Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 2021 Ma Banxian died

There was not much time, so Li Mazi sent me an address, saying that Boss Guo had sent an assistant to guide me.

He also asked if he wanted to come with me? I replied: Just don’t go! Those two Taoist priests must have seen you secretly, but you showed up after you went there.

After a while, I drove the car to the place, and there was already a young man in a suit and leather shoes with acne on his face waiting for me.

That man calls himself Lu Jian, just ask me to call him Xiao Lu.

He took the initiative to take over the driving seat and started the car skillfully while introducing me to the details of the two Taoist priests.

One of those two Taoist priests is from the same family as me, and his surname is also Zhang, commonly known as Zhang Wujin.

It is said that when he opened the restaurant in the early years, he would always ask for hardware bulk liquor no matter what, hence the name.

He is said to be a Taoist priest, but he is actually a Feng Shui master.

I have always been an old bachelor and have never been married. Later, when I was in my forties or fifties, I didn't know where I learned some secrets of yin and yang. I would designate a cemetery for people and mark good and bad days to commemorate them. This is basically the lowest level job in the Yin industry.

At first, Boss Guo just wanted to bring good luck, so he found him nearby and opened a Dharma altar for his own sake.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he stepped onto the top of the mountain, he spit out a mouthful of blood, then turned around and left without saying a word.

Boss Guo then felt something was wrong, so he spent a lot of money to hire a second person.

The second person has a bit of a background, and is known as Ma Banxian!

Not only is he very famous in this county, but many people even come from as far away as Taiyuan and Datong to ask him for divination. It is said that this man suffered a serious illness when he was a child. He was in a coma for seven days and nights without eating or drinking. The hospital issued a death notice saying that there was no hope of recovery.

The family hitched a carriage and pulled him back, waiting for him to die and be buried.

But halfway, a madman suddenly rushed out, yelled and threw stones, which startled the horse.

As the carriage ran wildly, he was thrown out and one of his legs was broken immediately!

But he didn't expect that after this, although his legs were broken, he would wake up and still have the body of a semi-immortal.

When he says it rains, it really rains; when he says it winds, it really winds, and the day and hour are exactly the same.

I can tell whether a woman is a woman by pointing at a pregnant woman, and I have never missed it. I have also predicted several times that so and so will pass away at any time, and it never misses half an hour!

It's just that although this Ma Banxian speaks like a god, he has a strange habit of counting only one person every day.

Many people can make a lot of money just by selling ranking numbers!

Xiao Lu said that he was the one who invited those two people before, and the road was very familiar to him.

He took me straight to the countryside, saying he wanted to find Zhang Wujin first.

Zhang Wujin's village is not far from the city, only seven or eight miles away. It is covered by the county's new rural construction. The newly built village walls are white and beautiful, and the smooth cement roads are straight and smooth.

Xiao Lu said that Zhang Wujin's home was at the end of the village. Because he had no children and was a five-guarantee household, several new brick houses were built for him.

We got off the car in front of his door and knocked on the big iron door for a long time, but no one answered, but we knocked on the neighbor's door.

A round-faced old lady stuck her head out to look at us, and asked with some confusion: "Are you here to see Zhang Wujin?"

"Yes, aunt." Xiao Lu asked with a smile on his face: "Is Mr. Zhang at home?"

"You don't know yet? He's dead."

"Dead?" Xiao Lu and I were both shocked.

"When did this happen?"

"The day before yesterday!" the fat lady said: "Zhao Laoshi from the East Village came early in the morning. His uncle died of illness in the evening. He wanted to find Zhang Wujin to set up a trap, but after knocking for a long time, no one answered. The day before At night, we saw him drinking wine with the lights on in his house facing the window. We thought he was drunk and didn't wake up, so we asked someone to climb over the wall and call him. We saw that the man ran out not long after he entered, saying that he was drunk. Five kilograms of dead weight, lying straight up on the bed, my body was cold..."

"Where is that person?" As soon as I asked, I felt something was wrong, so I hurriedly changed my words: "Where is the body."

"It's done!" the aunt replied: "He had no children, he didn't even have a family, and there was no one to arrange any funeral arrangements for him. After he reported to the village, he was taken directly to the crematorium to do the exercises."

"This... aunt, thank you." Xiao Lu was stunned for a moment and thanked the old lady.

"It's okay." The fat lady replied, closed the courtyard door and left.

"Quick, go find Ma Banxian immediately!" I had a hint of ominous premonition, opened the door and got in the car.

We drove all the way to Majiazhuang.

The difference from Zhang Wujin is that although Ma Banxian has never been married and has no children, he became famous very early, has a lot of spare money, and lives in his ancestral land. Most of the people in the village have the surname Ma. All his great-nephews. Moreover, he could make some money by using his name, so he took good care of the old man and even took turns to deliver food and laundry to him.

When we arrived at Majiazhuang, it was time for lunch, but there was not a single chimney that was smoking in the village.

There was not a single person to be seen on the avenue, it was like a dead city!

Until we turned around a big locust tree, there was a buzz of people again, and it became extremely noisy.

"What's going on? It wasn't like this when I came here last time." Xiao Lu was a little strange, and I also had a very bad premonition!

After a while, I could no longer drive even one step. The road ahead was blocked by various vehicles, and there were even many motorcycles parked in the empty space.

The voices of quarreling and yelling became louder and louder, and there were so many people shouting at the same time that it was impossible to hear them all.

Xiao Lu and I got out of the car, squeezed through the crack of the car and took a look. Two black doors were wide open. The wide courtyard was densely packed with people. Almost all the men, women, old and young in the village gathered here. , one by one pointed their toes, stretched their necks and looked inward.

In the center, there is a memorial shed.

A black and white portrait of an old man hangs in the middle of the memorial shed.

But none of the people in front of the coffin cried. Instead, they were torn into pieces, some yelled, some pushed and pushed, and with those who came to start a fight, it almost turned into a mess!

"This..." Xiao Lu was stunned for a moment.

No need for him to explain, I already knew that Ma Banxian was dead too!

Because he had no children, these nephews and grandnephews fought over the family property at the funeral.

"Quiet!" Suddenly, I shouted loudly.

My voice was filled with spiritual power, and my voice was extremely high-pitched, like a muffled thunder that suppressed all the noise in the place at once.

Everyone who was arguing and arguing stopped, and the whole village, old and young, looked at me with extremely strange looks.

"What do you do?" After being stunned for a moment, a square-faced man standing in the middle asked roughly.

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