at night?"

"What's so scary about ghosts? Those grandsons are just too cowardly." The guy cursed and stuck the steel pipe in the sand: "I'm not afraid of anything but poverty!"

"So, it's really haunted?"

The guy took a deep drag on the cigarette, squinted his eyes and said, "Let's just say it's evil. There's something wrong. Ever since the construction started, there's been a creepy sound of a woman crying at night, and sometimes there's been a few streaks floating on the glass windows. Bai Ying, there is nothing else but these two. I have lived here for twenty years, and I have never heard of any ghosts and ghosts. If I really want to dig it out from here, I can just open my eyes. "

This guy has a long and thin face, big yellow teeth, and a pair of squinted small eyes. He looks unattractive, but he is really brave. Everyone at the construction site was scared away. He seemed to be fine and wanted to dig out the ghost to open his eyes.

I smiled at him and said, "Well done, he's a man! What do you call him?"

"The surname is Huang, Huang Dawang."

"Does your family live here?"

"It has taken root since my grandfather." He pointed in the direction of the village.

"I heard that this is an ancient battlefield? Many people died during the liberation and anti-Japanese war?" I asked deliberately pretending to be curious.

"It's not a battlefield." Huang Dawang raised his neck and said: "In our village, we built a house and dug a vegetable cellar, and there were a truckload of bones! Places where people died are haunted, right? Then there will be no good land in China."

This guy is very courageous and is not afraid of anything he says. But he was right.

Not every ancient battlefield will become a place of evil, at least, not here!

I just threw a few talismans into the pit, but there was no reaction at all.

It is enough to prove that not only is this place not an evil place, there is not even a single evil ghost.

Then, the rumored ghost cries and ghostly shadows are even more suspicious!

Huang Dawang is a brave man and does not believe in ghosts and gods at all, but even he admits that he is indeed a bit evil, which is strange.

What has actually happened?

"Not bad!" I nodded at him and said, "You are both brave and responsible! You are the captain."

After saying that, I took out another few hundred yuan and handed it to him: "You have worked hard these days, take it to buy some wine."

Although this man is very straightforward, he is not stupid. There is no use in promising an empty title, but the money is real.

This guy was not polite, just threw away the cigarette butt, took the money and counted it. Then he bent over and said to me: "Don't worry, boss, as long as I, Huang Dawang, am here, I won't dare to act recklessly, no matter whether he is a human or a ghost."

"That's good!" I put my hands behind my back and continued to wander around.

Huang Dawang picked up the money and followed me, constantly introducing it to me.

I pretended to patrol around the construction site, and then walked back and asked, "That ghost is just crying and floating like that. He has never entered the construction site, and has never killed a migrant worker?"

"Who are you harming?" Huang Dawang said: "The ghost's cry lasted for three days, and the sound became quieter every day, and finally there was no movement at all. The ghost shadow floated for two and a half days, and there was a heavy rain in the middle of the night. The ghost immediately extinguished the fire, was smashed with big holes, and flew to the southeast. It has never appeared again since then, but the group of grandchildren were frightened. The more evil it spread, the louder the roar. They all ran away!"

When I saw that this guy really couldn't provide any useful information, I praised him a few words and asked him to take good care of the construction site. After the work started, he would take over as the captain and I would definitely not treat him badly. This guy was so happy that he sent me to the car.

Judging from the way he looked at the car, he might have regarded it as his own.

While I was driving, I hung up the phone to Li Mazi.

"Mazi, where are you now?"

"It's at Boss Guo's place," Li Mazi replied.

"Ask him to give me the addresses of those two Taoist priests. There is something wrong with these two guys!" I said seriously.

There are rumors that this construction site is haunted, but in fact it is a peaceful place.

If this place is really an evil place, and the excavation at the construction site disturbs the undead, there is no way it will only last for two or three days and then be peaceful.

And I have personally verified that there are no Yin spirits here at all! Thinking about it this way, the two Taoist priests invited before Li Mazi were extremely suspicious.

If this evil ghost was really that powerful, Li Mazi wouldn't be able to restrain it with just two attacks, and something would happen on the spot.

If these two Taoist priests are playing tricks and want to extort more money, then they should quickly come up with some solution and kill Boss Guo.

But they both walked to the scene and spat out a mouthful of blood.

The other one calculated it with his fingers and stayed behind closed doors!

Where did this come from?

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