Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 2022 Turning into Bones

"Ma Wangshan is my senior brother. I sensed that his life expectancy was approaching, so I came here from Wuhan!" I deliberately made it up.

"Your senior brother?" The square-faced man turned to glance at the black and white photo on the coffin, then turned to look at me, and said suspiciously: "Why haven't I heard of someone like you? Didn't you come from somewhere? Come out and try to cheat money."

After hearing what he said, many villagers looked at me with extremely unkind eyes. Even Xiao Lu looked a little unnatural. He could only explain feebly: "He is really from Wuhan, really from Wuhan... …”

"You haven't heard much!" I took two steps forward, stood firm on the spot, glanced at everyone and said, "My senior brother Ma has profound Taoism and long life. I never expected that there would be a group of unfilial sons and nephews like you! Now! His bones are still cold, but his ghost is still there! But you are arguing in front of his coffin over petty profits, how can you have the dignity to show your filial piety? Why don't you kneel down to me."

When everyone heard this, they were suddenly shocked, and then they all looked at me like I was a fool.

"Where did you get this lunatic to yell here? How dare you interfere in the affairs of Majiazhuang? I'm so impatient! Get out of here." The square-faced man scolded fiercely.

Several other men, who were fighting over the family property, now shared the same hatred and looked at me angrily. Several young people standing in front of me rolled up their arms and sleeves and rushed toward me with curses in their mouths.

"Well...don't be impulsive, don't be impulsive." When Xiao Lu saw that the situation was not good, he repeatedly warned everyone, stood in front of me, and motioned for me to leave quickly.

"You are so arrogant! Don't blame me for being ruthless! Brother Ma, I'm here to clear the door for you." I shouted loudly, not retreating but advancing, suddenly stretched out my finger and shouted: "Thunder is coming!"


A thunder struck out of thin air.


A large locust tree about the thickness of a bucket, five meters in front of me, was immediately struck.

Broken branches and broken pieces of wood flew everywhere, hitting everyone's heads with a loud thud!

Everyone was frightened!

Several young people who had already squeezed through the crowd and rushed to me suddenly stopped, their bodies trembling, and the strong men around the memorial shed all had their mouths wide open.

Everyone looked at me in astonishment, not daring to express their anger.

Call down thunder with one hand and chop down giant trees! How is this different from a god?

In fact, this is just a thunder talisman.

"Kneel down yet!" I scolded loudly.

The knees of the young men surrounding me immediately went weak, and they knelt down in a big circle with a thud! He lowered his head deeply, not even daring to look at me.

In fact, it was not that they wanted to kneel down, but that I secretly emitted spiritual power and aura, which shocked their souls.

Affected by this, many people's knees softened and they knelt down. No one dared to stand in front of me anymore, so they opened a passage and headed straight to the memorial shed.

I walked straight forward without looking at the crowd.

"You... stop pretending to be a fool here! Believe me or not..." Although the square-faced man in front was extremely shocked, he must have been used to being arrogant and still threatened me with some dissatisfaction.


I raised my hand and flicked it, and the invisible needle flew out.

The big man rushed out like a torn bag, hit the pillars of the mourning shed with a bang, and then fell to the ground with a thud, unconscious.

"If anyone dares to be rude again, this is what will happen!"

After hearing what I said, no one dared to act rashly, and more and more people were kneeling.

The crowd gathered in front of the funeral shed also consciously moved back.

I walked straight over, lit a stick of incense, bowed to the coffin statue, then turned around and asked, "Who is in charge?"

After a moment of silence, a fat black man walked out of the crowd, bent towards me and said, "Well... uncle, the one you knocked down just now was the village chief..."

"Then what do you do?" I asked.

"I, I'm an accountant." The fat black man replied.

"Okay, then it's up to you. Immediately arrange for someone to pry open the coffin lid for me." I ordered.

"Ah?" This guy obviously couldn't believe it.

Since I claimed to be Ma Banxian's junior brother and killed him angrily, how could I pry open the coffin with just my mouth?

"My senior brother has magic power within him. Although he is dead now, his soul is still there. If it is not properly placed, he may become a vicious ghost and attract hundreds of ghosts to gather together. It will be you who will suffer! After saying that, I pointed to the coffin and said, "You can figure it out for yourself!"

In the shadow under the funeral shed, there were several human-shaped black mist swirling around the coffin. A cold wind was blowing around the paper burning basin placed in front of the coffin, blowing the paper ashes and circling around.

The fat black man shivered in fear, and the people behind him even took a few steps back.

"Okay, uncle, I will listen to you, I will make arrangements right now." The fat man kept saying, then turned around and ordered: "Two pillars, three bolts, hurry up, didn't you listen to my uncle? Hurry up and copy Guy opens the coffin.”

After a while, several young and middle-aged men came over with crowbars and claw hammers, but they did not dare to approach the black mist.

I raised my hand and threw away the cover-up I had used.

These few people dared to step forward and pry up the coffin lid with three moves.

I waved them all away and slowly pushed them away.

That haunted construction site involved a total of two Taoist priests.

One weighs five kilograms, and the other weighs half a cent.

But these two people actually died one after another. Their deaths were so coincidental, there must be something wrong inside!

We arrived a step too late. Zhang Wujin's body had already been sent for cremation. We could only look for clues from Ma Banxian's body...

But as soon as I saw this battle, I understood that if I wanted to open the coffin and conduct an autopsy after a good deal with them, these guys would definitely not agree, so I could only pretend to be Ma Banxian's junior brother and show off my abilities to let them Cooperate honestly.

But when I pushed the coffin open and took a look, I couldn't help but take a deep breath!

Is there any body in this coffin? But a white skeleton.

Logically speaking, this guy had only been dead for less than two days, so his skin and flesh should still be intact. But judging from the degree of decay of the bones, it was at least fifty-six years old.

This half-immortal horse is very strange!

After checking, I found nothing special, so I closed the coffin lid, took out cinnabar, spread it on the coffin nails, and asked them to seal the coffin again.

"Well... uncle, should everything be okay now?" the fat black man asked with lingering fear.

"Fortunately, I arrived in time. The corpse was almost transformed. But we can't bury it in the ground any more. Let's find some willow wood and burn it before dark." I watched the coffin be nailed back into place before turning around. commanded.

"Okay." The fat black man responded repeatedly, and then asked carefully: "Uncle, you don't care about the faults of small people. Look at the village chief and those young people..."

The big man with a square face had his heart orifices sealed by invisible needles, and then he hit a wooden pillar and fainted. Those young people kneeling on the ground had their souls temporarily suppressed, and they were all fine.

"This is the punishment they deserve for disrespecting their elders and not observing filial piety. Let them take care of themselves!" After saying that, I glanced at the crowd in the courtyard coldly and said, "Senior Brother Ma's property was originally obtained from the people. , the principle should be applied to the people. If the disputes continue, you will all have to see the King of Hell."

After saying that, I strode forward. When I passed by Lu Jianjian, this guy was still staring, a little unconscious.

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