Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 2025 Exactly the same cause of death

"Brother, please don't come to me." The old lady was crying, and she kowtowed to the ground and begged for mercy: "I will buy you a drink early tomorrow morning! Please, let me go."

"You are also a sensible person, and you know that every injustice has its owner, and every debt has its owner. This really has nothing to do with me!"

It has nothing to do with you, but who does it have to do with?

Hearing what he said, I immediately understood. At least it meant that she was an insider.

I threw out a magic talisman, and suddenly a dark wind blew in all directions.

The calendar hanging on the wall flipped and made a rustling sound.

The old lady's half-sewn clothes also floated up, and the sleeves stretched out, like an outstretched arm, placed on her shoulders and strangled her throat. "I beg you! Let me go." The old lady grabbed her sleeves and shouted loudly.


At this time, I put another bottle on the table, this time a beer bottle.

When the old lady saw the beer bottle, her face became even paler.

"I...I have nothing to do with Zhao Laoshi! He just threatened me not to let me spread the news that he had a drink with you. I really don't know anything else."

"Yes, there is still money!" The old lady said as she took out a few hundred-dollar bills from under her socks with trembling hands and feet, and raised her hands high: "He gave me five hundred yuan and said that I was going to expose my mouth. Just kill my whole family. You know, what will happen to my baby and Dazhu if something happens to me? I, I don’t even dare to touch this money. I will buy you wine and paper money tomorrow. Please Alright! Let me go."

"If he hurts you, you go and settle the account with him! Let me go! I beg you, please." As she said that, the old lady kowtowed to the ground. There was a loud bang and her body was numb. He was trembling, he was really frightened.

It seems that what she said is indeed the truth.

It was Zhao Laoshi who killed Zhang Wujin. This old lady was just coerced. In this case, there was no need for me to force her anymore.

He put away the Yin Wind Talisman, grabbed two wine bottles, and walked out quietly.

I remember the old lady said that Zhao Laoshi lives in the East Village, and his second uncle just died a few days ago.

With these two clues, it is not difficult to find him.

After I jumped out of the courtyard, I ran straight to the east along the crop fields.

After three or four miles, another village appeared ahead.

This village is slightly larger than Zhang Village, but it does not seem to be a coverage point of new rural construction. The entire village is dilapidated.

It was just getting dark at this time. The villagers had finished their dinner and were wandering on the road in twos and threes. Many half-year-old children were laughing and playing with light sticks of different lengths in their hands.

As a foreigner, I came up this late at night and asked who Zhao Laoshi was, but I was afraid they wouldn’t tell me.

But Zhao Laoshi's second uncle had just died, according to the custom here. It takes a few days to organize the funeral.

So, I bought a lot of burning paper at a small shop in the village. The seller thought I was a distant relative of the Zhao family and was polite to me without asking any questions.

Since there was a funeral, there was no need to ask for directions, and I quickly found the place.

The memorial shed was not big, and there were not many people in the yard.

There was no coffin in the funeral shed, only a black-and-white portrait. The person in the portrait had a thin face and was full of wrinkles.

There were two incandescent lamps hanging in the shed, and there were three or five people sitting in the dim light, smoking cigarettes one after another. The dim lights, pale wreaths, and bright paper figures randomly outline a frightening picture.

As soon as I, a foreigner, appeared here, everyone in the courtyard looked at me strangely.

I strode forward, put the burning paper on the table, and then asked directly without waiting for them to ask me who I was: "Who is Zhao Laoshi?"

"Why are you looking for him?" A tall and thin man asked warily.

"The boss asked me to bring him something."

"what's that?"

"I can only hand it to him with my own hands." I stared into the guy's eyes and asked in a bad way, "Where are the others?"

The man looked back at me and said, "Wait a moment, I'll call him for you." After that, he turned around and walked towards the courtyard.

In fact, he is Zhao Laoshi!

This guy was extremely calm and didn't show any signs of weakness, but I could already tell something was wrong from the eyes of the people next to me!

Zhao Laoshi walked into the yard and disappeared into the darkness, but I was not afraid of him running away at all.

The moment he turned around, I popped out a piece of paper and landed at his feet.

This is not just a piece of paper, but a soul-chasing talisman. As long as his soul remains alive, there will never be a hiding place.

As soon as this guy saw me, he didn't even know who I was. He wanted to escape in such a hurry. He must have something in his heart!

I let him go on purpose, just to see what other cards this guy had!

Others inside and outside the memorial shed saw that I was not easy to mess with. Even Zhao Laoshi lied and ran away, so naturally they did not dare to ask me anything. But they all looked at me nervously, and it seemed like they would never let me go into the courtyard to find him.

I acted like a normal person and walked back and forth with my hands behind my back, as if I was really waiting for Zhao Laoshi to come out.

As I walked, I suddenly realized something was wrong!

There was a wet mark on the ground in the cemetery.

One side is large and the other side is small and slightly square.

Isn't this just a coffin?

Why was there so much water where the coffin landed?

I pretended to tie my shoelaces and squatted down to touch it. The water was still cold, and even the soil was a little hard.

This isn't water, it's ice! It was so cold that the ground was frozen.

After the coffin was taken away, the soil had just melted. Could it be that this body was also extremely cold?

Zhang Wujin's body after his death was like an ice cube, and the same was true for Zhao Laoshi's second uncle.

The cause of death of these two deceased people is very likely to be exactly the same!

What exactly is going on?

Zhang Wujin was acting mysteriously and mysteriously, and what was he secretly doing with Zhao Laoshi?

I felt that Zhao Laoshi was getting farther and farther away from me, and he walked straight to the north, and he was going very fast, almost running like crazy!

I waited for a while, pretending to be impatient and said to the others: "When Zhao Laoshi comes back, tell him that I will come back in a few days." Then I walked out of the courtyard.

"Mazi!" Not far from the door, I dialed Li Mazi's phone.

As soon as the phone rang, he picked it up immediately.

I lowered my voice and said, "Immediately ask Boss Guo to send more people to search for a tall and thin man named Zhao Laoshi on the road in the southern suburbs of the county. This guy may be the real culprit of the whole incident!"

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