Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 2024 Death Notice

I thought about it secretly, called Li Mazi, and briefly told what happened.

Li Mazi couldn't help being extremely surprised when he heard that Zhang Wujin might have caused the haunting at the construction site.

"Mazi, based on your judgment, why would this guy do this?"

Li Mazi thought for a while and said: "I think the mastermind behind this should be Boss Guo's opponent! In order to prevent Boss Guo from starting work smoothly, he bribed Zhang Wujin early and acted like magic, hoping that he would quit before the difficulties. , so as to seize this piece of land. After the incident was completed, they sent people to kill Zhang Wujin and silence him! These rats are capable of anything, I think we still..."

I thought for a moment and said, "Your inference is very possible. But the problem is, we have all seen that construction site. It is surrounded by barren mountains and villages. Building a residential area there is a loss-making business. Who would Are you going there to buy a house? That piece of land is simply not worth fighting for, let alone taking such a huge risk of killing someone."

"Moreover, Ma Banxian also kept silent. How to explain it? At present, Ma Banxian was not involved in the pretense. What is even more bizarre is that he also died, and the death was very strange. I think..."

"Brother Zhang, are you going to take care of it?" Li Mazi suddenly interrupted me.

I was stunned for a moment, and then I understood.

The purpose of our coming here is that we heard that there are evil spirits appearing in the construction site, and we are afraid of hurting innocent people. But now that it has been found out, there are no evil spirits at all in the construction site, and there are no ghosts causing trouble. All strange things are caused by humans. As for why they did this and what their purpose was, it has nothing to do with us. We can just let it go regardless of circumstances and reasons. Just hand it over to Boss Guo or call the police.

I was silent for a while and said: "Mazi, since we have been involved, let's get to the bottom of it! The real ghosts must be caught, and the pretenders and those who are behind the scenes must not be let go!"

Li Mazi was silent for a moment and said, "Okay, but I'm about to tell you another thing."

"What's the matter?" I could tell that something seemed wrong in Li Mazi's tone.

I finally realized that he had hesitated to speak a few times, as if he had something to say.

"Boss Guo went out for something. I was sitting in his office. Just now his secretary came in and handed me a letter, saying that someone had just left it at the front desk and asked them to give it to me."

"What did the letter say?" My heart suddenly lifted.

"There is only one photo in the letter, and it's your photo. It was marked with a cross in red pen, and July 22 was written on the back."

As soon as Li Mazi finished speaking, my head immediately buzzed!

A photo with a red cross is clearly a death threat letter.

If that was all, I wouldn't be afraid, but I remember July 22nd clearly behind me.

It's Death's birthday!

It was on this day that the twelve disciples of the God of Death took action collectively for the first time. No matter where they were hiding or what kind of protection they had, none of the many nobles and wealthy businessmen were spared.

According to the Chinese lunar calendar, this day is also the birthday of the God of Wealth. But for killers, it's the same. Isn't the death of others their wealth?

The reason why I chose this day to set the date of death for others may be their special hobby, and it also officially issued a challenge to me!

The previous chase on the highway was probably just because the Aries among them looked down upon me and took action rashly.

But this time they sent a death notice!

Just tell me: I will destroy you on this day!

Li Mazi didn't know about the God of Death. He might have thought that we were inadvertently involved in a secret fight between real estate developers, so he tried his best to persuade me to withdraw as soon as possible.

I pretended to be nonchalant and said, "Mazi, it's okay. What kind of risks have I not seen in all these years? Can just a threatening letter scare me? You didn't ask what the person who sent the letter looked like." "

"I even checked the surveillance. The person who sent the letter is Yin Xinyue."

"New Moon?" I was suddenly startled.

"Yes!" Li Mazi said with certainty, "That person looks almost exactly like Yin Xinyue, he is almost her twin sister!"

"Haha..." I forced a happy smile and said: "Then I have to ask her when I get back if she really has a twin sister. Okay, Mazi, let's do this for now. We have to continue to investigate this matter. , feel free to contact me if you have any questions.”

After that, I hung up the phone.

I lit a cigarette and lay on my back in the hay.

The pursuit of Death's disciples is unavoidable, but I don't know who they are, so I can't find them.

This time they took the initiative to send a death notice, which was a good thing for me.

At least give me an exact date!

However, the only thing that worries me is why they chose a person who is almost exactly like Yin Xinyue to deliver the letter?

Are you threatening my family? This doesn't seem to be their usual behavior.

never mind! What is supposed to come will always come. It is useless to think about it any more. It is better to face it calmly.

Perhaps Xiao Bailong's method is the simplest and most effective. No matter what the devil or the devil, as long as you dare to come, I will destroy you!

After quietly smoking a cigarette, I made some preparations and leaned close to the wall to peek at the next door.

The fat lady's family next door has a total of three people including her.

Coaxing a four or five-year-old granddaughter and serving a silly son who was lying on the bed.

They raise a lot of chickens and ducks, and a semi-flowery dog.

The old lady kept her feet on the floor and worked until dark. She fed her silly son and coaxed her little granddaughter to sleep. She still worked tirelessly to mend clothes under the lamp.

I don't want to and can't believe that she has anything to do with this strange case.

But now, I can't let go of any clue!

I put an invisibility charm on and jumped off the wall.

The spotted dog lying on the ground seemed to have noticed something, looked at me, and barked twice, but the sound was very unconfident, so the two barks stopped and it continued to crawl on the same spot.

I walked to the door gently, Dang Dang Dang! After knocking on the door a few times, the fat lady raised her head in surprise.

Dang Dang Dang!

I knocked a few more times.

Only then did she become convinced that someone was indeed knocking on her door, and a hint of panic flashed in her eyes.

"Who is it?"

I didn't make a sound and continued to knock on the door.

Maybe she was really waiting for someone, or maybe she really had nothing to worry about and just opened the door.

Under the influence of the concealment charm, she had no way of discovering my figure. I walked past her in a flash and put an empty wine bottle on the table.

The old lady looked around and saw no one. She thought she had heard wrongly, so she locked the door again and came back. As soon as I entered the room, I saw the wine bottle on the table. I was stunned for a moment, and then I was so shocked that I lost my balance and fell to the ground!

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